A Closer Listen » Field Recording & Soundscape
Check out the posts about Field Recording & Soundscape written by postrockcafe and petertracy. Since 2012, A Closer Listen has claimed a specialized niche in the music industry: instrumental album reviews! By concentrating on this above all else, we've built a healthy fanbase and a strong reputation.
A Closer Listen » Field Recording & Soundscape
1w ago
Are you ready for Carnaval? We know we are. When the landscape is barren and the air is bitter cold, we yearn for color and warmth. The sounds of last year’s Carnaval in Cajamarca, Peru have become this year’s exuberant ..read more
A Closer Listen » Field Recording & Soundscape
2w ago
Are you ready to take a ride on a 55-year old train? When Mirian Kolev (E.U.E.R.P.I.) first boarded this train on Bulgaria’s Gabrovo – Tsareva Livada line, he was fascinated by the sounds he heard. This was clearly no modern ..read more
A Closer Listen » Field Recording & Soundscape
1M ago
enmossed’s in essence combines the work of nearly two dozen artists; Split, also released today, focuses on two. Finnish artists Kati Roover and J. Koho unfurl their compositions on separate, yet complementary sides, each multi-disciplinary artist meshing well with the other and with the ..read more
A Closer Listen » Field Recording & Soundscape
1M ago
Yesterday we covered Cole Peters‘ soundscape of memory, as the artist revisited the many houses in which he once lived. Today we extend the topic in a more specific manner, as Marcelo Cugliari spends some time in his father’s room years after ..read more
A Closer Listen » Field Recording & Soundscape
1M ago
Two new releases from the reliable Brussels label Unfathomless tackle questions of memory and the weight of the past, each in a personal yet distinctive fashion. Cole Peters returns to a series of childhood homes, recorder in hand, renewing acquaintances ..read more
A Closer Listen » Field Recording & Soundscape
1M ago
A huge congratulations to Manja Ristić, who appears on this chart three times, twice with collaborators and once solo. We believe that this is the first time such an event has taken place; and these were not the artist’s only ..read more
A Closer Listen » Field Recording & Soundscape
2M ago
Air Pressure is a companion piece to last year’s Room40 release Atmospheres and Disturbances, in which Philip Samartzis explored the sounds of sub-zero research stations. The new album pairs him with Michael Vorfeld, whose percussion and self-designed string instruments operate in duet with ..read more
A Closer Listen » Field Recording & Soundscape
2M ago
Bridemaids’ Autumn was released just before the world took an even darker turn, and as such, its message is perfect for the season. Loosely based on the parable of the ten bridesmaids from Matthew 25, the album suggests that some are ..read more
A Closer Listen » Field Recording & Soundscape
3M ago
musiques tourbes (bog musics) is more than just an act of field recording; Diane Barbé‘s album is also an example of “field remembering” and recreation. Divided between natural soundscape compositions and musical reflections, the album explores sounds that are often unheard ..read more
A Closer Listen » Field Recording & Soundscape
3M ago
In 2020, Francisco López released a 12-hour, 138-track set celebrating 40 years of sound art. This year, he has released an 11-hour album; so one might say his albums are getting shorter. A better way to put it would be to ..read more