California Set to Redefine Marriage in its Constitution in November
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by The CHANGED Movement
1M ago
The following article is reprinted by permission from the California Family Council. California Family Council (CFC) strongly opposes Assembly Constitutional Amendment 5 (ACA 5), a bill aimed at repealing Proposition 8 and fundamentally altering the definition of marriage in California. Introduced by Sen. Scott Wiener and Assemblymember Evan Low, ACA 5 seeks to erase the language that defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman, a principle that has long been the foundation of our society. The Threat to Traditional Marriage Proposition 8, passed by California voters in 2008, a more
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Reframing Your Expectations
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by The CHANGED Movement
2M ago
I was sitting in my living room back in 1998, wrestling with whether or not to step down from leading children's ministry. I happened to read 2 Kings 20:5, “I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; behold, I will heal you.”  When I read that, it was as if the Lord spoke in my ears. I heard it in my mind. I felt it through my body like the vibration from the sound of rushing water.  I couldn't understand what the Lord was saying. All I wanted to know was if I should step down from leadership. There was no one to step in. Why did the Lord say this to me?  I was th more
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The Greatest Gift
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by The CHANGED Movement
2M ago
For many of our children, when we hear the news of their acceptance or struggle with an LGBTQ identity, they already know where we stand. If they didn’t know from our lifestyles and their upbringing, they learned from the words that came out of our mouths shortly after the discovery. We look at them as if they are strangers; they look at us as though we are the Enemy. They know what we are against. But do they know who we are for? It is easy to get caught up in the battle around us and forget our children are more than their sin. When the Enemy of family and gender breaches the walls of our more
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Show-up and Pray: Protect Kindergarten Project
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by The CHANGED Movement
3M ago
Identify Ministries, Protect Kindergarten Project I run a redemptive Christian ministry for former LGBTQ individuals, impacted families, and community members in need of transformational discipleship and support. Two months ago, a new appointment popped up in my email inbox with the comment, “I am looking for support…” This appointment was not from a typical overcomer but instead from a local University Professor looking for Christian support following an incident in her child’s school over-sexualized books. In our appointment, this parent, Dr. Crystal Marull1, disclosed that she had filled more
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Attachment Theory and Childhood Wounds
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by The CHANGED Movement
4M ago
As Christians, we understand our need for a Lord and Savior with regard to sin, but I often wonder if we believe in the power of Jesus’ finished work on the cross to heal and restore our lives? In this post, we will explore attachment theory and childhood wounds from a Biblical perspective, drawing on the wisdom found in the Bible and the insights from others who write and speak about these topics.   “It has been said that time heals all wounds. I don't agree. The wounds remain. Time - the mind, protecting its sanity - covers them with some scar tissue and the pain lessens, but it is n more
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Owning My Gender
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by The CHANGED Movement
4M ago
What does it mean to own something? Webster says – belonging or relating to oneself or itself; that which belongs to oneself. To possess; have. For me, to own something means it belongs to me. To have possession of or control over. To want to own something, you find value in it. So, what does it mean to own our gender? Let me see if I can explain. I had given the ownership of my gender identity over to a belief that being a woman was bad, being a woman meant I would be hated, and vulnerable.  These beliefs convinced me there was no value in being a woman more
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A Reason for Hope
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by The CHANGED Movement
5M ago
To donate to the "Book Project” A few years ago, I was speaking at Youth with a Mission (YWAM) in Kona, Hawaii. I teach at an apologetics school there a week at a time, training young adults from around the world on how to explain the biblical worldview. Apologetics is about making a reasonable case for the Christian faith, including on issues such as sexuality and gender. Of course, there are some perks to teaching in Hawaii, not the least of which is that after I teach, I can enjoy the many warm beaches that we don’t have in Canada! And that’s where I found myself on the last day of that t more
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LGBTQIA+ and the Political Divide
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by The CHANGED Movement
5M ago
To many, the Sexual Revolution evokes nothing more than memories of the summer of love, the emergence of contraception, and “freedom” for sexual expression. But after years of warnings by Christian cultural commentators, the Sexual Revolution has overtaken the mainstream. More and more Christians are awakening to its harms but are unsure what to say and why. The LGBTQIA+ activist movement has become one of the most influential cultural forces today and has shown itself capable of redefining human identity and telos. How might a Christian response to its postmodern and Marxist ideological un more
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The Pressure to Conform
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by The CHANGED Movement
6M ago
One day you are sitting in church and your pastor allows a speaker from the LGBTQ community to mount the pulpit and promote an event that brings awareness to alternative sexual lifestyles. You listen attentively because you have been in the church for years and you trust the judgment of your pastor. The LGBTQ representative shares literature that clearly explains that children have the right to choose their gender and that God wants us all to live the life that makes us happy. As the representative speaks, you can hear “Amens” echoing from across the sanctuary. After the more
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“Are You Ready For This Mission Field?”
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by The CHANGED Movement
7M ago
I recently had the opportunity to speak to a group of senior pastors from Oregon.  During this speaking engagement, the denomination's District Superintendent asked me questions and then discussed my answers with me while roughly 300 pastors listened in.  Most of the questions I had answered dozens of times before in other Q and A’s over the last decade of traveling and speaking; however, near the middle of our time together, my interviewer asked a question that no other pastor or leader had asked me in a setting like this before. “Drew, you have been ministering to this issue for al more
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