Showsight Magazine » French Bulldog
Showsight Magazine - the world's most influential purebred dog publication since 1992. Each issue reaches a global audience dedicated to preserving the history and health of purpose bred dogs. Filled with award-winning editorial focused on news and insights from the dog show community, top breeders, handlers, AKC Judges, and more! Browse through articles on french bulldogs for information..
Showsight Magazine » French Bulldog
2w ago
Navigating the complexities of French Bulldog breeding, judging, and exhibiting with compromises, challenges, and choices.
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Showsight Magazine » French Bulldog
1M ago
Judging French Bulldogs: Explore the FBDCA Breed Standard and key traits to evaluate the breed's proportions, gait, and temperament.
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Showsight Magazine » French Bulldog
1M ago
Explore key points on evaluating the French Bulldog's silhouette, focusing on correct proportions, toplines, and breed standards.
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Showsight Magazine » French Bulldog
1M ago
Discover what living with the French Bulldog truly means, exploring their affectionate nature, adaptability, and lively spirit. Read more.
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Showsight Magazine » French Bulldog
1M ago
Explore the evolution and rich history of French Bulldogs, from their origins in England to their cherished status in America.
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Showsight Magazine » French Bulldog
1M ago
Explore a journey through nostalgia as spring cleaning unveils forgotten treasures from a lifetime in the world of dogs. Memories await!
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Showsight Magazine » French Bulldog
1y ago
French Bulldogs – Are They Just a Hot Flash in the Pan or Here to Stay at the Top?
That’s the dog of the hour I am talking about, the number one in popularity within AKC and number one in so many hearts. But is it the breed for everyone? And with so many ads on every social media platform that exists, how can you even begin to start the search for the perfect companion?
Let’s start at the beginning!
In the mid 1800s, the lace makers in Nottingham wanted to create a smaller version of the English Bulldog. These craftsmen then moved to France, bringing with them their beloved dogs that wo ..read more
Showsight Magazine » French Bulldog
2y ago
Picture Westminster 1896, the first year that the French Bulldog was exhibited at this show. The breed was such a hit that it was featured on the cover of the Westminster catalog the following year. At this debut show, French Bulldogs with both bat ears and rose ears were shown. The judge from England only awarded dogs with rose ears as those were the preference in Europe at the time.
The American exhibitors were infuriated and, shortly thereafter, formed the French Bull Dog Club of America which resulted in the original standard with bat ears as the only permissible ear. In my opinion ..read more
Showsight Magazine » French Bulldog
2y ago
As every fancier knows, the French Bulldog comes in a wide variety of colors and patterns—some of which are acceptable according to the AKC standard and others that are not.
The colors found in the French Bulldog are masked fawns, fawns, and creams. The patterns found in French Bulldogs are piebald and brindle.
Urajiro markings (pale tan or cream to white markings similar to the tan points on black and tan dogs—except they appear in fawn color coats as well as in black and tan coats) are also known to occur in French Bulldogs, but are extremely rare.
Tan point and cross-bred merle Fren ..read more
Showsight Magazine » French Bulldog
2y ago
Interview with Non-Sporting Group Breeder Perry Payson
Where do I live? How many years in dogs? How many years as a breeder?
Perry Payson: I live in Bixby, Oklahoma. I was 11 years old when I bought my first show dog, which was a beautiful Doberman bitch named “Gina.” I bred her when I was 12, so I’ve been doing this for almost 50 years!
What is my kennel name? How many dogs do I currently keep?
Perry Payson: My kennel name is Goldshield. Right now, there are four French Bulldogs and one Boston Terrier living with me.
Which show dogs from the past have been my noteworthy winners ..read more