Sand Painting Blog
Our sculptures have been featured on a variety of television shows including Travel Channel's Sand Blasters, Sand Wars and Sand Masters. We travel the world creating some of the most original, extraordinary sand sculptures and sand castles ever created for a variety of occasions. Learn more about sand arts, our projects and more!
Sand Painting Blog
5M ago
Here to share a few bts MasterClass pics during our tenure as instructors for their GOAT series sand sculpting edition. Shot over the course of 4 days in Los Angeles, we covered the basic core of sand sculpting and how to take it all to the very limit.
We’ve done all the mediocre sand sculpting TV shows over the years, but this educational series clearly separates the boys from the men.
Want to learn more more
Sand Painting Blog
1y ago
Sand Painting Blog
1y ago
For twenty years I have competed in just about every professional level sand sculpting competition on the planet. I have also organized sand events and judged countless competitions; which basically means I have the inner workings & failings of these contests figured down to a science.
Sand sculpting competitions are simple. They’re semi large-scale events that typically involve the usual live bands, vendors, vast amounts of alcohol, fireworks, and publicity; all of which lead up to the ostentatious grand announcement of the first place winner of said event. Shake of hands, pat on the back more
Sand Painting Blog
1y ago
For kids with learning disabilities, participating in the arts is a powerful way to build self-confidence, develop fine motor skills, and unleash creative potential. Creativity offers an outlet for exploration and self-expression, which is particularly valuable for children who struggle with traditional academic subjects.
In this post, Don Lewis from talks about how to engage kids with learning disabilities via crafting, sculpting, and drama. We also offer suggestions for creating a multi-purpose art room, keeping your child motivated, and more!
Benefits of the A more
Sand Painting Blog
1y ago
Super busy sand season! Here’s a quick pic of a sculpt we completed at the Fairmont Orchid on Big Island’s Kohala Coast. Simple logo done entirely from beach sand for Keysight’s CEO Club event. Nice spot, great beach. On to the next project!
Fairmont Orchid - Hawaii more
Sand Painting Blog
1y ago
Professional sand sculptors go where the sand is. Though many sand gigs wind up being in a shopping mall or county fair, at times we find ourselves in far-flung locations around the globe.
There’s a gazillion ‘best beaches’ lists roaming around out there. Beaches make those lists for one reason or another; the most coconut trees, whitest sand, bluest water, blah, blah, blah. It all comes down to the eyes of the beholder.
We’ve seen countless beaches in our profession, and I’m getting nagged to write another blog so here’s our two cents. While it’s hard to say that anything is the best of anyth more
Sand Painting Blog
1y ago
Every good sand artist or sand sculptor knows the difference between good and bad sand in reference to using it for making sand art.
Basically, sand is just a measurement. Sand is the particle size of 0.0625–2 mm (0.002–0.08 in.). Sand lies between silt and granules on the Wentworth scale of grain size. Sand size class ranges from −1.0 to 4.0 (phi), while silt is a particle size of 0.008–0.0625 mm (0.0003–0.002 in.). Keeping this in mind, sand can be made from just about anything; granite, quartz, shale, chalk, slate, marble, lava, limestone, etc..
Sand sculptures are made from all types of sa more
Sand Painting Blog
1y ago
There are few greater thrills that exist on this planet that parallel a massive, intricately carved sand sculpture meeting its maker. Collapsing sand sculptures is as old as, well…sand sculptures. “But how? How can I make sure this amazing piece of art dies a good death, instead of at the hands of an unsupervised, sculpture eating child?” Let’s travel down this rabbit hole together…
1. There is no better way to collapse your sand sculpture than to not use enough water, especially at the base of your 5 ton masterpiece. Just be careless, and don’t use lots of water…that’l more
Sand Painting Blog
1y ago
So in this episode let’s talk about the glue that is obviously keeping these sculptures together. “I knew it! There’s glue in the sand…cheater, cheater pumpkin eater!!” No, there is no glue in the sand holding anything together. Sand sculptors mix a ‘windscreen’, which is approximately 90% water and 10% Elmer’s glue. This is then sprayed on after the sculpture is complete using any typical hand pump sprayer from Home Depot. This added layer of protection helps keep the sculpture from drying out prematurely from the wind and sun, which both create havoc to any sand sculpture. This mix holds you more
Sand Painting Blog
1y ago
1. People love cute, there’s no way around it. Do not make anything too cute or pretty. This was a hard lesson to learn, but no matter where you go on the planet, people want the rainbow, unicorn and glitter. Female figure vs. monster? That creature doesn’t stand a chance so go for it!
2. Don’t make anything too thought-provoking. Does your sculpture have a deeper meaning that people can relate to? Then if you want to lose, don’t do it! Keep the meaning of your sculpt super simple. If it’s a man-eating plant, make sure it’s only a ‘man-eating pla more