How Real Change helped Donald Duncan
Real Change
5M ago
It wasn’t always easy for Donald Duncan to understand the ins and outs of being a vendor at Real Change. It took some time to get the hang of it. But with support and encouragement from his close friend and fellow vendor Richard Smith, it’s become a way to support him financially and hopefully reach his goal of receiving housing more
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What is worth preserving in Seattle’s mission to become a world-class city?
Real Change
5M ago
It seems anyone living in Seattle can quickly name a favorite restaurant, shop or music venue that has  vanished recently or is under threat of closure. The mere mention of some gone-but-not-forgotten places — Re-Bar, Promenade Red Apple, Mutual Fish, Borracchini’s, the Elephant Car Wash — are  guaranteed to elicit a sigh, a hand over the heart and a personal story. more
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Real Change over 30 years
Real Change
5M ago
Real Change is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. To recognize the milestone, the newsroom produced a retrospective issue focusing on the last three decades of jobs, journalism and justice. Real Change is celebrating with an event titled “The Power of We” on Sept. 21 more
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Three decades of jobs, journalism and justice
Real Change
5M ago
Sustaining anything in a rapidly changing city like Seattle is no small feat. In the few years that I’ve had the privilege to call the Emerald City my home, I have seen more businesses, community hubs and organizations that provide vital resources forced to close their doors than I can keep track of. In a city that sometimes seems to be more concerned with “finding the next best thing” and “prioritizing progress” at any cost, it can be easy to forget to preserve all the precious gems that make our city what it is. more
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Not a damn thing has happened; the sky is all gray. We live in Seattle: we like it that way.
Real Change
5M ago
I like solstices too, but they’re so in-your-face, whereas equinoxes are like when your dog greets you by turning sideways, which is the friendliest way to turn. I especially like the fall equinox, so, in 1996 I wrote a song about them, specifically Seattle equinoxes (the best kind of them all). I’m recycling it here more
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Grief is another word for love
Real Change
5M ago
Last year, I spent many months of autumn hurting. My heart didn’t feel adequate enough to get me through a single day. Panic lived inside my body, and I was troubled by not knowing what to do with it more
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Seattle City Council passes SODA and SOAP banishment laws despite public outcry
Real Change
5M ago
On Tuesday, Sept. 23, Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell signed into law two controversial ordinances, known as Stay Out of Drug Areas (SODA) and Stay out of Areas of Prostitution (SOAP), intended to address concerns around public drug use and sex work. The Seattle City Council passed SOAP and SODA on Sept. 17 by a vote of 8 to 1. The laws will allow judges to grant orders preventing people who are accused of drug- or prostitution-related crimes from entering specified zones in the city more
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¡Qué Bonito!: The new Capitol Hill cafe serving up more than just coffee
Real Change
5M ago
Growing up, I could always count on cafecito for two things: to wake my family up and to ignite our conversations. Perhaps that’s because in many Latinx households, coffee goes beyond a beverage: it’s how we connect with those closest to us. In my household, it allowed us to pause and ask each other, “How are you more
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The Long Haul Mutual Aid Kitchen provides “solidarity, not charity”
Real Change
5M ago
The Long Haul Mutual Aid Kitchen , a grassroots, volunteer-led weekly mutual aid group, has been awarded the Real Change’s 2024 Change Agents of the Year more
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How remembrance can be a radical act of defiance
Real Change
5M ago
On Aug. 30, we had 15 new bronze leaves added to the steps of the Real Change office symbolizing our remarkable vendors who recently passed: Glenn Coles, Greg Cummins, Art Ermeloff III, Blas Andres Felix, Mikey Henderson, Daniel Long, Evie Lovett, Melissa Gross, David Rice, Ole Sorenson, Jamie Tilton, Manny Salazar, Jimmie Wade III, David Dunn, David “Canada” Jones more
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