WriteWell Community
WriteWell is the first online community dedicated to writing for wellbeing. Take short courses, designed by experts such as Creating Calm, Finding Purpose and Building Resilience. It is a place to explore writing in a creative online community to boost mental health, happiness and resilience.
WriteWell Community
3d ago
Resilience is a lifelong process, a day-by-day process learning how to navigate the small things and sometimes the bigger lessons too. [...]
Read More... from Building Resilience
The post Building Resilience appeared first on WriteWell Community ..read more
WriteWell Community
1M ago
The beginning of the new year is a great time to consider where we are in life, what matters to us and where we want to go. [...]
Read More... from Reframing the New Year
The post Reframing the New Year appeared first on WriteWell Community ..read more
WriteWell Community
2M ago
Did you know that writing is a superpower that can unlock parts of your mind that otherwise would stay dormant? [...]
Read More... from Writing through Winter
The post Writing through Winter appeared first on WriteWell Community ..read more
WriteWell Community
6M ago
Which road have you taken in life so far? [...]
Read More... from The Road Not Taken
The post The Road Not Taken appeared first on WriteWell Community ..read more
WriteWell Community
6M ago
Find out what's coming up in the world's first online writing for wellbeing community this month and beyond, from live events to four-week courses. [...]
Read More... from What’s on: August 2024
The post What’s on: August 2024 appeared first on WriteWell Community ..read more
WriteWell Community
8M ago
Finding inspiration can come from your immediate surroundings and people in your life. Begin with 5-minute bursts of writing each day. Pick a room in your house and describe it. You might be drawn to an object in the room. Can you describe it in detail?
Everyone loves a story, especially their own. So why waste time scrolling on social media, which does nothing for your well-being. Take yourself out of that false reality and dive into your imagination and write something, anything!
Writing for wellbeing doesn’t have to be focused on emotions and documenting your feelings. Sometimes it’s ..read more
WriteWell Community
9M ago
Explore writing for wellbeing with a friendly bunch of fellow writers on our four-week courses.
Building Resilience – 4-week course starts (from Monday 3 June @ 9:00AM)
Give your resilience a boost and learn how to bounce forwards through the power of writing.
Register to take part
Just Write
Monthly prompts to kickstart your writing, with space to share work and chat with other writers.
June prompt: My bucket list
Our June writing prompt is all about what you’d like to do for the rest of the year. Create a list of ideas and plans, big and small, that’d you’d like to pursue. Need so ..read more
WriteWell Community
9M ago
Do you have the emotional and mental flexibility to adjust to life’s demands? It’s important to note that being resilient requires a skill set that you can work on and grow over time. Building resilience takes time, strength, and help from people around you. Be prepared for setbacks along the way and know that it’s life experience that will help you become stronger.
How do you see your resilience today? If there was a metaphor or symbol to choose to help you measure your resilience what would it be?
Take a look at some of these ideas from our writing for wellbeing course ‘Building Resilience ..read more
WriteWell Community
10M ago
Explore writing for wellbeing with a friendly bunch of fellow writers on our four-week courses.
Creating Calm – 4-week course starts (from Monday 6 May @ 9:00AM)
Learn how to be more mindful and discover how writing can invite calmness into your life.
Register to take part
Just Write
Monthly prompts to kickstart your writing, with space to share work and chat with other writers.
May prompt: What is in a name?
Our May writing prompt is all about your name. We’d like you to share the story of your name or its meaning. Is there a story to the name you were given at birth or does your n ..read more
WriteWell Community
10M ago
When we are in a place of calm we are at our most productive. It is such a busy world with so many responsibilities and distractions. Slowing down is vital to our wellbeing. It’s been said less is more but I say less is better.
In today’s world the struggle for having it all means something has to give. The opposite of busyness is calm and so it’s time to priortise what stays and what goes.
Try this mindful writing exercise –
Think of clearing out your closet, removing the stuff that you just don’t need
Write down 5 things that don’t bring much joy into your life. It could be a friend that dr ..read more