Istoria Ministries Blog
Author, historian, theologian. Served as an evangelical pastor for 40 years and ran for United States Congress in 2022. Wade is the President of Istoria Ministries and writes on culture, history, theology, and politics.
Istoria Ministries Blog
3M ago
God sees the dark as Light in every midnight hour, and will lead you in the darkness by His unending power.
The post The Dark Side of Life and the Moon appeared first on Istoria Ministries ..read more
Istoria Ministries Blog
5M ago
Learn about Marxism and how to explain it to others from this easy to read summary.
The post Marks of Marx appeared first on Istoria Ministries ..read more
Istoria Ministries Blog
6M ago
Evildoers and imposters go from bad to worse, deceiving others.
The post A Potemkin Political Village appeared first on Istoria Ministries ..read more
Istoria Ministries Blog
6M ago
If people's immediate needs and desires are satisfied, citizens are less likely to question the status quo or demand meaningful change to a crumbling nation.
The post Give the People Bread & Circuses appeared first on Istoria Ministries ..read more
Istoria Ministries Blog
8M ago
“As Jesus went along, he saw a man blind from birth. Jesus said to him, “Night is coming… While in the world, I am the Light of the World.” After saying this, Jesus spit on the ground, made some mud with His saliva, and put it on the man’s eyes. “Go,” Jesus said, “Wash in the Pool of Siloam.”
So he went and washed, and came home seeing” – John 9:1-7
Jesus heals the blind man with His spit.
I must apologize to my wife and family for this post.
My adult children will probably read it. I wish I never had to write it.
I hope you will understand why I wrote this post after you read it ..read more
Istoria Ministries Blog
8M ago
My dad, Paul Burleson, died on Cinco De Mayo (May 5, 2024).
He was the pastor of some of the largest evangelical churches in Texas and Oklahoma. He grew up in poverty and abuse, became the pastor of the fastest-growing evangelical church in Texas when I was a teenager, and served on the Fullness Magazine Board with James Robison, Jack Taylor, and Jim Hylton.
My mother, Mary Burleson, now leads my dad’s non-profit, Vital Truth Ministries. She transcribed a message my father preached entitled “Few Christians End Well” and has permitted me to publish it on this website. His words resonat ..read more
Istoria Ministries Blog
8M ago
The Demands Of Genuine Discipleship Gerald Polmateer
What is a Disciple?
A disciple is defined as one who follows another.
It typically means someone who is a follower of their teacher. In 1 Chronicles 25:8, a disciple is a student. A disciple would learn from the rabbi.
Rabbi is the Hebrew word for teacher. The talmid (disciple) of Judaism would learn from the rabbi (teacher) the rabbi’s ways, traditions, and sayings.
It was an intensive study for the talmid who would listen to the rabbi.
When Jesus called his disciples, they would have known what it meant to be a talmid (disciple ..read more
Istoria Ministries Blog
8M ago
There are five Gospel books in the Bible, not four.
Isaiah, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
Isaiah is the first of the Good News books.
Dr. David Darnell
The Scroll of Isaiah One Sentence Chapter Summaries Chapters 1-66 Wade Burleson
Book 1
Chapter 1: Isaiah calls out Judah for their rebellion and injustice, urging them to repent.
Chapter 2: A vision of the future kingdom where nations live peacefully under God’s rule.
Chapter 3: God’s judgment against Judah for their pride and social injustice.
Chapter 4: A promise of restoration and holiness for a purified remnant in Zion ..read more
Istoria Ministries Blog
8M ago
‘As I live,’ says the Lord God, ‘I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked.’ Ezekiel 33:11
“As long as I live, I’ll take no pleasure in the death of a Christian ministry” – Wade Burleson.
Note: I received the news that Robert Morris had stepped down five minutes before I posted.
Social media, national news, and international news agencies are ablaze with the news that Pastor Robert Morris began sexually molesting a 12-year-old girl for nearly five years, starting Christmas Day, 1982, and ending when the girl’s father ..read more
Istoria Ministries Blog
8M ago
Judge Paul Pressler died last week.
Nobody noticed.
I did. But that’s because I considered Paul my friend up until the point I confronted Paul over allegations against him for sexual predatory abuse.
Our friendship ended. No more Christmas cards. No more letters.
It ended not because I hated Paul. No, it ended because I believed Paul needed to come clean, and I told him so.
He didn’t. Then, he died.
Nobody noticed because Paul Pressler has been scrubbed from our collective SBC memory. I’ve become a believer in Immanuel Velikosky’s Collective Amnesia theory.
Pressler, the so-called Southe ..read more