Regulatory gene influences shape recognition in medaka fish
ScienceDaily » Fisheries
1d ago
Medaka fish that lacked functional Hmgn2 genes were unable to distinguish between simple shapes, revealing a new function for the regulatory gene more
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How fish guts might play a role in future skin care products
ScienceDaily » Fisheries
3d ago
There are some pretty strange ingredients in cosmetics and skin care products. One example is snail mucin -- also known as snail slime -- which is used for its moisturizing and antioxidant properties. But researchers might have found something even weirder to put on your face: molecules made by fish gut bacteria. In cultured cells, the compounds had skin-brightening and anti-wrinkle properties, making them potential ingredients for your future skin care routine more
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50-year generation gap in Minnesota's longest-lived fish
ScienceDaily » Fisheries
4d ago
The bigmouth buffalo is a fish that's native to Minnesota and known for its longevity. Researchers wanted to find out more about the species, especially how they migrate, spawn, and how often their offspring live into adulthood more
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Number of fish species at risk of extinction fivefold higher than previous estimates, according to a new prediction
ScienceDaily » Fisheries
1w ago
Researchers predict that 12.7% of marine teleost fish species are at risk of extinction, up fivefold from the International Union for Conservation of Nature's prior estimate of 2.5%. Their report includes nearly 5,000 species that did not receive an IUCN conservation status due to insufficient data more
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Pollution affect the growth and behavior of aquatic organisms
ScienceDaily » Fisheries
1w ago
New research reveals that size-based selection, like in fishing, may impact the stress tolerance of fish, which in turn has a significant impact on the condition and coping of fish in changing environments. The study demonstrated that long-term exposure to manganese sulphate (MnSO4), which is a common aquatic pollutant from mining, hampers the growth and alters behavior of zebra fish more
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Fisheries research overestimates fish stocks
ScienceDaily » Fisheries
2w ago
The state of fish stocks in the world's ocean is worse than previously thought. While overfishing has long been blamed on fisheries policies that set catch limits higher than scientific recommendations, a new study reveals that even these scientific recommendations were often too optimistic. The result? Far more global fish stocks are overfished or have collapsed than we thought more
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How 'winner and loser effects' impact social rank in animals -- and humans
ScienceDaily » Fisheries
2w ago
A new article provides a narrative review of the relevant similarities and distinctions between nonhumans and humans to assess the causes and consequences of winner and loser effects in humans more
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Blind cavefish have extraordinary taste buds
ScienceDaily » Fisheries
3w ago
A biologist studies blind cavefish, a species of fish that dwell in cave ponds in Mexico. He looked at the timeline for when the cavefish develop additional taste buds on the head and chin, finding the taste bud expansion starts at five months and continues into adulthood more
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U.S. capable of achieving seafood independence
ScienceDaily » Fisheries
3w ago
If the U.S. became seafood independent, or meet its entire seafood needs through its own production, it could offer opportunities for improving dietary outcomes as well as individual and national food security, particularly against disruptions in global supply chains. Through analyzing 50 years of regional and national consumption and production data, from 1970-2021, researchers found that the U.S. could achieve seafood independence, although 'achieving greater seafood independence would require shifts in consumer behavior, investments in infrastructure and continual adaptation in the face of more
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Historic map reveals how mussel farm is bringing shellfish reefs back to the seabed
ScienceDaily » Fisheries
3w ago
New analysis has shown that the UK's first large scale offshore mussel farm might in fact serve as a form of restoration rather than creating habitats never seen in the area before. A map dating from 1871 shows a large area of the seabed -- stretching from Torquay in the west and beyond Lyme Regis to the east -- as being home to 'rich shell beds'. The region has now been transformed from muddy sediment with limited biodiversity into reefs, which research has shown have the potential to benefit a number of commercial fish and crustacean species and the ecosystem more generally more
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