Trinity Christian School AZ Blog
Trinity is the only K-12 classical Christian school in Prescott, AZ, and has proudly served the quad-city area since 2003. We are committed to seeking wisdom, cultivating virtue, and inspiring service in the life of every Trinity student. We strive for academic excellence while maintaining biblical standards of mentorship and teaching as we walk alongside parents in the growth and development..
Trinity Christian School AZ Blog
2M ago
From all of us at Trinity, thank you for being part of this journey. May your Thanksgiving be filled with gratitude, joy, and the blessings ..read more
Trinity Christian School AZ Blog
4M ago
Dear Trinity Family, Thank you for joining me in prayer this final week of our Pray and Engage efforts. As you know, Arizona’s ..read more
Trinity Christian School AZ Blog
4M ago
Flourishing interviewed Dr. Ron McGraw, a member of Trinity's Board of Directors on the accreditation team report ..read more
Trinity Christian School AZ Blog
5M ago
At Trinity, we understand the power of language and the importance of studying great works and absorbing complex ideas ..read more
Trinity Christian School AZ Blog
6M ago
We began the SWAN (Students With Accommodation Needs) program in 2016 in the Upper School and expanded school-wide just this year ..read more
Trinity Christian School AZ Blog
7M ago
Contributing Author: Mr. Lance Duffield, Grammar School Principal
Flourishing: Volume 8 | Issue 2
As the year draws to a close, it is good to take a moment to reflect on our faculty's journey this year. I'm concluding my first year as Grammar School Leader. As my family and I unpacked and settled into our life in the US, it wasn’t long before the entire school was "unpacked" by the visiting ACSI accreditation team. This was very useful as it also allowed me to get a good view into all aspects of Trinity Christian School.
The team’s report encouraged me and confirmed what I had already w ..read more
Trinity Christian School AZ Blog
8M ago
Contributing Author: Mr. Anthony Parla, Upper School Principal
The 2023-2024 school year is behind us. Reflecting on my first year at Trinity Christian School, I recognize that there is much to celebrate, much to be done, and much the future holds.
I celebrate the visiting accreditation team this fall. In their findings, the team commended Trinity for having developed “an exceptional and well-integrated instructional program that results in meaningful Christian worldview permeation.”
Trinity is blessed with passionate educators dedicated to Christ and classical education. They ..read more
Trinity Christian School AZ Blog
9M ago
Contributing Author: Mr. Zach Jimison, Upper School Humanities
Fall 2023, Flourishing Issue
When quite young, my mom bought me and my brother matching coloring books. Perhaps as a typical younger brother, I waited until Micah opened his and then opened mine to the same page: a cartoony dog in front of a cartoony tree watching a cartoony gopher emerge from a hole. Then, I waited until Micah began coloring the leaves of the tree green. I did the same. Then, I waited again until Micah began coloring the dog brown. I did the same. This pattern went on until Micah finally snapped: “Mom! Zach’s co ..read more
Trinity Christian School AZ Blog
1y ago
After a league record of 16-1, the Trinity boys rolled through the playoffs to eventually meet Tri-City Christian Academy in the state title game on Thursday night. Having met and defeated Tri-City during the regular season, the re-match proved to be a highly competitive affair.
Led by six Warrior seniors, Trinity showed from the tip-off that they can run the floor, press full-court, and have multiple players who can score from inside and out. Throughout the game, Carson Feddema (senior) set the tone with steady ball handling from beginning to end. The fast-paced first quarter ended with ..read more
Trinity Christian School AZ Blog
1y ago
On Tuesday this week, 70 Trinity Juniors & Seniors, staff and parents joined a crowd of over 500 participants at the Arizona Capitol building to make our voices heard on the important topic of School Choice. Attendees included State Tax Credit Organizations, Private schools, and a variety of other school choice supporters. State representatives from both the House and Senate spoke to the crowd encouraging supporters to lift our prayers to God and communicate our support to our Governor, State representatives, neighbors and friends.
Trinity students were privately greeted by our State Sena ..read more