Yoga Rest Revolution
Elumi Yoga Blog
by Eliza Ioannou
1y ago
Hi, I’m Eliza and I think we are all too busy. I don’t know about you but I feel like it’s all too much sometimes and we just need to Rest. It's time for a Rest Revolution! I’ve been where you are, overworked and overwhelmed, with no time to stop and care for myself. I’ve attended yoga classes that weren’t for me and left me feeling worse about myself than when I entered. Then I discovered active Rest and found myself feeling more at ease, connected, and in control. Enter Room of Rest, my yoga movement to get us to slow down, because sometimes, Rest is best. The Room of Rest concept came to l more
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Yoga Nidra | The Art of Deep Rest
Elumi Yoga Blog
by Eliza Ioannou
2y ago
During lockdown I utilized my time in the best way that I knew how, by increasing my knowledge of the yoga practices that I have been most drawn to teaching. One of the teacher trainings that I completed was the Online Total Yoga Nidra foundation course through the Yoga Nidra Network. This course was so informative, engaging and interesting and best of all I could complete it at my own pace. I found that each lecture came at the perfect time when I needed to shed some light on certain aspects of my being. This helped me to connect to this course as a student and a teacher and this made it so m more
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8 Easy Habits That Will Improve Your Wellbeing
Elumi Yoga Blog
by Eliza Ioannou
2y ago
August is National Wellness month! A month that focuses on self-care, managing stress and promoting healthy routines. When you hear the word wellness, does your mind instinctively shift to exercise and food? Well, there are so many other aspects of your human experience that need tending to. Your emotions, for example, how do you regulate them? Your mental health? How do you deal with daily situations? How do these situations affect your mental state? Your self-care routines? Do they exist? How do you care for yourself and sustain your energy? "Wellness is a feeling; it’s a sense of wanting to more
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Yoga Teacher Burnout | 3 Ways to Recover
Elumi Yoga Blog
by Eliza Ioannou
2y ago
So I’ve spent the past month or so away from social media, no positing, minimal scrolling and just living in real life. After nearly 2 years of consistent posting, blogging and creating content I felt burnt out, uninspired and almost ready to throw in the towel. I’m sure I’m not the only one. I see it in my fellow teachers and I notice the fatigue in students too. Classes like Yin, restorative and sound healing have all become more sought after. This could be for a number of reasons, but the students that attend my classes seem to be shifting towards the ideal of self care. We’re in this stran more
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Making Yoga more Accessible | Elumi Yoga
Elumi Yoga Blog
by Eliza Ioannou
2y ago
The journey of Elumi Yoga Over the past 12 months or so I have shared a variety of content through my blog posts and social media profiles, everything from how to get more sleep, to working with the Chakras, to my own personal struggles with body image and self worth. All very different topics with a unifying theme of self-love, self-acceptance and loving your body, exactly the way it is. Last month I had the privilege of attending the Accessible Yoga teacher training with Jivana Heyman, and in this months blog I would like to share how this knowledge altered my perspective and how this will s more
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3 Ways to Practice Pratyahara in a Sense Driven World
Elumi Yoga Blog
by Eliza Ioannou
2y ago
Are you lost in a constant loop of distraction? Our modern lifestyle has us overloaded with information, and this intensified during the pandemic when social media was the only way for us to connect. This left us consistently caught up in social media scrolling loops and captivated by sensory activity, which is not always healthy for us. You can probably relate to the fact that we might be doing this to escape the daily stresses of life, and the irony is that it’s probably making you more stressed out. According to, 74% of UK adults have felt so stressed at some point over more
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What are the Yamas? How to put them into practice right now?
Elumi Yoga Blog
by Eliza Ioannou
2y ago
Have you found it challenging to get back to your yoga practice after the pandemic? Are you putting pressure on yourself to “get back to where you were before? I’m here to tell you that you are not alone. Over the past few months I have found it challenging to get back to the yogic practices that have helped me to navigate life in the past. I’ve found it frustrating and find myself consistently putting pressure on myself to “get back” to where I was before, and then I had a thought… What if you’re not meant to go back to where you were before? What if you’re meant to carve out a new path? The more
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10 Tips to Slow Down and Encourage Deep Rest | Elumi Yoga
Elumi Yoga Blog
by Eliza Ioannou
2y ago
It’s 7am and my alarm goes off. I hit the snooze button and start thinking about all the things I need to do for the day. My mind is racing and I anticipate when the 9 minutes of my snooze time is up. My phone sounds again and with a little sigh I pick it up and hit stop. I open Instagram to see what happened in the world whilst I was in slumber land. I procrastinate getting out of bed as I dive deeper into a scroll hole. Eventually I talk myself into starting my morning routine. That picturesque list of things I “need” to do to achieve all the amazing goals I set out fI finally get out of bed more
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More than the Mat | Embracing the Yogic Lifestyle
Elumi Yoga Blog
by Eliza Ioannou
2y ago
Yoga is all around you. It’s in the words you use, the food you eat, how you treat all living things and the way you tend to yourself. A yogic lifestyle is about varying your views, habits, diet, thought patterns and general ways of life, to align with the ethics and philosophies of yoga. Yogis make lifestyle choices that create Sattva, a state of calmness and inner peace. The word Sattva means honesty, and is one of the three Gunas or “modes of existence” according to Samkhya and Hindu philosophy. Mainstream images of yoga focus on Asana, the poses, and whilst this is a characteristic of the more
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6 Calming Yoga Poses for Stress Relief | Elumi Yoga
Elumi Yoga Blog
by Eliza Ioannou
2y ago
Stress is a killer! You’ve heard this saying over and over again, but how does it get to the point that stress affects you so much that it causes health issues and controls so many areas of your life? This is the question I'll try to answer for you today, as well as give some easily accessible solutions if you find that you are feeling overwhelmed with your current levels of stress. There are so many forms of stress that you carry around daily and perhaps you don’t even realise. According to the NHS website, if you are stressed or on the verge of burnout you may: Feel overwhelmed Have racing more
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