Yoga with Tash
Yoga and wellness blog, covering topics from meditation to mantra. I am Tash and I am here to make yoga more accessible to you, wherever and whoever you are! I have been practicing yoga for 10 years and love bringing yoga and its benefits into people's lives. I have taught for the past 3 years in some of the best studios and retreat centres around the world.
Yoga with Tash
9M ago
Yoga is famous for being a bare-footed activity. Ancient Yogis walked around without shoes in their daily lives, whereas in our modern world we wear shoes 99% of the time.
Feet are important for any movement we're doing standing, which could include walking, yoga poses, balancing, running, jumping, reaching...
But also are hugely important for proprioceptive awareness (the magical ability to sense where we are in space).
Being able to sense where we are in space is not only important for keeping us safe and not bashing into things, but can help us to keep grounded in the pr ..read more
Yoga with Tash
1y ago
Sometimes the array of yoga practices on offer means we get overwhelmed with choice. Much like going into a big supermarket like Tescos, we cannot decide which type of yoghurt to buy; so as it is with yoga at times.
Should I meditate? Or chant a mantra? Or perhaps join a yoga flow class?
Like me, you might wonder what practice is best to start your day?
Over the years of practicing, I have found my preferences for practices changing and starting to evolve with how my life looks now. In my opinion this is the beauty of this practice.
Ten years ago when I started yoga, I loved dynamic flows of ..read more
Yoga with Tash
1y ago
The breath is the single most important function in our bodies. It keeps us alive, determines how fast our heart beats, and carries essential nutrients around our body.
"Breath is synonymous with life."
So why do we keep hearing that so many of us are doing it wrong? How can it be that in our advanced medicalised society, we don't know how do to the most basic bodily function of living?
Over the past 3 years, I have taken 2 advanced breath-work trainings, and become more and more fascinated by the breath. As a yoga teacher, breathing has been a part and parcel of my training, language in class ..read more
Yoga with Tash
1y ago
We all have an inner critic. Sometimes they shout loudly 'why did you do that!?'
Sometimes they admonish us for not doing any meditation. And for some of us they are louder than others.
So, how can we work with this inner critic in our yoga practice?
With all that continues to go on in the world, compassion is a cornerstone of my personal practice. It is also a foundation of yoga philosophy, known as 'Ahimsa'.
Ahimsa is commonly translated as 'non-violence' and is part of the yamas, the ethical guidelines of yoga laid out in sage Patanjali’s path. So in yogic philosophy, avoiding harming ours ..read more
Yoga with Tash
1y ago
Especially in the UK, the change of seasons into autumn is very apparent.
Leaves change colour, rain patters the ground and for some of us, the descent away from summer can be long and challenging. In this blog, I aim to give you a few of my favourite Yogic resources to navigate this time of change.
This natural change of the seasons from Summer into Autumn is a time of increasing darkness outside in nature, but also within our bodies.
In many spiritual traditions across the world, Autumn is seen as a time for self reflection, nourishment and slowing down. Within Traditional Chinese Medicine ..read more
Yoga with Tash
1y ago
There are many props in yoga: bolsters, meditation cushions, eye pillows, straps, the yoga mat itself and the mighty yoga block.
When I first came to practice yoga I thought of props as something that I would eventually move away from, but now I see them as handy pillars to enhance my practice.
Props can provide loving support, or extra challenge and spark creativity in our practice
The mighty yoga block is no exception.
And if you don't have a block to practice with at home, don't let that stop you! Depending on it's use, try a book, water bottle, table, chair or anything else of the right s ..read more
Yoga with Tash
1y ago
What you might be thinking is - What the fffffff is fascia?
It is a brilliant, intelligent web of connective tissue that runs uninterrupted through the whole body. Quite a lot like Spiderman's suit... (but with layers underneath the skin).
Fascia supports our whole body through tensegrity - a brilliant system whereby our bones are suspended in space by connective tissue rather than having to be held up. When functioning well, the fascia glides when we move - much like a graceful dancer, and this system is dependant on being hydrated (which is also keeps us looking young, thanks to collagen ..read more
Yoga with Tash
1y ago
Savāsana or "corpse pose" is the way the majority of teachers end a yoga class, and is commonly known as final relaxation. It is practiced lying down in stillness (hence the name).
But why do we lie still for several minutes at the end of yoga?
Like many people, when I first started yoga, I dreaded the silent space at the end of class where my thoughts would swirl around my head. My first yoga classes were in a Virgin Active gym, and although my teacher was brilliant, I would lie still listening to the grunts and clanks of the gym area close by. It always seemed like a great irony to me that ..read more
Yoga with Tash
1y ago
Practicing yoga is a very personal journey that many of us take in a public setting: a studio, community centre, or online class. I love practicing in a group - the energy and vibrance that it brings is second to none.
BUT having your own personal guidance through a private class is something very special!
“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.” — The Bhagavad Gita.
Wherever you are in your yoga journey you might have wondered if you could benefit from a private class, or if they are just an expensive way to practice (I also used to think this...)
But whether we've be ..read more
Yoga with Tash
2y ago
Teaching yoga to children has taught me a lot about myself as a yoga teacher. Children have raw energy which cannot be kept inside themselves and this changes the mood of the room for yoga.
At first this energy seemed daunting - even with 3 years' experience teaching children in classrooms. However, the last class before summer that I taught to my after-school kids yoga club was one of the best classes I have ever had the good fortune of leading.
So, I thought here might be a good space to share some of the things I learnt and failed at along the way. My hope is that other teachers, parents, a ..read more