Uncertainty – Insights And Tools To Navigate Uncertainty
John Hotowka Motivational Speaker Blog
by John Hotowka
1w ago
Uncertainty - Insights and Tools To Navigate Uncertainty From time to time we all experience uncertainty., making life difficult to plan ahead which often leads to frustration and stress. Even though you may not be experiencing uncertainty now, when you do, the following insights and tools will help you manage change, build resilience and [...] The post Uncertainty – Insights And Tools To Navigate Uncertainty appeared first on John Hotowka Motivational Speaker ..read more
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Revealing the hidden truth about Christmas Spirit
John Hotowka Motivational Speaker Blog
by John Hotowka
1M ago
Revealing the hidden truth about Christmas Spirit Here's wishing you and yours everything you wish yourself for 2025... and more. I've been, as most of us do near the end of the festive period, reflecting. No, I didn't reflect on the number of mince pies I've eaten, nor did I reflect on the [...] The post Revealing the hidden truth about Christmas Spirit appeared first on John Hotowka Motivational Speaker ..read more
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Faulty thinking that limits your potential – And the corrections
John Hotowka Motivational Speaker Blog
by John Hotowka
3M ago
Faulty thinking that limits your potential - And the corrections Sometimes, we all say things we don't mean—just a little slip-up in our thinking. But there are deeper, more ingrained faulty ways of thinking we accept as truth simply because they’ve been part of us for so long, often since childhood. These mistaken [...] The post Faulty thinking that limits your potential – And the corrections appeared first on John Hotowka Motivational Speaker ..read more
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What ducks taught me about achievement
John Hotowka Motivational Speaker Blog
by John Hotowka
4M ago
What ducks taught me about achievement I was speaking at a conference in London a few weeks ago and I decided to have a wander around Hyde Park and you’ll never guess what I saw? That’s right, ducks and observing mamma duck she reminded me of a very important business and life lesson. I’m sure [...] The post What ducks taught me about achievement appeared first on John Hotowka Motivational Speaker ..read more
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Resilience – Beware of Self-Talk
John Hotowka Motivational Speaker Blog
by John Hotowka
5M ago
Resilience - Beware of Self-Talk When it comes to self-talk we sometimes slip up… big time. But there is one phrase that is potentially dangerous, no immediate danger granted, but it can lead to results we might regret. I believe the thought we say to ourselves we need to beware of the most [...] The post Resilience – Beware of Self-Talk appeared first on John Hotowka Motivational Speaker ..read more
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Resilience and Longevity – I’m Amazed, 19th June 2024 is THE Day
John Hotowka Motivational Speaker Blog
by John Hotowka
8M ago
Resilience and Longevity – I’m Amazed, 19th June 2024 is THE Day I broke out in to a cold sweat, my heart was pounding so hard I was convinced it was about to explode from my body. It was Friday, 16th June 1989 at precisely 4.07 pm when I was being told by then boss I was being made redundant, for the third time, in my short lived seven year career as an optician. I know what you might be thinking. John, you were an optician and didn’t see it coming? No I didn’t! That weekend I make a bold decision to follow my passion… magic. I love magic. I wondered what would happen if I traded in optic ..read more
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Just ask
John Hotowka Motivational Speaker Blog
by John Hotowka
9M ago
Just ask If you come across an obstacle in life do you complain about it, possibly get stressed about it and take no action? Do you let it eat you up inside? Or, do you study the situation and realise that, if you can’t do anything about it you let it go. Or, if you can do something about it, do you take action? One of the basic actions we might need to do, but often forget to do, or find difficult to do is a little action, mentioned in most spiritual teachings, something very basic, we were all taught it when we were young. What’s the action? In a word… ‘ASK’. How many times when you were ..read more
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So you think you’re an ordinary person, think again
John Hotowka Motivational Speaker Blog
by John Hotowka
11M ago
So you think you’re an ordinary person, think again Often we think of inspirational people as being extraordinary. The reality is, they’re really just… ordinary. Think about it. Take any inspirational person, for the sake of illustration, let’s use Steve Jobs. I know he died 2nd October 2011 but he’s an excellent and typical example. A flawed character? He certainly wasn’t perfect but look at what he achieved with Apple. He was also the CEO and majority shareholder of Pixar. Read any biography of any famous person (historical or contemporary) you admire or of any achiever yo ..read more
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Attitude – What I learnt the time people changed their attitude towards me
John Hotowka Motivational Speaker Blog
by John Hotowka
11M ago
Attitude – What I learnt the time people changed their attitude towards me About a decade ago I lost a lot of weight. I needed to, I was so big I couldn’t even find a tie that would fit me ? Better still, I’ve managed to maintain my target weight within a few pounds. I mentioned it when recently speaking at a dinner and was asked if I had any observations and insights of how people treated me compared to when was 100 lbs (45Kgs) larger. The most amusing observations and best lessons I learnt was observing the behaviour and attitude towards me of the people who KNEW I lost so much weig ..read more
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About change and uncertainty, remember this
John Hotowka Motivational Speaker Blog
by John Hotowka
1y ago
About change and uncertainty, remember this We all experience discomfort from time to time, especially when we’re about to go out of our comfort zone or we experience change and uncertainty. More often the discomfort is unfounded and is usually because we’re unsure of what’s going to happen. We think we either might have little or no control or not be able to cope. I’ve observed, certainly if you’re in to personal development and want to become the best version of yourself, we’re often looking for the latest tool, technique or insight to make our lives easier and happy. Which is fine, exce ..read more
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