Teacher Spotlight- Ronnie Green, owner of Shoreham Beach Pilates & Ronnie Green Pilates
JPilates Blog
by Joanne
1w ago
With an unwavering passion for Pilates and a heart full of love for my son, my dog Fletcher, and the joy of travel, I’ve dedicated my life to teaching, practicing, and sharing the transformative power of movement. My journey began at 16, training as a dancer at The London Studio Centre. After sustaining injuries to... Read more » The post Teacher Spotlight- Ronnie Green, owner of Shoreham Beach Pilates & Ronnie Green Pilates appeared first on JPilates teacher training and education ..read more
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Teacher Spotlight- Jemma Winborn & Kam
JPilates Blog
by Joanne
5M ago
I trained as a professional dancer in the mid 90s and after 10 years in the industry I decided to sidestep into Pilates as it felt like a natural progression where I still got to use my body for my work, but more importantly I got to help others to use theirs.  I was extremely... Read more » The post Teacher Spotlight- Jemma Winborn & Kam appeared first on JPilates teacher training and education ..read more
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Breath is a tool, not a rule
JPilates Blog
by Joanne
5M ago
“The deep breathing which is an integral part of every evolution keeps blood well aereated: fully oxygenated and ‘clean’ “ [1] Joseph Pilates believed taking full and complete inhalation & exhalation through each exercises, fresh, oxygenated blood would be pumped to every cell in the body and take away fatigue-inducing toxins. He even invented a... Read more » The post Breath is a tool, not a rule appeared first on JPilates teacher training and education ..read more
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How Much Should I Charge Survey 2024- The Results!
JPilates Blog
by Joanne
9M ago
The results from our “How Much Should I Charge?” survey are in! The purpose of the survey was to gather information on price & price structures, regional differences and market area differences, in the hope of helping teachers when setting their prices or changing prices which can sometimes be tricky and a cause of anxiety! The Results! You can also watch the presentation as a webinar, just click here. Observations 2/3 of the results are from the south of England, with no results form Wales and limited responses from Ireland & Scotland. To remove any bias, we have presented the infor ..read more
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The Lost Art of Hands On Teaching
JPilates Blog
by Joanne
10M ago
As Pilates teachers we have honed, perfected and excelled in our use of language to express our intentions and communicate. We may use visual demonstrations as another tool to enhance a participant’s understanding of an exercise, but what about the power of targeted tactile cueing to provide invaluable feedback and sensory input? To further clarify, I don’t just mean “hands on correction”. I believe this can create a negative response where the only time physical touch is used is because there is something wrong or incorrect. Rather with the power of our hands, we can help to create a deeper t ..read more
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Teacher Spotlight- Sarah Gorman, creator of Blendfit
JPilates Blog
by Joanne
11M ago
Sarah Gorman is a fitness and wellness educator who has been working within the fitness industry for the past 20 years. She is a personal trainer, class instructor, fitness educator and presenter with a social media presence to influence and guide people on their fitness journey. Her background in dance and acting led to her training as a Pilates instructor over 20 years ago and Pilates has stayed firmly rooted at the heart of all the disciplines that she teaches. Whilst living in the USA, Sarah trained under some very influential fitness gurus in LA. She has trained actors and celebriti ..read more
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Neutral Spine-Is it important & has it any value?
JPilates Blog
by Joanne
1y ago
“Find your neutral spine” “Am I in neutral? ” “Keep your pelvis in neutral” are all often heard in a Pilates class but what does it actually mean, is it important and does it have any value? (Just a quick note from the start to say that I don’t use the term “neutral” as I don’t think it is really understood and people tend to just go where it’s comfortable, as well as for the reasons below!) To understand “neutral” we need to consider what purpose it serves us in movement. The neutral position is often taught from an understanding that it gives us stability, an ideal position to move from.&nbs ..read more
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Don’t say the C word!!
JPilates Blog
by Joanne
1y ago
A long time ago (around 1996) in a galaxy far, far away……. the Core was born! Emerging from studies which demonstrated a change in onset timing of trunk muscles in persistent back pain and back injury, a whole industry based on the importance of core stability and training was brought to life. Pilates was one of many disciplines which evolved to promote and embed the assumption that training specific muscles of the trunk at a certain level would ensure the disappearance of back pain. But it is widely accepted that these findings were flawed and are now invalidated, the assumptions strongly ref ..read more
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Why Am I (Still) In Pain?
JPilates Blog
by Joanne
1y ago
This is a question we are so often asked as Pilates teachers. Many people come to Pilates looking for a solution to long term pain- sometimes even unrealistically promised Pilates will solve their pain.  I say unrealistic as we can’t promise to even reduce pain as pain is complicated, no-one fully understands how pain works, pain is different for everyone and is multifactorial. If we consider that about 90% of low back pain is non-specific, meaning that the pain experience can’t be accounted for by tissue damage, pathology or disease, then the search for something being “broken” or “misal ..read more
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The Joy of Teaching Older Adults
JPilates Blog
by Joanne
1y ago
“We retire too early and we die too young, our prime of life should be in the 70s and old age should not come until we are almost 100” Inspirational words by Joseph Pilates, who thoroughly lived and breathed his Method, remaining strong and vigorous well into his 80s. As people are living longer than ever before, Pilates offers the perfect exercise system to encourage healthy and active ageing. The benefits of Pilates for healthy ageing are: Increased physical capacity such as improved strength, mobility, stamina and flexibility Improved static and dynamic balance to help fall prevention Enha ..read more
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