Easter Sunday Reflection In the Easter Gospel, Mar...
SMC | Daily Lenten Reflections
by Unknown
4M ago
Easter Sunday Reflection In the Easter Gospel, Mary of Magdala discovers the empty tomb, setting a scene of initial darkness that reflects uncertainty and sorrow. Her urgency to inform Peter and the beloved disciple triggers a race, illustrating diverse responses to faith's mysteries. As they approach the tomb, the disciples' distinct reactions – one hesitating, the other boldly entering and believing – mirror the varied ways we at times grapple with divine truths. The passage ends with the acknowledgment that, at that moment, the disciples did not fully comprehend Jesus' resurrection. This mi ..read more
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Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil) Reflection The litu...
SMC | Daily Lenten Reflections
by Unknown
4M ago
Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil) Reflection The liturgy of the Word for the Easter Vigil is proclaimed during the most solemn Eucharistic celebration in our Church calendar. Beginning with the ritual blessing of fire and proclaiming Christ our light, the darkness of sin is replaced by the brightness of Christ’s light represented by the paschal candle being carried to the altar. Through the liturgy of the Word salvation history is recounted as we remember God’s loving act of creation and his liberating relationship with his chosen people. All of this culminates in the waters of baptism as new mem ..read more
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Good Friday Reflection Superficially, the name “...
SMC | Daily Lenten Reflections
by Unknown
4M ago
Good Friday Reflection Superficially, the name “Good Friday” can seem wildly inappropriate for the day on which we commemorate the brutal murder and death of the One who came so that we might have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10). But then, the very Scriptures that we are given for our liturgical celebration are weighted with paradox and contradictions. In John’s Passion, Jesus is presented as a king – “You say I am a king!”—fully in command of his own destiny in the midst of the injustices and cruelties brought against him: “You would have no power over me if it had not been gi ..read more
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Holy Thursday Reflection This is my body; this i...
SMC | Daily Lenten Reflections
by Unknown
4M ago
Holy Thursday Reflection This is my body; this is my blood; do this in memory of me. The gift and the mandate. "Our celebration on Holy Thursday shows us how to proclaim the meaning of the Lord’s gift to us. The Last Supper event in the gospel of John does not include the narrative that St. Paul gives us. In John’s narrative Jesus washes his disciples’ feet. By his action Jesus says, here I am as servant for you, do this in memory of me. In the ritual of Holy Thursday we need to enter into the experience Jesus washing our feet. We each need to feel the resistance of Peter. We need to taste o ..read more
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Tuesday of Holy Week Reflection I cannot imagine ...
SMC | Daily Lenten Reflections
by Unknown
4M ago
Tuesday of Holy Week Reflection I cannot imagine that too many people get up in the morning and explicitly think to themselves, “I think I will betray someone today… I think I will hurt someone I love.” Few people would ever admit to doing such things on purpose, and yet, we are painfully aware that such hurt happens, and happens often. Jesus was aware of the pain of betrayal that was soon to come his way, even though the apostles denied that such a thing would ever be possible. In these hours Jesus had to bear alone the knowledge of what was soon to befall him, Jesus had to reflect on the na ..read more
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Monday of Holy Week Reflection In John’s gospel we...
SMC | Daily Lenten Reflections
by Unknown
4M ago
Monday of Holy Week Reflection In John’s gospel we meet Jesus who has come from his triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Jesus knows that the praise and adulation of Palm Sunday will soon turn into the daunting shouts of Good Friday: Crucify Him! Crucify Him! It’s no wonder then that Jesus seeks the comfort of his beloved friends at their home in Bethany. He comes once again to be with Lazarus whom he has raised from the dead, and Martha who has the gift of hospitality. And notably, he comes also to be with their sister Mary. We learn that Mary has listened at the feet of Jesus and been deeply ..read more
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Passion Sunday Reflection “Christ Jesus… did ...
SMC | Daily Lenten Reflections
by Unknown
4M ago
Passion Sunday Reflection “Christ Jesus… did not regard equality with God something to be exploited…” When Pope Francis visited NYC in 2017, his mode of transportation was the lowly Fiat 500. (Oh, to be a fly on the wall when he got the secret service to agree to that!) Yet, Francis revealed the kind of intentionality Jesus showed entering Jerusalem on a donkey. For some it may seem like idiocy. Who in their right mind portrays grandeur riding on a donkey? A sleek, healthy horse; a big Mercedes, yes; but a donkey, or a wheelbarrow Fiat, never! Today’s other readings follow suit. Isaiah su ..read more
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Saturday of the Fifth Week Reflection “God wants...
SMC | Daily Lenten Reflections
by Unknown
4M ago
Saturday of the Fifth Week Reflection “God wants a voice. I am a prophet for God.” Recently I saw these words written on a poster which a young woman was holding on the side of a very busy road. The following week I heard a sermon by Bishop Robert Barron entitled, “Listen to the Voice of God”. I got the very strong sense that God was trying to tell me something; to send me a message as I reflected on this Saturday’s Gospel. As high priest and prophet, was Caiaphas listening to the voice of God when he proclaimed his message that Jesus must be killed? Because of Jesus’ growing popularity and ..read more
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Friday of the Fifth Week Reflection The prophet ...
SMC | Daily Lenten Reflections
by Unknown
4M ago
Friday of the Fifth Week Reflection The prophet Jeremiah was threatened  and persecuted by the Jewish priests and by his own friends, for sharing with them the messages he received from God. Still, he affirmed his faith in the Lord: "But the LORD is with me, like a mighty champion. My persecutors will stumble, they will not triumph. In their failure they will be put to utter shame, to lasting, unforgettable confusion." He continued to say: "for to you I have entrusted my cause. Sing to the LORD, praise the LORD, For he has rescued the life of the poor from the power of the wicked!" Jesu ..read more
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Thursday of the Fifth Week Reflection As I place...
SMC | Daily Lenten Reflections
by Unknown
4M ago
Thursday of the Fifth Week Reflection As I place myself into today’s gospel, I focus on Jesus’ words: “Amen, Amen I say to you, whoever keeps my word will never see death.” I muse to myself: “What can that possibly mean?” Jesus continues speaking to the Jews, describing how he knew Abraham. But now they begin to challenge his very sanity.  “You are not yet fifty years old, and you have seen Abraham?  Who do you make yourself out to be?” To their confusion Jesus answered, “Before Abraham came to be, I AM.” Did Jesus have a life the Jews knew nothing about…a life outside the one he l ..read more
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