Hope City Church Edinburgh
Recordings of our main gathering talks at Hope City Church Edinburgh.
Hope City Church Edinburgh
1w ago
A special set of reflections on Romans chapter 12 designed to complement our Arts Team's arrangement of all the text in the chapter ..read more
Hope City Church Edinburgh
1M ago
When Jesus is challenged on whether he stands with culture or against it around marraige and divorce, he upholds God's good creation design. The disciples recognise marriage is hard and dangerous, and wonder if we should avoid it - but although Jesus dignifies singleness, standing out against his culture again, he knows it is no escape from our hard hearts; the only way out is to humble ourselves like little children ..read more
Hope City Church Edinburgh
1M ago
When Peter asks how many times he must forgive the one who sins against him, Jesus responds with a parable placing our forgiveness of others in the context of God's great forgiving of us. Come and explore what it truly means to be forgiven - and to forgive ..read more
Hope City Church Edinburgh
1M ago
Jesus reminds us that faith is about belief, not behaviour. It is not our external actions which truly matter but the heart that drives them all ..read more
Hope City Church Edinburgh
1M ago
Following on from last Sunday, today’s talk focuses on Jesus’ guidance on how we should seek to restore a fellow Christian who has strayed from the truth ..read more
Hope City Church Edinburgh
2M ago
Jesus explains the privilege he, and we, have as children of the Great King - but shows us how we can give preference to others for the sake of the Kingdom, and find the provision of God to help us in that ..read more
Hope City Church Edinburgh
2M ago
Jesus heals a boy who had been possessed by a demon, but his disciples don't understand why they couldn't do it themselves. What role does faith play in following Jesus, and how can we avoid following a Jesus of our own creation ..read more
Hope City Church Edinburgh
2M ago
Listen to God’s love story: The Son comes to serve, suffer and save Intro me Today we’re back in the Gospel of Matthew, his telling of the story of Jesus, and we’re looking at a key moment - extraordinary even in Jesus’ extraordinary life. But before we do, I want us to remember what’s going on around ..read more
Hope City Church Edinburgh
2M ago
This week we take a break from our series in Matthew and explore the question, "What kind of church should we be?" looking at the end of Acts 2 and the priorities and practice of the early church ..read more
Hope City Church Edinburgh
2M ago
Jesus’ disciples have just acknowledged his true identity, in this week’s passage he tells them why he’s come to earth, and what he expects of his followers ..read more