Organo-Lawn Blog
Our professional lawn care technicians take the extra time to blow off your sidewalk and patios, keeping your property neat and tidy. We strive to conserve and recycle scarce resources like water, paper, energy, and time. Our slow-release organic fertilizers only need to be applied 4-5 times per season and they also build the organic matter and stimulate beneficial microbial activity in your soil.
Organo-Lawn Blog
1y ago
This weedy grass is not to be confused with turf-type tall fescue that is a fine-bladed grass used for lawns.
Coarse tall fescue is a perennial grass that is a dark green colored grass type that grows in the lawn all year long.
It is a thick-bladed, fast-growing, perennial grass that usually grows in clumps in the middle of a lawn.
Ideal Conditions for Weed Growth This is a cool-season grass that is found throughout the year. It’s a very hardy grass that will stick around even through a drought. This grass will move in if there is a bare spot in the lawn. So having a dense, lush lawn more
Organo-Lawn Blog
1y ago
Just because it’s winter that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be thinking about having a great lawn. A lot can happen to a lawn over the winter months. Below are some great tips to do in winter and beyond to have a great looking lawn all season. Fall into Winter If there hasn’t been significant precipitation; winter lawn watering can be crucial to your lawn coming back strong in the spring (it’s helpful for your trees too!). If there hasn’t been about 2 inches of moisture in a month, it’s time to water your lawn and trees. Tip: You want to water the lawn when it’s 50F or above more
Organo-Lawn Blog
1y ago
Boulder County 2020 People’s Choice Award Winner: Organo-LawnWhile we didn’t get into this business to win awards, it still feels good to be recognized, especially for our focus on environmentalism and green practices. Organo-Lawn has been selected by the Daily Camera’s Boulder County Gold People’s Choice Awards for 2020 in the Best Green Services category. We are thrilled to receive this honor. “Organo-Lawn is honored to be acknowledged by the people of Boulder County for all our hard work in trying to make our home a safer place to live,” says owner, Brad Wolfe. “ We truly appreciate al more
Organo-Lawn Blog
1y ago
Facts about Black Medic
This weed is a legume found often in pastures since it does well in dry or nutrient deficient soils.
Black Medic is found on every continent except Antarctica.
While considered a weed in your lawn. This flower is used for honey.
Ideal Conditions for Weed Growth This hardy weed and can tolerate many different conditions, but is most commonly found in compacted and nutrient deficient soils. It can be very hard to get control of because it can tolerate unhealthy soils. Black medic is known to be a soil fixer by releasing nitrogen into the soil. However, this just means t more
Organo-Lawn Blog
1y ago
Prickly lettuce is a biennial or winter annual.
This weed originated in Eurasia, but has been naturalized in most of North America.
Young leaves are edible and are used for medicinal purposes.
Prickly lettuce, also known as wild lettuce can grow up to about six feet if left unattended.
Ideal Conditions for Weed Growth This weed is mainly found in landscaped areas, fields and gardens, and can be occasionally found in lawns. It does well in drought stressed areas. Prickly lettuce reproduces by seed and blooms from April-October. How to Control Prickly Lettuce When growing in the lawn, th more
Organo-Lawn Blog
1y ago
Usually it’s a great idea to mulch leaves that have fallen on your lawn. That will provide the lawn with great organic matter that will feed the microbes. However, many tree funguses transfer year to year in the fallen leaf tissue. It is very important to remove the winter debris as early as possible in the late autumn to avoid the spread of the funguses or diseases. This is only an issue if your trees have a disease or a fungus. If your trees are in great shape, below are some great ideas for what to do with your fall leaves so they don’t end up in a landfill.
Mulching As tempting as it is to more
Organo-Lawn Blog
1y ago
Facts About Myrtle Spurge
Myrtle Spurge is on the Department of Agriculture’s noxious weed list as a Type A (must eliminate) in Colorado.
It is a perennial weed that contains toxins that can cause severe allergic reactions.
This noxious weed was first introduced to North America as an ornamental plant.
The seeds of this weed can remain viable for about 8 years, so it’s a good idea to remove it before it goes to seed.
This weed is considered noxious because it will outcompete native species and has a toxic milky sap.
Myrtle Spurge is capable of launching seeds up to about 15 feet.
Ideal Condi more
Organo-Lawn Blog
1y ago
When it comes to lawn care, how often and how much you water your lawn will either make or break how nice your lawn looks through the season. At Organo-Lawn we have developed the 1-2-3-2-1 lawn watering technique that will ensure your lawn is getting enough water at the right time. What is the 1-2-3-2-1 Technique? This technique will water the lawn deeply and infrequently to promote deep digging grass roots, and a healthy soil microbiome. The name comes from how many days a week to water according to the time of year.
In early spring when the temperatures are below 70⁰ F water 1 day per week more
Organo-Lawn Blog
1y ago
Your lawn takes time to get to the point of needing restoration, so it will also take time to repair the lawn or get it back in good health. Depending upon the most common issues that need fixing, whether it’s overwatering of the lawn, underwatering, fungus, or grub damage, it will take varying amounts of time. We will go over those common issues and how long it will take to repair them.
Grub damage
We see grub during two seasons. This is because of the life cycle of the Japanese beetle. Japanese beetles lay eggs over July. And if those eggs turn into grubs, they will do damage in the fall more
Organo-Lawn Blog
1y ago
How often should you water a lawn?
Watering your lawn is one of the most important factors of having a healthy lawn. This is especially important with organic lawn care because you want to keep the microbes in the soil healthy when using organics. Proper watering will give them the right amount of water without replacing too much air in the soil.
At Organo-Lawn, we created the 1-2-3-2-1 technique. This technique gets its name from the number of days you water throughout the season. When the temperatures are cool in early spring, you water one day a week; when it warms up above 70 degrees, you more