The Helion & Co. Military Book Blog
Established in 1996, Helion & Company is the world's leading independent publisher of specialist military history. It produces books on many other aspects of Military History from the Late Medieval period through to the present day.
The Helion & Co. Military Book Blog
4d ago
By Albrecht Zimburg My main hobby is genealogy. I collect details of my ancestor’s biographies such as dates of birth, professions, living conditions etc. However, as most of my ancestors, especially on my father’s side, were in the military, I inevitably became involved in military history. What helped me to understand military matters was the ..read more
The Helion & Co. Military Book Blog
1w ago
By Garry Wills Introduction At the battle or ‘cannonade’ of Valmy (20 September 1792), 156 miles into France from the Rhine, the French Armée du Centre, commanded by Kellermann, and the Armée du Nord, commanded by Dumouriez, faced the Duke of Brunswick’s Prussian Army. When the French stood their ground, the Duke of Brunswick retired ..read more
The Helion & Co. Military Book Blog
2w ago
The Guards Division of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) during the First World War represented a unique fusion of elite training, aristocratic leadership, and battlefield determination. Its story from 1915 to 1917 offers a compelling lens through which to examine the evolution of military strategy, discipline, and the challenges of maintaining cohesion in the face ..read more
The Helion & Co. Military Book Blog
3w ago
By Stuart B. Jennings From the start of the sixteenth century there begins to appear in the records reports of fevers that were affecting armies moving across Europe or undertaking sieges. How it arrived in Europe is unclear, but it may have possibly been brought into the continent from Asia by Ottoman armies advancing into ..read more
The Helion & Co. Military Book Blog
1M ago
By Nigel Emsen Over the October 2024 half-term break, I caught up with Andy Paine, one of Bismarck’s Wars play testers, for a game. We decided to do a half-size game and use only one division for each. We also decided to play something different and do a fictitious meeting engagement battle. This allows us ..read more
The Helion & Co. Military Book Blog
2M ago
By Peter W. Hills Unlike most of the books on this site, mine is not is not a military history book but does include references to my military experience and the fact that four owners of my car were RAF pilots during the Second World War which was part of the reason visiting close “sensitive” bases ..read more
The Helion & Co. Military Book Blog
2M ago
In military history, certain conflicts resonate not only for their tactical and strategic intricacies but also for the wider geopolitical upheavals they engendered. The Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78 is one such conflict, marking the twilight of the Ottoman Empire as a dominant force and shaping the European balance of power in ways that would echo ..read more
The Helion & Co. Military Book Blog
2M ago
Scotland has long been a crucible of medical education, innovation, and practical expertise, especially within the military. The recently published Scotland’s Contribution to Naval and Military Medicine and Surgery, edited by Iain Macintyre, Hilary Morris, and Andreas K. Demetriades, brings Scotland’s contributions vividly to life, focusing on Scottish-trained doctors who revolutionised medical practice on the battlefield ..read more
The Helion & Co. Military Book Blog
3M ago
By Andy Miles On the second weekend of November every year the International Plastic Model Society host the UK’s biggest event for plastic model makers. Spread over three halls at the International Convention Centre in Telford, Shropshire, this event is a showcase for not only the UK’s model-making scene, but also hosts many international visitors ..read more
The Helion & Co. Military Book Blog
3M ago
By Robert Griffith The From Reason to Revolution Siege Warfare in the Long Eighteenth Century conference was held at Derby Museum on Saturday, 2 November. The drizzle outside did not dampen the enthusiasm of either the speakers or the attendees. Held in the magnificent former city library, now part of the museum, the event featured ..read more