Serenity Birth Center Blog
Serenity Birth Center, Nevada's first and only free-standing birthing center, provides you with a home-like birth experience and full-service well-woman care. Experience the serenity of natural birth while receiving care and attention throughout your whole pregnancy, birth, and beyond from April Clyde and her well-qualified and experienced team.
Serenity Birth Center Blog
1y ago
From the moment I found out I was pregnant with Elias I knew I wanted to do things differently in regards to my prenatal care/ birth. I immediately started researching midwives in Vegas and ended up stumbling upon Serenity Birth Center. After attending a Zoom consultation meeting over the phone I knew this was 100% the route I wanted to go and where I was supposed to be. However; it turned out that both of my insurances didn’t cover a midwife/ birth center birth. I battled back and forth with them for 12 weeks, calling/ emailing anyone and everyone who I could get through to and even writing m ..read more
Serenity Birth Center Blog
2y ago
Dear Gavin,
This is the story of your birth. I will tell it as best as I can remember. In my mind I can picture it clear as day because it is the day where my world opened up and I found my purpose. It was Saturday, March 1st and daddy and I were out and about all day running errands. We went to visit your grandpa Cal at work to pick up tickets to the local Nascar race (your daddy thought he was going to the race the next day…you had a different idea). We also went to Target (of course) to pick up some needed items and we went to Whole Foods for groceries and lunch. On our way home we stopped ..read more
Serenity Birth Center Blog
2y ago
We found out Kamden was breech at 35 weeks. I made an appointment with a chiropractor and had him turned with the Webster maneuver. I was quite relieved he was now in position for a vaginal birth. At that point Braxton Hicks contractions start and continue for the rest of the pregnancy. On September 12 I had an internal (3cm and 80% effaced). I was having a lot of contractions that day but still nothing regular. I went to bed at 10pm and woke up at 12:10 am with strong contractions that were every 3 minutes lasting 30 seconds so I called Kevin home from work.  ..read more
Serenity Birth Center Blog
2y ago
Hi Serenity Birth team,
I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to switch to your care at 38 weeks. I am not a sentimental or emotional type of woman but wanted to express my sincere gratitude.
Thank you for taking the time to answer all of my & Ryans’ questions - he was scared most of all.
Thank you for letting Ryan & I redeem our birth experience with Penny & your team. Hunter’s birth was… “traumatic” - I hate to use that word but it sucked, I was scared of the same things happening with Penny’s birth.
Basically… I was super blessed to find you in ..read more
Serenity Birth Center Blog
2y ago
I’ve always wanted to have a natural birth. Never did I think that I would want it at home and in water. My first two children were born in the hospital. My doctor was amazing and knew exactly what I wanted… No Epidural. The first was work. Three days in labor and I was induced. So, I got the Epidural to help me thru the last day. The second was great. I was at home for the first 7 hours of labor and then I went to the hospital for the other 7. All was great at home, blood pressure was normal, and I was focused. Once I got to the hospital it all went down hill. Blood pressure went ip and I cou ..read more
Serenity Birth Center Blog
2y ago
I knew before becoming pregnant that I wanted a home birth. Knowing myself, I knew that a hospital was not going to be the relaxing and calm environment I was envisioning. We met with a friend of a friend who had a home birth and referred us to her midwife. I contacted April and set up a meeting with her. Brian and I knew from that first meeting we wanted April on our birth team. My pregnancy was easy. I know that’s not how most people describe it, but for me it was. I didn’t have morning sickness or other “normal” pregnancy symptoms, which at times worried me–as if pregnancy automatically mea ..read more
Serenity Birth Center Blog
2y ago
Before I even became pregnant my husband, Nathan, and I wanted a non-medicated, natural, home birth, but I did not want to make ‘a mess’ in my bed. The thought of having to clean everything up after I delivered the baby help us make the decision to choose a midwife who practiced at a hospital. April was perfect . . . I know from the moment we meet in the office that I did not need to look any further.
I had a perfect pregnancy until I went to my 31 week appointment where April said that I could have a home birth with her. I thought “things happen for a reason” so we did not hesitate to stay wi ..read more
Serenity Birth Center Blog
2y ago
I began my pregnancy with an OB but switched to April’s care at 31 weeks after meeting her in person and falling in love with the midwifery model of care and April herself. I knew in minutes she was the person I wanted to attend my birth. A few days before my Tyler was born I experienced intermittent surges for several days in row. I knew my body was preparing for the big day but the anticipation was enough to make a person crazy. Finally, on a Friday night my husband Mike and I went shopping for a rocking chair and had dinner. During our meal I felt an overwhelming change ..read more