Catholic Church of the Ascension Blog
We accomplish our mission through prayer and the Sacraments, through evangelization and catechesis, and through apostolic action. Stay up to date with the latest news, events, support and encouragement and more!
Catholic Church of the Ascension Blog
4M ago
Weekly Family Dinner & Prayer
“In the name of the Father, and of the Son…”
Blessed are they whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the LORD. Blessed are they who observe his decrees, who seek him with all their heart.
Psalm 119:1-2
The Law of the Lord, as found in the Ten Commandments, lets us know what is evil. But it’s not really enough to say, “I did not break any of the Commandments.” That’s just the minimum. Instead, we Christians are called to go higher. Not merely to say, “We did not violate the law,” but to say, “We have lived as God’s children. We have become saints more
Catholic Church of the Ascension Blog
4M ago
Cena y Oración Familiar Semanal
“En el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo…”
Dichoso el hombre de conducta intachable, que cumple la ley del Señor. Dichoso el que es fiel sus enseñanzas y lo busca de todo corazón.
Salmo 119, 1-2
La Ley del Señor, tal como se encuentra en los Diez Mandamientos, nos permite saber lo que es malo. Pero en realidad no es suficiente decir: “No quebranté ninguno de los mandamientos”. Eso es solo lo mínimo. En cambio, los cristianos estamos llamados a ir más alto. No simplemente para decir: “No violamos la ley”, sino para decir: “Hemos vivido como hijos de Dios. ¡Nos more
Catholic Church of the Ascension Blog
4M ago
Cena y Oración Familiar Semanal
“En el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo…”
Te damos gracias, Señor, porque eres bueno, porque tu misericordia es eterna.
Salmo 107, 1
Es posible que haya notado que oramos acerca de la gratitud hace unas semanas. Siempre volvemos a la gratitud. Es la más básica de las oraciones. Si prestamos atención, podemos aprender a ver la bondad de Dios en todas partes y darle gracias en todas las circunstancias.
Conversar: Nombra algo que te dé alegría. Puede ser algo en lo que eres bueno. Puede ser alguien a quien esperas ver. Puede ser algo que te guste hacer. Puede se more
Catholic Church of the Ascension Blog
4M ago
Weekly Family Dinner & Prayer
“In the name of the Father, and of the Son…”
God chose the foolish of the world to shame the wise, and God chose the weak of the world to shame the strong, and God chose the lowly and despised of the world, those who count for nothing, to reduce to nothing those who are something, so that no human being might boast before God.
1 Cor 1:27-29
There is a special place in God’s heart for the weak, the small, the lowly. “Blessed are the poor in spirit,” says Jesus. “Blessed are those who mourn,” he says. “Blessed are the meek,” he says. The very people the w more
Catholic Church of the Ascension Blog
4M ago
Cena y Oración Familiar Semanal
“En el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo…”
Dios ha elegido a los ignorantes de este mundo, para humillar a los sabios; a los débiles del mundo, para avergonzar a los fuertes; a los insignificantes y despreciados del mundo, es decir, a los que no valen nada, para reducir a la nada a los que valen; de manera que nadie pueda presumir delante de Dios.
1 Cor 1,27-29
Hay un lugar especial en el corazón de Dios para los débiles, los pequeños, los humildes. “Dichosos los pobres de espíritu”, dice Jesús. Dichosos los que lloran”, dice. “Bienaventurados los sufridos”, d more
Catholic Church of the Ascension Blog
4M ago
Weekly Family Dinner & Prayer
“In the name of the Father, and of the Son…”
As he was walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon who is called Peter, and his brother Andrew, casting a net into the sea; they were fishermen. He said to them, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” At once they left their nets and followed him.
Matthew 4:18-20
The first disciples of Jesus left everything behind to follow him. Simon and Andrew were workers. They were business men. They knew the business of fishing. What could convince them to abandon their boats and nets to fo more
Catholic Church of the Ascension Blog
4M ago
Cena y Oración Familiar Semanal
“En el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo…”
Ahora habla el Señor, el que me formó desde el seno materno, para que fuera su servidor, para hacer que Jacob volviera a él y congregar a Israel en torno suyo –tanto así me honró el Señor y mi Dios fue mi fuerza.
Isaias 49,5
El profeta Isaías fue llamado por Dios incluso antes de nacer. ¡Qué maravilloso para él! Pero él no está solo. Cada uno de nosotros está formado por Dios a su imagen y semejanza, y nos llama a nuestro destino desde el momento de nuestra creación en el seno materno. Y continúa llamándonos, todos lo more
Catholic Church of the Ascension Blog
4M ago
Weekly Family Dinner & Prayer
“In the name of the Father, and of the Son…”
Now the LORD has spoken, who formed me as his servant from the womb, that Jacob may be brought back to him, and Israel gathered to him; and I am made glorious in the sight of the LORD, and my God is now my strength!
Isaiah 49:5
The prophet Isaiah was called by God even before he was born. How wondrous for him! But he is not alone. Everyone of us is formed by God in his image and likeness, and he calls us to our destiny from the moment of our creation in the womb. And he continues calling to us, every day of o more
Catholic Church of the Ascension Blog
1y ago
Weekly Family Dinner & Prayer
“In the name of the Father, and of the Son…”
Blessed are they whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the LORD. Blessed are they who observe his decrees, who seek him with all their heart.
Psalm 119:1-2
The Law of the Lord, as found in the Ten Commandments, lets us know what is evil. But it’s not really enough to say, “I did not break any of the Commandments.” That’s just the minimum. Instead, we Christians are called to go higher. Not merely to say, “We did not violate the law,” but to say, “We have lived as God’s children. We have become saints more
Catholic Church of the Ascension Blog
1y ago
Cena y Oración Familiar Semanal
“En el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo…”
Dios ha elegido a los ignorantes de este mundo, para humillar a los sabios; a los débiles del mundo, para avergonzar a los fuertes; a los insignificantes y despreciados del mundo, es decir, a los que no valen nada, para reducir a la nada a los que valen; de manera que nadie pueda presumir delante de Dios.
1 Cor 1,27-29
Hay un lugar especial en el corazón de Dios para los débiles, los pequeños, los humildes. “Dichosos los pobres de espíritu”, dice Jesús. Dichosos los que lloran”, dice. “Bienaventurados los sufridos”, d more