E17 | Slow French A1-A2
French O'Clock by Zenith
3M ago
Bonjour! For Live online French classes visit our website https://learnfrenchatzenith.com/register.php French A1 Self-Paced course https://learnfrenchatzenith.com/second.php Write us info@learnfrenchatzenith WhatsApp us on +91-8585098140 FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/ZenithSchoolofforeignlanguages/ INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/learnfrench_at_zenith/ Podcast : French O'clock by zenith Translation : In the morning, I get up at 7 a.m. and prepare my breakfast. Then I go to the office by metro. During the lunch break, I eat with my colleagues in a small café. In the afternoon, I oft ..read more
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E16 | Donner son avis
French O'Clock by Zenith
3M ago
For Live French Class, DM us on Instagram or WhatsApp on +91 8585998140 Follow us on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/learnfrench_at_zenith/ YouTube : https://youtube.com/channel/UCkRQUrd7aCtfjWcME-PH8oQ Facebook: https://zenithschoolofforeignlanguages.com/ Join our communities  Telegram : https://t.me/+_F8bWsbjbIVlZjg1 Instagram : https://ig.me/j/AbZvwcit-8MBIp0L ..read more
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E14 Small Talks in French
French O'Clock by Zenith
11M ago
Follow us on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/learnfrench_at_zenith/ YouTube : https://youtube.com/channel/UCkRQUrd7aCtfjWcME-PH8oQ Facebook: https://zenithschoolofforeignlanguages.com/ Join our communities  Telegram : https://t.me/+_F8bWsbjbIVlZjg1 Instagram : https://ig.me/j/AbZvwcit-8MBIp0L/ For Live French Class, DM us on Instagram or WhatsApp on +91 8585998140. Transcription : Questions used in this episode - Bonjour. ça va?  - Bonjour. Vous allez bien ? - Salut. Tu vas bien ? - Quoi de neuf ? - Qu’est ce qui se passe dans la vie? - Qu’est ce que tu fais dans la vie? - T ..read more
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E13 | Slow French - Apprendre les langues étrangères
French O'Clock by Zenith
1y ago
Follow us on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/learnfrench_at_zenith/ YouTube : https://youtube.com/channel/UCkRQUrd7aCtfjWcME-PH8oQ Facebook: https://zenithschoolofforeignlanguages.com/ Join our communities  Telegram : https://t.me/+_F8bWsbjbIVlZjg1 Instagram : https://ig.me/j/AbZvwcit-8MBIp0L/ For Live French Class, DM us on Instagram or WhatsApp on +91 8585998140 This is the part of our ongoing French dictation series (slow French series) where you'll be listening to a passage and note down the transcription. The objective of this activity is to improve French listening skills ..read more
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E12 Slow French || Ma journée
French O'Clock by Zenith
1y ago
Follow us on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/learnfrench_at_zenith/ YouTube : https://youtube.com/channel/UCkRQUrd7aCtfjWcME-PH8oQ Facebook: https://zenithschoolofforeignlanguages.com/ Join our communities  Telegram : https://t.me/+_F8bWsbjbIVlZjg1 Instagram : https://ig.me/j/AbZvwcit-8MBIp0L/ For Live French Class, DM us on Instagram or WhatsApp on +91 8585998140 This is the part of our ongoing French dictation series where you'll be listening to a passage twice and note down the transcription. The objective of this activity is to improve French listening skills.  Transcri ..read more
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E11 La dictée en français | (Niveau A1-A2)
French O'Clock by Zenith
1y ago
Follow us on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/learnfrench_at_zenith/ YouTube : https://youtube.com/channel/UCkRQUrd7aCtfjWcME-PH8oQ Facebook: https://zenithschoolofforeignlanguages.com/ Join our communities  Telegram : https://t.me/+_F8bWsbjbIVlZjg1 Instagram : https://ig.me/j/AbZvwcit-8MBIp0L/ For Live French Class, DM us on Instagram or WhatsApp on +91 8585998140 This is the part of our ongoing French dictation series where you'll be listening to a passage twice and note down the transcription. The objective of this activity is to improve French listening skills.  Transcri ..read more
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E10 La dictée en français | Mes résolutions 2024
French O'Clock by Zenith
1y ago
Follow us on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/learnfrench_at_zenith/ YouTube : https://youtube.com/channel/UCkRQUrd7aCtfjWcME-PH8oQ Facebook: https://zenithschoolofforeignlanguages.com/ Join our communities  Telegram : https://t.me/+_F8bWsbjbIVlZjg1 Instagram : https://ig.me/j/AbZvwcit-8MBIp0L/ For Live French Class, DM us on Instagram or WhatsApp on +91 8585998140 This is the part of our ongoing French dictation series where you'll be listening to a passage twice and note down the transcription. The objective of this activity is to improve French listening skills. Transcription ..read more
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E09 La dictée en français || Ce week-end ! (Niveau A1/A2)
French O'Clock by Zenith
1y ago
This is the part of our ongoing French dictation series where you'll be listening to a passage twice and noting down the transcription. The objective of this activity is to improve French listening skills. Transcription : Ce weekend, je vais faire de nombreuses activités passionnantes. Tout d'abord, je vais retrouver des amis au parc pour pique-niquer et jouer au frisbee. Ensuite, je vais assister à un concert de musique en plein air, ce qui promet d'être une expérience incroyable. J'ai également prévu de visiter une exposition d'art dans un musée local pour enrichir mon esprit créatif. Enfin ..read more
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E08 La dictée en français || C'était Noël ! (Niveau A1/A2)
French O'Clock by Zenith
2y ago
Hey! This is Episode 2 of the French Dictation series where you'll be listening to a passage twice and noting down the transcription. The objective of this activity is to improve French listening skills and understand each and every word said. Transcription:  Hier c’était Noël et j’ai passé une journée magnifique avec ma famille. Le matin d’abord on a pris le petit-déj très délicieux et après on est allés au marché de Noël. On a dû acheter de petits trucs de décoration. Il y avait beaucoup de monde et vraiment une très bonne ambiance. L’après-midi j’ai écrit une lettre au père Noël. J’ai ..read more
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E07 La dictée en français (Niveau A1)
French O'Clock by Zenith
2y ago
Bonjour !  I am starting with this French Dictation series where you'll be listening to a passage twice and noting down the transcription. The objective of this activity is to improve French listening skills and understand each and every word said.  Transcription :  Bonjour ! Je m’appelle Élisa et je suis française. J’habite à Lyon avec ma famille. Je suis professeur d’anglais et je travaille dans une école élémentaire.  J’adore ce que je fais. J’aime bien passer le temps avec les petits élèves. Pendant le weekend normalement je ne travaille pas. En fait je préfère rester ..read more
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