How Inherited Cancer Screening Can Help Patients Understand Their Predisposition
LifeBrite Labs Blog
by Aakiem Philippe
1y ago
Assessing family history has always been an important component of understanding each patient’s individual risk for serious illness. And it’s been known for some time that certain types of cancer run in families.  Thanks to more advanced testing techniques, we can now glean deeper insights about the genetic factors that play a role in patients’ […] The post How Inherited Cancer Screening Can Help Patients Understand Their Predisposition appeared first on LifeBrite Labs more
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What Women Need to Know About Their Laboratory Testing
LifeBrite Labs Blog
by Aakiem Philippe
1y ago
It’s important for all people to schedule regular wellness tests, in part to practice preventative healthcare. But there are certain, specific lab tests that women in particular need to consider. Here’s what you need to know about a few of the most common lab tests for women’s health.  Why are Lab Tests Important for Women?  […] The post What Women Need to Know About Their Laboratory Testing appeared first on LifeBrite Labs more
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Staying Sober? How Toxicology Can Help You Achieve Your Goals
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by Aakiem Philippe
1y ago
Entering recovery changes your life in profound (and sometimes challenging) ways. Although ultimately an independent journey, the path of sobriety is best traveled with plenty of help and support. One tool that may help you along the way is toxicology testing. Toxicology tests determine whether there are any toxic substances present in your system. These […] The post Staying Sober? How Toxicology Can Help You Achieve Your Goals appeared first on LifeBrite Labs more
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How Laboratories Can Continue to Support Women in STEM
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by Aakiem Philippe
1y ago
The world of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) has made many remarkable strides in the last fifty years, including in the medical arena. Increasing the population of women working in these fields is one of these progressions. In 2019, the number of female STEM professionals reached 27%, tripling the percentage from the 1970s. But […] The post How Laboratories Can Continue to Support Women in STEM appeared first on LifeBrite Labs more
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On the Dangerous Illusion of “Normal” (And the Good Business of Empowering People with Data)
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by Aakiem Philippe
1y ago
A Message From Christian Fletcher A Deadly Average There’s this story about the first combat airplane cockpit, designed in 1926 by the U.S. Army. Big believers in standardization, the military first calculated the dimensions of the “average” male pilot, then designed the seat, pedals, stick, and all the rest to fit this average man. By the […] The post On the Dangerous Illusion of “Normal” <br> <span >(And the Good Business of Empowering People with Data)</span> appeared first on LifeBrite Labs more
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How COVID Testing has Evolved in the Past Two Years
LifeBrite Labs Blog
by Aakiem Philippe
1y ago
In February 2019, the novel coronavirus was yet undiscovered and unnamed. But on December 30, 2019, samples were collected in Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital from a patient with what the World Health Organization described as “pneumonia of unknown etiology,” and SARS-CoV-2 — what we know today as COVID-19 — was identified. Since then, researchers and scientists […] The post How COVID Testing has Evolved in the Past Two Years appeared first on LifeBrite Labs more
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How Toxicology Can Help Communities
LifeBrite Labs Blog
by Aakiem Philippe
1y ago
Toxicology is a unique branch of science in which medicine, chemistry, biology, and pharmacology intersect. While toxicology lab screenings are often ordered by healthcare providers to test for toxins, alcohol, or drugs in a patient’s system, toxicologists also have several other specialties. With its role in several disciplines, toxicology helps communities thrive in many ways […] The post How Toxicology Can Help Communities appeared first on LifeBrite Labs more
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Continued COVID-19 Testing: The Key to Unlocking the Pandemic
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by Aakiem Philippe
1y ago
A Message From Christian Fletcher As we near the two-year mark, the pandemic remains unpredictable. However, one thing we know for certain about COVID-19 is the invaluable importance of continued testing. This was true in the beginning, it still is today, and it will be tomorrow.  Early in the pandemic, we quickly ramped up testing […] The post appeared first on LifeBrite Labs more
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How Influenza and Its Vaccine Affected History
LifeBrite Labs Blog
by Aakiem Philippe
1y ago
Thanks to social distancing and other preventive measures implemented to reduce COVID-19 transmission, recent flu seasons have been much less active than those of previous years. But, influenza has been responsible for global pandemics in the past. While healthcare providers can now offer the flu vaccine to their patients, it was only fairly recently that […] The post How Influenza and Its Vaccine Affected History appeared first on LifeBrite Labs more
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What a Diabetic Health Panel & Profile Can Do for You or Your Patients
LifeBrite Labs Blog
by Aakiem Philippe
1y ago
Despite its prevalence, in 2018, more than 20% of patients who met laboratory criteria for diabetes were unaware that they had it.  While receiving any type of chronic health diagnosis can be overwhelming for patients, being diagnosed with diabetes empowers them to control their condition effectively, make decisions that promote their wellness, and prevent potentially […] The post What a Diabetic Health Panel & Profile Can Do for You or Your Patients appeared first on LifeBrite Labs more
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