Urban Village Church
We are a bold church rooted in the gospel of Jesus Christ, which tears down walls that divide us and build up life. Our mission is to create Jesus-loving, inclusive communities that ignite the city. Learn more about our church, community gathering, teaching, preachings, events and more.
Urban Village Church
1y ago
Dear UVC,
I like painting from dust, dust from crushed rock. I like mixing oil that comes from flaxseed with that crushed dust to create paintings. There are so many references in the Bible that we come from dust and to dust we shall return, that we hold this treasure in clay jars, that we are broken clay vessels; the list goes on and on. And the wonder of this dust that we are made out of, this crushed rock, that we can paint pictures together, manifesting the glory of God. Our manifestations of how we understand that glory of God are incomplete, yet full of wonder.
Why am I mentioning ..read more
Urban Village Church
1y ago
On Sunday, August 20, Pastor Christian announced that this will be his last year serving Urban Village. Watch the video below for his announcement—you can also view the FAQ document mentioned in the video here ..read more
Urban Village Church
1y ago
Early this year (2022), our South Loop site decided to have a sabbatical to explore the new ministry possibilities. Since then, we have tried various fresh expressions such as weekly online gatherings, Saturday brunch, Friday Night Worship at Momentum Coffee, and dinner church. Through these efforts and ministries, we have learned how to start something new without fear by leaning on God, and how to journey together by supporting each other. After 9 months of exploration, we concluded that it’s time to take “Sending and Recommissioning” as our next step. As the first site that opened our doors ..read more
Urban Village Church
1y ago
On September 18, Pastor D’Angelo announced their decision to resign as site pastor of Wicker Park and Hyde Park - Woodlawn. In the video below they share what lead to this decision as well as what they will be doing next.
Later that day, the ONE Board released the following statement in an email to HPW and Wicker Park community members:
Dear friends at our Wicker Park & Hyde Park-Woodlawn sites,
We know that Pastor D'Angelo’s announcement today may come as a surprise, and you may wonder just how much transition and change our church can handle. Please know that as your One Board representa ..read more
Urban Village Church
1y ago
UVC is currently in a time of significant transition as our Executive Pastor Emily McGinley departs. To hear a fuller description of what the interim period consists of, you may review the notes or recording of our Town Hall meeting on June 29th.
Now: A sub-team of our ONE Board are reviewing applications received from candidates, many of whom have been invited to apply, for the role of "Interim Support Pastor." This team, along with Pastor Christian, will hold interviews and conversations with selected candidates to assess fit and clarify the expectations/ne ..read more
Urban Village Church
1y ago
Dear UVC,
Last week, our church gathered (remotely) for a time to hear updates on the health of the church, status on transitions, and answer questions. You can view, or listen to, the whole meeting here (passcode: 2Z#f79?k). Otherwise, here are the highlights:
• South Loop Next began initial trials of evening services at Momentum Coffee shop in May were promising, so the gatherings will continue through the end of August, every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month. These events are smaller, more intimate, and experimental. There will also be opportunities for fellowship in between gatherings ..read more