PRIME Magazine
Singapore's source of Nutrition and Well-being, and Leisure and Lifestyle. PRIME is a bi-monthly health and lifestyle magazine for those aged 40 years and above. Published in 2006 by Spring Publishing, it features the cover stories of inspiring celebrities, as well as other health and lifestyle information.
PRIME Magazine
1w ago
The post PRIME Magazine | Aug-Sept 2024 Issue appeared first on Prime Magazine ..read more
PRIME Magazine
1M ago
This article was brought to you by: Choosing the right day care centre for your elderly loved ones is one of the most important decisions you will make. This is especially so if they happen to have certain requirements or special needs. The right environment and programme not only ensure their safety, but also take [...]
The post Good Care, Elder Care: QuickStart Guide to Finding the Right Day Care Centre for Your Elderly Loved Ones appeared first on Prime Magazine ..read more
PRIME Magazine
1M ago
Mdm L, in her 80s, had always been the heart of her family. During the weekends, her home would be filled with the lively chatter of children and grandchildren. She would buy and prepare ingredients from her regular market stalls and gather the family around the kitchen table to wrap dumplings. But after a fall [...]
The post Home Alone – Ageing Alone: Is Loneliness a Disease? appeared first on Prime Magazine ..read more
PRIME Magazine
1M ago
This article was brought to you by: Back pain affects approximately 17.1% of the total Singaporean population, with knee pain affecting an estimated 8.5% according to recent data. These conditions can be attributed to a range of factors, including an ageing population, sedentary lifestyles and the impact of chronic medical conditions. Chronic medical conditions can [...]
The post Ceasing the Suffering: Discover Long-Standing Relief from Chronic Pains Without Surgery. (No, It is Not TCM) appeared first on Prime Magazine ..read more
PRIME Magazine
1M ago
Functional Nutritionist Ms Jieun Wrigley, Nuffield Nutrition This article was brought to you by: Please be fairly warned that what I am about to tell you in this article will be highly unpopular. In fact, after reading this article, you might even call me the Scrooge of the festive season! Or if I [...]
The post Are You Inflamm-Ageing? How Your Favourite Festive Foods Are Secretly Causing Inflammation and Ageing You Faster appeared first on Prime Magazine ..read more
PRIME Magazine
1M ago
This article was brought to you by: In Singapore’s tropical climate, air conditioning is not just a luxury, but a necessity. As temperatures soar and humidity rises, we often rely on air conditioners to beat the heat. However, have you ever considered the possibility that your air conditioner might be causing harm to your ear, [...]
The post Is Your Air Conditioner Secretly Wrecking Your Nose, Throat and Ears? The Hidden Dangers of Staying Cool. appeared first on Prime Magazine ..read more
PRIME Magazine
1M ago
This article was brought to you by: Chronic fatigue refers to a persistent state of tiredness or exhaustion that lasts for six months or more, and does not improve with rest or sleep. Contrary to regular tiredness due to lack of sleep or overexertion, chronic fatigue can markedly lower one’s quality of life, significantly undermining [...]
The post Chronic Fatigue: Is Hormonal Disharmony Draining Your Energy? appeared first on Prime Magazine ..read more
PRIME Magazine
2M ago
The post PRIME Magazine | Jun-July 2024 Issue appeared first on Prime Magazine ..read more
PRIME Magazine
2M ago
Famed Hollywood thespian Frances McDormand once commented, “With ageing, you earn the right to be loyal to yourself.” Indeed, as we become older, we owe it to ourselves to fight against the effects of ageing, and find ways to live longer and healthier. A large part of this involves taking in the right nutrients and [...]
The post NMN: The Longevity Ingredient That is Changing the Game appeared first on Prime Magazine ..read more
PRIME Magazine
2M ago
This article was brought to you by: Ageing is a journey we all embark on. While I have come to appreciate the wisdom and grace that comes with it, I have also noticed the little signs - fine lines, sagging skin and a bit of dullness - that remind me the years are passing. But [...]
The post A New Me: My Journey with VOLFORMER at EHA Clinic appeared first on Prime Magazine ..read more