New Beginnings
Everyday Haiku Blog
by Anne Dunnett
1y ago
Labour Day weekend can feel like a second new year — the perfect time to reassess where you are, where you want to be, and how much you’ve accomplished in the year. It’s a great time to recharge your internal batteries and re-energize yourself for the fall season.  When I was younger, I used to […] The post New Beginnings appeared first on Every Day Haiku more
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The Four Elements
Everyday Haiku Blog
by Anne Dunnett
1y ago
The four elements are connected to many ancient cultures and healing modalities ranging from Astrology and Ayurveda Medicine to Feng Shui. Theses elements are in direct connection to how we experience our inner and outer world on a physical and spiritual level. Each element holds a special energy that we can access at any time […] The post The Four Elements appeared first on Every Day Haiku more
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Mindfulness and Haiku
Everyday Haiku Blog
by Anne Dunnett
1y ago
Did you know that mindfulness and haiku share a connection? Mindfulness is the ability to be in the present moment without judgment, and having an awareness of thoughts, feelings and sensations as they arise. Because haiku is written in the present tense, is based on awareness and the senses, this is what makes it mindful. […] The post Mindfulness and Haiku appeared first on Every Day Haiku more
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The magic of Mother Nature
Everyday Haiku Blog
by Anne Dunnett
1y ago
Spending time outdoors has been proven to boost your energy and is a simple way to kick-start a happy mood, improve well-being and practice mindfulness. Being in nature can also help us to be more present and establish a strong mind-body connection.  Since haiku is always written in the present tense it can provide healing […] The post The magic of Mother Nature appeared first on Every Day Haiku more
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The power of the blossoms
Everyday Haiku Blog
by Anne Dunnett
1y ago
Hello spring! Now that winter is over and spring has arrived, it’s the time of year when Mother Nature is waking up from her dream and everything starts to burst into the new season. Think about the flowers and trees, how they awaken and come back to life in the spring. The buds were starting […] The post The power of the blossoms appeared first on Every Day Haiku more
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Seeds of Abundance
Everyday Haiku Blog
by Anne Dunnett
1y ago
Earlier in January, I was at my weekly Toastmasters meeting. At the end of the meeting, one of my fellow Toastmasters and good friend, offered the group a beautiful question about planting seeds. She asked us what kind of seeds we would like to grow. Immediately I wanted to share that I would plant seeds […] The post Seeds of Abundance appeared first on Every Day Haiku more
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The simplicity of Haiku
Everyday Haiku Blog
by Anne Dunnett
1y ago
What exactly is haiku? Whenever I meet people curious about haiku, I ask them what they think it is. The answer is almost always the same. “I learned a bit about haiku in school, and the first thing we were taught is that it’s a three-line, seventeen-syllable short poem.” This is partially true, but what […] The post The simplicity of Haiku appeared first on Every Day Haiku more
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Happy New Year! Bringing in 2022
Everyday Haiku Blog
by Anne Dunnett
1y ago
Hello 2022! We certainly are living in crazy but exciting times, if you choose to look at it that way. The New Year is a time of new hopes and new beginnings. This special tick of the clock motivates us not only to celebrate, but also to step outside of our day-to-day activities. January is […] The post Happy New Year! Bringing in 2022 appeared first on Every Day Haiku more
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Wabi-Sabi and Haiku
Everyday Haiku Blog
by Anne Dunnett
1y ago
Have you ever heard of Wabi-Sabi? You might think it’s something to put on sushi and it does sound very similar to wasabi, but it’s not. The definition In the Wiklipedia says…. “In traditional Japanese aesthetics, Wabi-Sabi is a world view centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. The aesthetic is sometimes described as […] The post Wabi-Sabi and Haiku appeared first on Every Day Haiku more
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Spring and the Cherry Blossoms
Everyday Haiku Blog
by Anne Dunnett
1y ago
Spring has fully arrived and the sweet buds of the season are bursting into bloom. I’m seeing them everywhere I go. It’s such a breath of fresh air to know that the stillness of winter is behind us. This is nature’s way of reminding us that every day is worth celebrating. When the sweet buds […] The post Spring and the Cherry Blossoms appeared first on Every Day Haiku more
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