423 Communication Blog » Haiku
Well Said Wednesday is the every-other-week blog, written by 4.23 Communication Founder and Content Coach Barbara Govednik, to help overworked entrepreneurs become better, more confident writers for their businesses. Be well said!
423 Communication Blog » Haiku
2y ago
Happy World Letter Writing Day!
When is the last time you sent someone an actual letter? What if you sent one to a client. Right now ..read more
423 Communication Blog » Haiku
2y ago
A message from the official haiku division of 4.23 Communication.
Today, a blog in haiku form. About blogging. How meta.
BTW, 4.23 Communication now offers private 1-1 content planning sessions where we co-create your strategic, right-sized outreach calendar. Because the best way to stay on track with the constant content needs of your business is working from a doable plan.
Contact Barbara for more details or to book your session.
“Well Said Wednesday” is a blog by Barbara Govednik, Founder, Content Coach & Message Strategist of 4.23 Communication. It’s published every other Wednesday…is ..read more
423 Communication Blog » Haiku
2y ago
A message from the official haiku division of 4.23 Communication.
Today, a blog in haiku form about typos.
They happen.
We work hard to make them not happen but sometimes that sh*t just sneaks through.
It happens to the best of us. It happens to the worst of us. It happens to Bravo reality TV stars (and I might have sent them an email about a typo on their website.)
I firmly stand by the sentiment in the haiku. Yes, you should try to avoid errors. And you can feel bad about a typo. But you don’t need to feel that bad. Unless you are the diploma maker for fictional Elmdale College (my fellow S ..read more
423 Communication Blog » Haiku
2y ago
Today, a blog in haiku form. About not writing.
We make up sooooo many roadblocks to getting content done, don’t we? Almost anything sounds better than staring down a blank page.
Pro Tip: Don’t start with a blank page.
Pro Tip 2: And don’t go it alone. Try co-working. Something magical happens to your focus when you’re working in a group and being intentional about your time.
P.S. Not a fan of rainbow bookshelves — how do you find anything? I’m completely team “grouped by topic” for my shelves. Which are quite messy at the moment (see below).
Like haiku? Follow @575by423 on Instagram.
“Well S ..read more
423 Communication Blog » Haiku
2y ago
Long-time friends of 4.23 Communication know that I often celebrate holidays and “holidays” with custom-created haikus.
With Halloween fast approaching, it’s time to share this one. I was inspired to write this for all the content creators out there. Because is there anything scarier than your computer eating your work?
BTW, a small collection of merchandise will be launching soon featuring your favorite haikus on holiday decor and gift items. Watch this page or follow 575by423 on Instagram or (coming soon) Facebook.
“Well Said Wednesday” is a blog by Barbara Govednik, Founder, Content Coach ..read more
423 Communication Blog » Haiku
2y ago
Photo by Wonderlane on Unsplash. Haiku by Barbara Govednik.
What if — just for today — you didn’t take your content so seriously?
What if you let yourself explore, play, mess around with the words you use for your business?
What if you could remind yourself that
It’s Not “Business Writing”… It’s Writing For Your Business
And your business is that thing you love to do and are driven to do and are called to do!
Let me share a little story about my morning:
Today started a little rough. It was “must finalize blog post” day (because it’s Wednesday and Well Said Wednesday posts on…you guessed it ..read more
423 Communication Blog » Haiku
2y ago
If you’ve been on the 4.23 Communication Facebook page in the past week, you know that April Is National Poetry month.
Which I’ve turned into Haiku-A-Day month.
Like this one from yesterday:
I see you blank page
You can’t intimidate me
(You totally can)
Haikus are way more fun to write than long-form sales letters and replies to antsy vendors.
They are engaging and shareable on social media.
But that’s not why I write them.
(Well, that’s not the only reason.)
The truest, deepest reason I write and post haikus is because they represent me some pretty big truths about me:
that I can come at t ..read more
423 Communication Blog » Haiku
2y ago
Admitting it. These are strange days, indeed. We’ve all got to do what we can to stay strong, stay healthy, and stay sane.
What better time for a new haiku?
But that’s not all.
If you’re feeling isolated or uninspired, please join me and fellow business owners for On Fridays, We Write! Virtual Co-working to Get. Writing. Done. Which is:
A four-hour block of time every Friday through April (and beyond?)
Happening between 10am PDT and 1pm PDT.
At the top of each hour, we launch a 45-minute writing sprint.
Join as many or as few sprints as you like, just jump in at the top of the hour ..read more
423 Communication Blog » Haiku
2y ago
It’s April. It’s National Poetry Month here in the U.S. and that means one thing:
New & Classic Haiku-A-Day populating the 4.23 Communication Facebook page every day this month.
They join "holiday" haikus like this one or this one that pop up now and then (and I use the term “holiday” very loosely) and 12 Christmas haikus every December.
Clearly, I like the haiku form. And it’s possible it’s made you wonder…
Has Barbara lost her mind?
No, not entirely. Writing and posting haikus provides a refreshing break from all the other writing I do for my business.
It keeps me fresh for the editing ..read more