Samer Habbas & Associates » Dog Bites
Founded by Samer Habbas in 2006, the Law Offices of Samer Habbas & Associates has been serving justice and representing clients all across Southern California. For over a decade, this firm has lived up to its mission to help save people from legal injustice. When our clients face unexpected, life-altering accidents. It is our objective to help them through this difficult time to get their..
Samer Habbas & Associates » Dog Bites
2M ago
Dog bites can be traumatic experiences that leave more than just physical scars. If you’ve been bitten by a dog in Los Angeles, you might find that the psychological impact can be as significant, if not more so, than the physical injuries. Understanding the psychological effects of a dog bite can help you recognize the more
Samer Habbas & Associates » Dog Bites
2M ago
Dog bites are a serious issue that can have a significant impact on community safety. In Los Angeles, where many people own pets, the risk of dog bites is ever-present. Understanding the implications of dog bites and how they affect the community is crucial for both dog owners and those who might be at risk more
Samer Habbas & Associates » Dog Bites
5M ago
When you’re out and about in Los Angeles, encountering a variety of dog breeds is common. However, it’s important to recognize that not all dogs behave the same. While most dogs are friendly and well-trained, some breeds are known to be more dangerous than others. It’s important to understand that a dog’s breed alone doesn’t more
Samer Habbas & Associates » Dog Bites
10M ago
When a loved one becomes a victim of a dog bite in California, it can be a traumatic experience. Not only is there physical pain and mental anguish, but there can also be a significant amount of medical bills. Our dog bite lawyers have guided countless families through the complex process of proving negligence in more
Samer Habbas & Associates » Dog Bites
1y ago
Beaches are places of leisure and relaxation, where many people bring their pets to enjoy a day of sun and sand. However, this also increases the likelihood of dog bite incidents. When these unfortunate incidents occur, it’s important to understand the implications from a legal standpoint. Responsibility Of Dog Owners: Leash Laws And More In more
Samer Habbas & Associates » Dog Bites
1y ago
Getting attacked by a dog is an experience that can leave you with permanent scars, including emotional trauma. If you have recently suffered injuries as a result of a dog attack, you likely have many questions regarding who is liable and what compensation you can pursue in court. The Law Offices of Samer Habbas & Associates, PC breaks down California’s dog bite laws in the following guide more
Samer Habbas & Associates » Dog Bites
1y ago
There’s an old saying that “dogs are a [person’s] best friend.” Considering how many family-and-single households own at least one dog, the saying must be true. Unfortunately, your deep affection for and attachment to your dog is why it’s so frightening when someone accuses your dog of biting them. You’re at risk of losing your dog if a person files a dog bite lawsuit against you more
Samer Habbas & Associates » Dog Bites
1y ago
All things we love about the weather warming up and summer approaching – longer days, social gatherings, bike rides – are the very same things that make it the most accident-prone time of the year. Below is a list of some of the most common summertime accidents. Swimming Pool Injuries There’s no better way to more
Samer Habbas & Associates » Dog Bites
1y ago
In California, homeowners insurance can cover a dog bite. However, it does not always cover one. Some insurance carriers require homeowners to opt into dog bite coverage. Some carriers deny coverage of certain dog breeds altogether. To determine if the owner’s homeowners insurance policy covers your dog bite, an experienced dog bite attorney will need to review the language of the policy more
Samer Habbas & Associates » Dog Bites
1y ago
With nearly 90 million domesticated dogs in the United States, it should come as no surprise that each year about 4.5 million people are attacked or bitten by dogs. Depending on the circumstances and where the injury happened, the victim may also pursue an injury claim based on the dog owner’s negligence or “strict liability” dog bite law that makes the owner liable regardless of the animal’s history or the owner’s carelessness more