Level Up Your Fitness
Core Home Fitness Blog
by Kira Kirk
1y ago
Level up your training with Core Home Fitness expert, PJ. Build a stronger body and feel good at the same time.   Use proper form every time so you can get stronger while not getting injured. Even getting better 1% everyday will help you feel better and stay motivated. When you invest in your health you feel better not only physically but mentally.  ..read more
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What are the Five Basic Strength Training Exercises?
Core Home Fitness Blog
by Secret Sushi, Inc
1y ago
Strength training or resistance training is when you increase muscle strength by having your muscles work against weight resistance. Resistance can come from body weight, band resisted movements, and weight resisted movements. Weighted resistance movements are most effective when you are looking to gain muscle strength and reduce body fat without spending hours working out. In fact, a short 30-minute workout with weight can yield great results. Strength training and muscle evolution With strength training, your body will increase muscle mass while burning calories to keep your body at a health ..read more
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How To Perfect Your Compound Exercise Routine
Core Home Fitness Blog
by Kira Kirk
1y ago
Compound Exercises In this video, Core’s Fitness trainer PJ, demonstrates 3 compound movements, (one movement using more than one muscle group at the same time), to get you started on your fitness journey.    Dumbbell Squat:  This movement works your core, hip flexors, hamstrings, glutes and quads. Deadlift:  The deadlift primarily works your hamstrings, glute muscles and your core. Overhead Press:   While engaging your core this exercise will also work your pectoral muscles, deltoids and your triceps. Together these three compound movements are gr ..read more
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How Strong Glutes Prevent Injury to Your Knees and Back
Core Home Fitness Blog
by Kira Kirk
1y ago
Strong glutes prevent injury to your knees and back while making you look and feel your best. However, it’s common today to have weak glutes. If you have a job where you sit for long periods of time at a desk or in front of a computer all day, then spend time at home sitting while watching television or looking at your phone, you’re at risk for inactive and weak glutes.  Strengthening your glutes will stabilize the spine, prevent rotation of the pelvis, and help you avoid tight tendons. Building your muscles can also help protect your knees and back.  Using a machine like the Core Ho ..read more
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How to Nail Your New Year's Resolutions 5 Tips from Core's Fitness Coach
Core Home Fitness Blog
by Kira Kirk
1y ago
HOW TO NAIL YOUR NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS If you are not seeing the results you want then let’s kick start your workout with these 5 easy steps from PJ, Core’s fitness coach.   Start from where you are today then build up to get stronger! Track your progress. Weigh each week and take note of how much weight you are losing. Track how much weight you lift and write down your progress.  Workout with a friend so you have an accountability partner to help motivate and provide encouragement. Have fun!  Find a routine that suits you and keeps you coming back and getting stronger ..read more
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Are Adjustable Dumbbells Worth it?
Core Home Fitness Blog
by Core Home Fitness
1y ago
Now is a good time to invest in home gym equipment—or upgrade the equipment you have. The global fitness equipment industry had $10.31 billion in sales in 2020 alone, and is expected to grow to $15.25 billion by 2026. That means there are more equipment options than ever available, so you can outfit your home workout space with nearly anything you need to help you get a great workout.  With more choices, you’ll also have to make some decisions. What equipment do you need to build or maintain your fitness? How much space do you have in your home, and how much do you have to spend ..read more
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Five Ways to Stay Fit During the Holiday Rush
Core Home Fitness Blog
by Kira Kirk
1y ago
Let’s face it. The holidays are just hectic. Many of us spend the last few weeks of the year scrambling to finish everything from shopping, wrapping, cooking, entertaining, not to mention visiting with friends and family. The holiday season is certainly fun, but there is an element of stress involved, especially if your schedule is already jam-packed.  Staying fit while feeling festive is one way to relieve holiday stress while doing something good for yourself. Here are five ways to help you get some workouts in while you’re juggling your holiday plans and activities.  Make a plan ..read more
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How Do I Start Strength Training at Home?
Core Home Fitness Blog
by Kira Kirk
1y ago
It used to be that the only way to get effective strength training was in a professionally equipped gym. Not anymore. You don’t need a lot of equipment to get started building your muscles. Simple, yet effective home equipment like the Core Home Fitness Adjustable Dumbbell set  and Glute Drive can get you building strength and gaining muscle mass at home in no time.  If you’re new to strength training, or to working out at home, don’t be intimidated. It’s simple to get started! We’ve put together an easy to follow guide with workouts great for any experience level to get started and ..read more
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The Best 15-Minute Circuit Workout For Summer
Core Home Fitness Blog
by Core Home Fitness
1y ago
Lazy summer days by the pool.  Sunbathing on the beach.  Feeling confident in your bathing suit.  The summer season is in full swing, and circuit workouts can have you looking and feeling your best. We’re sharing the best circuit workout for summer to complete in 15 minutes, using a combination of adjustable dumbbells, your own body weight, and cardio exercises.  Ready, Set, Go! 15-Minute Dumbbell and Cardio Workout for Summer  1:00 minute - Start with some push-ups, ensuring that you’re executing proper form. This super simplistic exercise activates a variety of muscl ..read more
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Are 30 Minutes of Strength Training Enough?
Core Home Fitness Blog
by Kira Kirk
1y ago
An efficient way to approach strength training is to work the main muscle groups that are responsible for much of your body’s movement. That will allow you to spend a small amount of time getting results that will benefit a large part of your body. Dr. Edward R. Laskowski, M.D., co-director of the Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Center recommends that healthy adults should exercise their main muscle groups at least twice a per week for maintenance, and three times a week to increase muscle mass and reduce body fat. For added results, add in at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity — such ..read more
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