At Yoga and You, we believe Yoga is for everybody. The only place you need to be flexible is in your mind. Watching and practicing our yoga demos will simply make things better for yourself; to make peace with your imperfections, to see yourself as perfect, just the way you are. Follow our demos at: youtube.com/VentunoYoga
3h ago
Yoga For Kidney Health | Yoga Postures For Kidney Health | Yoga For Kidneys | @VentunoYoga #yogaforkidney #yogaforkidneyhealth #yogaforkidneyproblems #kidneyhealth Hello Viewers, Today we are going to see few of the yoga poses or yoga posters which will help for the overall kidney health. It is suggested to drink lots of water to avoid kidney problems like kidney stones, kidney pain, kidney failures. There are certain yoga posters which also help for good kidney health, I have shown few such yoga poses for kidney health. Yoga Sanskrit: योग, lit. 'yoke' or 'union' pronounced [joːɡɐ]) is a group ..read more
1d ago
5 Asanas to Reduce Blood Pressure | Yoga For Blood Pressure | Parighasana | Bhramari Pranayama | @VentunoYoga #yogaforbloodpressure #bloodpressureyoga #parighasana #bhramaripranayama Chapters: Intro - 00:00 Parighasana - 00:11 Virabhadrasana II - 02:58 Navasana - 03:39 Tadasana - 04:40 Bhramari Pranayama - 05:50 DISCLAIMER: We strongly recommend that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise. You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is ..read more
2d ago
Yoga For Better Sleep | Baddha Konasana | Yoga For Sleep | Yoga For Improve Sleep | Bed Time Yoga | @VentunoYoga #yogaforbettersleep #yogaforsleep #bedtimeyoga #yogaandyou #improvesleep Yoga can be a valuable tool to help improve sleep quality by reducing stress, calming the mind, and promoting relaxation. Incorporating a regular yoga practice into your routine can be beneficial for better sleep. Here are some yoga poses and practices that can aid in improving your sleep. Location courtesy: HI O' TOES STUDIO SPACES Instagram: https://instagram.com/hiotoesstudiospaces?igshid=MWZjMTM2ODFkZg== DI ..read more
3d ago
Yoga For Gland Health | Setu Bandhasana | Yoga For Adrenal Fatigue | Yoga For Thyroid | @VentunoYoga #yogaforthyroid #yogaforglandhealth #yogaforadrenalfatigue #ventunoyoga #yogaandyou Yoga can be beneficial for overall health, including gland health. Certain yoga poses can help stimulate and support the endocrine system, which is responsible for producing and regulating hormones in the body. A balanced endocrine system is crucial for overall well-being, as hormones play a significant role in various bodily functions. Location courtesy: Dlab - Dance Laboratory Chennai Instagram: https://instag ..read more
4d ago
Yoga For Tech Neck | Yoga For Office Workers | Stretches For Neck Pain | Neck Yoga | Desk Yoga | @VentunoYoga #yogafortechnech #stretchesforneck #neckyoga #deskyoga Tech neck—caused by prolonged screen time and poor posture—can lead to stiffness, pain, and tension in the neck, shoulders, and upper back. Yoga can help relieve these symptoms by stretching and strengthening the muscles involved. DISCLAIMER: We strongly recommend that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise. You shoul ..read more
5d ago
Yoga For Shoulder Mobility | Puppy Dog Pose | Yoga For Shoulder Strengthening | Yoga For Shoulder Flexibility | @VentunoYoga | #shouldermobility #yogaforshoulderpain #yogaforshouldermobility #yogaforshoulders #exerciseforshoulder #ventunoyoga #yogaandyou #morningyoga #yogapracticedaily Maintaining good shoulder mobility is crucial for overall upper body function and preventing stiffness or discomfort. Yoga can be an excellent practice to improve shoulder mobility, flexibility, and strength. Location courtesy: Dlab - Dance Laboratory Chennai Instagram: https://instagram.com/dlab_dancelaboratory ..read more
6d ago
8 Limbs Of Yoga | Ashtanga Yoga | Yama | Niyama | Asana | Pranayama | Pratyahara | Dhyana | @VentunoYoga #8limbsofyoga #limbsofyoga #ashtangayoga #yamaha What Is Yoga? - https://youtu.be/V0RNGUSVdZ4 Chapters: Intro - 00:00 Yama - 01:39 Niyamas - 02:39 Asanas - 03:19 Pranayama - 03:57 Pratyahara - 05:06 Dharana - 06:52 Dhyana - 07:40 Samadhi - 08:10 DISCLAIMER: We strongly recommend that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise. You should understand that when participating in any e ..read more
1w ago
Yoga For Digestive Health | Vajrasana | Yoga For Digestion Flow | Yoga Workout For Digestion | @VentunoYoga #yogafordigestion #vajrasana #yogafordigestionandbloating #yogafordigestionandconstipation DISCLAIMER: We strongly recommend that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise. You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so a ..read more
5 Asanas For Headache Relief | Yoga For Headaches | Yoga For Stress Relief | Nadi Shodhana Pranayama
1w ago
5 Asanas For Headache Relief | Yoga For Headaches | Yoga For Stress Relief | Nadi Shodhana Pranayama | @VentunoYoga #yogaforheadache #yogaforstressrelief #nadishodhanapranayama #headacherelief Chapters: Intro - 00:00 Garudasana - 00:12 Prasarita Padottanasana - 01:54 Nadi Shodhana Pranayama - 03:11 Salabhasana - 05:42 Padmasana - 08:06 DISCLAIMER: We strongly recommend that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise. You should understand that when participating in any exercise or ex ..read more
1w ago
Health Benefits of Apples | Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits | Weight Loss | Apple | @VentunoYoga #HealthBenefitsofApples #AppleCiderVinegarBenefits #WeightLoss #Apple #ventunoyoga “An apple a day keeps the doctor away," they say. This line alone emphasizes how good consuming an apple every day is for the human body. They are rich in many nutrients and they maintain overall health. Like us: facebook.com/VentunoYoga Subscribe: youtube.com/user/VentunoYoga Follow us: instagram.com/ventunoyoga Follow us: twitter.com/VentunoYoga ..read more