IV His Glory Clothing Blog
The IV His Glory Clothing Blog is your new source for edifying articles and content. A Christian Blog dedicated to providing you with thoughtful readings on topics of faith, culture, and community. IV His Glory Clothing designs wearable truth, and provides resources to support Christians on their journey toward a deepened relationship with God.
IV His Glory Clothing Blog
3M ago
One Kingdom - Many Brands
To the outside world, this may seem counterintuitive - a Christian brand promoting other Christian brands. Why promote the competition? - But, I am 1000% convinced that, as Believers, our brands are not in competition, but in collaboration for the expansion of the Kingdom of God.
We’ve curated a list of vetted Christian clothing brands that are owned and operated by genuine Believers who seek to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Check them out and, if you like what they have to offer, consider purchasing from them!
The 4th brand on the list is ours! Us ..read more
IV His Glory Clothing Blog
3M ago
Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing… Literally
The rise of Christianity in mainstream culture has resulted in the rise of Christian brands who aim to edify their brothers and sisters in the faith through wearable truth. Unfortunately, there are some companies who, for the purpose of profit and greed, masquerade as Christians in the faith based marketplace.
That, within itself, wouldn’t be too bad - though frowned upon - but what these companies are doing goes far beyond pretending; they are shamelessly stealing designs from real Christian brands and selling them as their own. You may have already ..read more
IV His Glory Clothing Blog
8M ago
Skyla's story of trauma to triumph is a testimony of God's mercy and goodness. It was a blessing to sit down with her and hear her story for this first episode of our new series, The IV Front!
The purpose of this series is to keep God's glory at the forefront of our minds through testimonies of His faithfulness.
Watch Skyla's story below...
  ..read more
IV His Glory Clothing Blog
9M ago
Every purchase tells a story and every story weaves a deeper connection not just with our brand, but with the greater message we all share. We believe in more than just selling products; we believe in making a difference, in touching lives, and in spreading hope.
We are excited to share with you a heartwarming story from one of our cherished customers, Regan. As a new mother and a faithful daughter, Regan's experience highlights the impact our products can have beyond just style. Read on to witness how a simple act of kindness turned into a moment of divine encouragement for he ..read more
IV His Glory Clothing Blog
1y ago
Disguised As The Cure
It’s so tempting to turn to our vices in the midst of our trials. They comfort us, though temporary; they rescue us, though fleeting. They feel good, though in the end they lead to death…
Sin has a great marketing campaign - it reminds me of the sweet treats that are located right in the checkout lane in your grocery store; sin is an impulse buy that leaves us with buyer’s remorse 10000% of the time.
Sin presents itself as the cure while its DNA is packed with death. It calls us with the most seductive voice, and we foolishly follow its lead - only to fall into a pit o ..read more
IV His Glory Clothing Blog
1y ago
The Closer I Get To You
The closer I get to God, the more the filth of my character is exposed; I get it when Paul called himself the chief sinner. The things God is exposing now are the attitudes of my heart - those subtle shifts in thinking that make a tremendous impact on how I relate to Him.
One of them is my incessant entitlement. Oh, I hate to admit it, but my flesh really thinks that God is my butler; that He's at my beck and call & There were times in my walk where I really questioned the goodness of God's character just because I didn't get my way.
I was under this warpe ..read more
IV His Glory Clothing Blog
1y ago
Pain Exposes Our Allegiance To God
We see it in Crime/Mafia movies all the time - to get the enemy to flip, torture is always the effective method of choice. When it happens, we anticipate the character's response to the pain based on how the movie's portrayed them. Will they fold or nah? Will they remain loyal to their side or will the pain get the best of them?
It kinda reminds me of Job. His allegiance to God was tested through pain, and, though he was close to doing so, my man never flipped on God nor cursed His name. He was super discouraged and questioned why, but He never ..read more
IV His Glory Clothing Blog
1y ago
Character Before Charisma
My personality has taken me places my character should've have NEVER gone; I don't say that as a good thing. I know how to work a room, I know how to play the part, and that's served me well in certain areas of my life. My flesh once convinced me to use that same approach when it came to my spiritual maturity; BAD MOVE! I put so much stock in my ability to make people laugh and be relatable and personable, that I neglected to develop Christlike character within my walk...
This approach led to a double life - Holy Roller in front of the family of Christ ..read more
IV His Glory Clothing Blog
1y ago
Close Yet Far From God
You can be in Church your whole life and still be so far from God; bitter toward Him even! Don’t get it twisted - GOD IS CONCERNED WITH YOUR HEART, not your Christian vocation. The prodigal son and the son who stayed were both distant from God - one in proximity, the other in heart; I definitely identify with the brother who stayed…
Full transparency - I’m too image conscious to turn away from God in a public spectacle of visible disobedience but, man oh man have I definitely been distant in heart; resentful for not getting my way or getting what I’ve asked ..read more
IV His Glory Clothing Blog
1y ago
Suffer Well...
I remember being in the NICU when my daughter was on breathing machines with a terrible case of RSV. I remember pleading with God for it to go away; I remember the ‘silence’ I felt from the Lord for those 10 days as the doctors were perplexed as to why she wasn’t getting better…
In all my praying for my daughter, deep down beneath the surface of ‘concerned parent’ was ‘pain avoider’. You see, I wanted my daughter’s condition to get better - I wanted her pain to go away - but, if I’m being honest, I wanted the pain I felt from seeing her in pain to go away more…
The Lord, in ..read more