On Writing: Using Heritage to Deepen Your Characters
JM Williams Blog
by JM Williams
2y ago
Here’s a writing tip that includes a personal anecdote about me and my grandfather. Of Metal and Magic Publishing Who am I? What are the things that make me the way I am today? Any writer today knows that you need to have interesting characters if you ever hope to draw in readers. In most modern fiction, characters are the drivers of the story. This is particularly true of fantasy. Is it not surprising then to see so many book series based around characters rather than plots–see for example: Jack Ryan, Jack Reacher, Robert Langdon, Drizzt Do’Urden. Even readers of the Discworld novels o ..read more
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Blast Into the New Year
JM Williams Blog
by JM Williams
2y ago
Happy New Year! Hope you all have a productive 2023. Look for me over at OMAM for news and updates. Of Metal and Magic Publishing The year is coming to a close, and I’ll admit, I didn’t get everything done that I wanted. It was a relatively slow year for OMAM as compare to those previous. Part of this was due to several major projects that are nearing completion but just didn’t make it across the finish line this year. While that’s regrettable, it means Spring 2023 is looking to be a great season for us. Please stay tuned for news soon on these new books! One of the most significant thi ..read more
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OMAM Updates
JM Williams Blog
by JM Williams
2y ago
It’s been a rough couple of months, but I am finally getting back to my routine. It’s going to take a long while to get completely back to normal. Of Metal and Magic Publishing To those in the US, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. To everyone else, happy holidays in general! With the exception of the release of our newest novel, SCION OF THE ORACLE, late last month, things have been quiet at OMAM. There’s a reason for this, of course, and unfortunately, it’s not a good one. Over the past month, I have been dealing with two sudden family tragedies, which have turned my world (not ..read more
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Interview at Six Questions For
JM Williams Blog
by JM Williams
2y ago
I recently did an interview with Six Questions For, talking about Of Metal and Magic Publishing and my work as the editor. You can check it out here: https://sixquestionsfor.blogspot.com/2021/07/Of-Metal-and-Magic-Publishing.html?fbclid=IwAR1sgPfDblhRqH5t7h2L_bUz7CvBqlH3qIFoqHJBfwAzHJ6q0ydwer5YKQg ..read more
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OMAM Newsletter
JM Williams Blog
by JM Williams
2y ago
Hey there, everyone! If you’d like to get the most up to date news on what I’ve been doing, you should jump on the OMAM mailing list. You can just click on the above image, or go directly to this URL: https://wordpress.us2.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=56277bdd462e3567c04e7140b&id=4b2591a250&fbclid=IwAR2PERthIe9zLWqusSd8hkd79pHAcuPg2sybYb3tdXbTGX3eqHLc2fs-MbA ..read more
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REBLOG: The Wonder of Portal Fantasy
JM Williams Blog
by JM Williams
2y ago
I posted on OMAM about one of my favorite fantasy subgenres–Portal! Of Metal and Magic Publishing At this point, I’ve received several submissions which I would call “portal fantasy.” Unfortunately, due to our strict “no Earth” policy, I’ve had to say no. That’s not to say I haven’t been tempted… What is it about portal fantasy that is so compelling? A recent article on Tor.com had me thinking about the genre. First, let me share the key idea of that article with you. Is John Wick portal fantasy? For the stubborn few of you who don’t know, John Wick–an action flick starring everyone’s f ..read more
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On Writing: More Book Cover Tips
JM Williams Blog
by JM Williams
2y ago
If you’re curious as to what I have been up to, here’s your answer. I’ve been messing around with book covers. What do you think of the new Valley of Magic paperback cover? Of Metal and Magic Publishing I’ve learned a lot about book design over the past five years, both through self-publishing and working with others. And I’ve grown a lot as a cover designer myself, though I’m not anywhere near the level of a practiced expert, such as the folks at 100Covers who do the art for our main books. Over the past few weeks, I’ve completed my first full paperback cover, and I wanted to share it ..read more
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REBLOG: Cover Reveal for Scion of the Oracle
JM Williams Blog
by JM Williams
2y ago
Big news from the OMAM front! Of Metal and Magic Publishing Things have only seemed to be quiet here at OMAM. Behind the scenes, we’ve all been hard at work getting new stories ready for you! Today, we have something really exciting to share, the shiny cover for EA Robin’s debut novel, Scion of the Oracle. The Seeds of prophecy often bloom in the most unlikely of gardens. Dali is sure there is adventure and excitement beyond Telsemar’s timeless, sandstone walls, certainly something more than the daily routine of a flower delivery girl. There has to be. If only she could prove herself t ..read more
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