Keep Track of the Time
Welcome to 'Keep Track of the Time': a webzine for punks with too much time on their hands. Or, to riff on a Frank Turner record title, a 'positive blog for negative people'. Their blog features content on encompassing straight-forward reviews of records and live shows, interviews with bands, musicians, and record labels, and retrospective reflections on older punk releases.
Keep Track of the Time
4d ago
One of the greatest things about reviewing records is that you discover bands you might not have discovered if you didn’t, and Early Riser is one of those bands for me. The band is based in Brooklyn and consists of primary songwriter Kiri Oliver on guitar and vocals, Heidi Vanderlee on cello and vocals, Nicole ..read more
Keep Track of the Time
1w ago
<iframe src="https://open.spotify.com/embed/playlist/6bRd9Cs3Q1Y3vMHQoieFwj?utm_source=generator" width="100%" height="352" frameBorder="0" allowfullscreen="" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" loading="lazy"></iframe> ..read more
Keep Track of the Time
1w ago
Dave’s List Well. Sure, it is now February and we are still talking about 2024. You might call us behind the times but it gave us time to digest and discover a few things. Let’s just all pretend this is early December and we are synced up with Pitchfork. Merry Christmas, babies!! 10. Hedge- Better ..read more
Keep Track of the Time
2M ago
In 2024, Johnny Foreigner released two new records, an EP called “the sky and sea were part of me, or I was part of them” and an LP called How to Be Hopeful. It was the first new music from the Brighton band in eight years, since 2016’s Mono No Aware. The EP, released in ..read more
Keep Track of the Time
2M ago
Hedge hails from Worcester, MA (my old stomping grounds) and “Better Days” is their debut LP. It’s been a long time since I lived in the area, so, no, I was not familiar with the band before listening. But given that their record is on Bloated Kat, I had a feeling it would be good ..read more
Keep Track of the Time
2M ago
Happy Accidents are an indie duo, hailing from London. Consisting of Rich Mandell (guitar and vocals) and Phoebe Cross (drums and vocals), the pair play light and lovely indie pop. In addition to guitar and drums, the duo make judicious use of synths that add to the ambience, and the songs on which Cross takes ..read more
Keep Track of the Time
2M ago
This is the first record from Aussie band Dental Plan that I’ve heard since their debut EP, way back in 2018. And time has been very good to the band. That initial effort was pleasant enough, with a mix of pop punk and power pop and a nice jangly sound. They were good enough, if ..read more
Keep Track of the Time
4M ago
How has it been seven years since Tales of Interest, The Dopamines last full-length? It feels like half of that time has passed but then the covid era kind of messed up our sense of time. Anyhow, the Dopamines are goddamn back! It’s wonderful to watch the slow evolution of this Midwest pop-punk band that ..read more
Keep Track of the Time
4M ago
This rock ‘n’ roll band from La Spezia, Italy are basically legends in their trade, having started in 1995. It’s a band I’ve heard much about, but didn’t actually hear before reviewing this record. Doing this, I’ve also checked out some of their earlier stuff and it’s full of rock ‘n’ roll with rocking guitar ..read more
Keep Track of the Time
5M ago
Wild Spelks- ‘A House Full of Strangers’ EP (Self-released) Newcastle-based Wild Spelks (spelks fyi is a local name for splinters) began as a solo project of Jonathon Sabiston in the 2020 pandemic, yet they new perform as a live full band. With the support of engineer producer Chris McManus, Jonathon wrote, recorded, mixed and produced ..read more