Here you'll find articles on everything from sex ed and flu shot facts to recipes and travel tips. Our blog posts are written by the peer leaders and staff at the Center for Young Women's Health.
1y ago
With plant-based eating gaining popularity around the world, a new wave in food science and technology has emerged that is specifically focused on the development of “fake meat” or plant-based meats. You’ve probably heard about these products in the news and on social media and ..read more
1y ago
You might have heard that different macronutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins all play different roles in the body once they are broken down from the food you eat. Carbohydrates provide us with quick, usable energy, fats play a role in ensuring hormones function ..read more
1y ago
Even as a dietitian, there is some food-related information that stumps me, especially when it comes to cooking. Growing up, I saw my mom wash some foods before cooking, and not others. Now as an adult following recipes online, some people recommend washing certain foods ..read more
1y ago
Cooking oils are some of the best sources of fat in the diet. Fat is required by the body for a variety of reasons, including hormone regulation, keeping nails, skin, and hair healthy and strong, and is required for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins ..read more
2y ago
There has been a lot of talk in the news lately about weight loss medications in addition to the ever-present diet talk that never seems to go away. You might have also heard some terms used by people in an attempt to fight against diet ..read more
2y ago
If you’re in high school or college, it’s probably fair to assume, you’ve heard of the BORG; A drinking trend that is taking social media and college parties by storm. BORG stands for Black-Out Rage Gallon. This popular drinking trend is not only super dangerous ..read more
2y ago
Recently, foods that might once have been frowned upon due to their high carbohydrate content are now being celebrated for their high protein content. Some products that have been promoted like this on social media include pastas, pancakes, and cereals. Carbohydrates are essential for the ..read more
2y ago
Have you ever thought to yourself, how do I know which protein powder is right for me? Me too. There are so many brands and types on the market it may be difficult and confusing to know which product is right for you. It is ..read more
2y ago
Thanksgiving, and holidays in general, can be a tricky time for anyone. Not only do holidays tend to be food-focused with lots of expectations around eating, but seeing family that you may not have seen in a couple months can spark conversations you may not ..read more
2y ago
Hi everyone! I’m Lilly, the newest peer advisor at the Center for Young Women’s Health, and I’m super excited about this position. I’m 17 years old, a junior in high school, and I love science. I’ve always been very interested in math, but after taking ..read more