Bête Noire Blog
Bête Noire was founded in 2017 by Alicia Rau to create a brand that offers classic alternative style for all. Alicia grew up in an exceptionally creative home. Her Mother, Cindy, and Grandmother, Antoinette, encouraged her to be different from a young age. Today, Bête Noire is here to bring alternative style to the masses, while encouraging those of all ages to embrace their individuality.
Bête Noire Blog
1y ago
We’ve talked about cultivating a dream style, aesthetic hoping, referencing, and developing a theme through out the last year on this blog. Now? What about pulling different things together intentionally to give a new narrative? Maybe mixing things from here and there to pull together a look that tells a unique story? See, when my brain is putting together a look there is a story forming, Sure, I know what each individual piece is, the style realm in which it came from and what drew me to it. Yes, those are all what drive us fashionably forward. I’m giving cottage core meets steampunk ..read more
Bête Noire Blog
1y ago
My whole life I’ve been very self conscious of the amount of space I take up when surrounded by others. Be it strangers, colleagues, friends or lovers. Whenever I would catch a glimpse of my reflection while sitting with people, or seeing a photo of myself surrounded by others it would change my mood immediately. The moment of shame and guilt. Self disgust. It could ruin a good time I was having. Occupy my thoughts as people carry on around me. So many things through out my life taught me to detach myself from my physical form, to separate what I looked like from how I am perceived to o ..read more
Bête Noire Blog
1y ago
Okay! I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve spent a lot of my life holding onto large amounts of guilt. Anger. Worry. A foreboding heaviness of dread? Anyone else? Is this an anxiety thing? Is this a grief thing? Is it the weight of the wold resting on your shoulders? Or is it just an unexplainable phenomenon that we’re putting ourselves through? I’ve talked about confidence, reconnection, guilt, and now I’m talking about when is it time to just let shit go!! When do we move on from what doesn’t serve us? As something that I’m trying to actively do I thought I’d talk about it here. I ..read more
Bête Noire Blog
1y ago
Planning a gothic wedding for 2023? Have an elevated halloween party you’re going to? Or just want to overall vamp up your formal wear? Let’s talk about some different fun types of vampire inspired themes that could be planned. One of the best things about a dark romantic and possibly vampy themed outfits is that you can incorporate lots of different eras or aesthetics. Vampires are timeless! Immortality means lots of eras to explore. Sure, there’s the super gothic theme, which is just a go to. A staple really! But what if you wanted a twist? What if you explored different eras/styles ..read more
Bête Noire Blog
1y ago
So! The follow up to delusion week! Well, let’s just say I was delusional to think that was going to work. I woke up last Thursday to my cat cuddled neatly in my arms and thought, damn. I’m not going to get up. I’ll work out later today. Then after a long day at work and a long commute home, my ass wasn’t in the mood to be delusional. I felt so bad, so disappointed. So I extended my timeframe. Okay! I’ll start fresh on Monday and just carry this into the next week! Talk about how it’s going! Well, guess what happened? Delusional I may be, but not in the I’m the best version of myself an ..read more
Bête Noire Blog
1y ago
Some say delusion is a bad thing, well, most say that. Being delusional isn’t really highlighted as something that benefits our lives. It’s something that generally hinders it! But! Awhile ago I saw a trend going around on tiktok of “delusion week” and I’ve really been wanting to try it. Now? Ally? Is delusion week safe? It sounds, well, delusional. Delusion week was founded by Danielle Walter on tiktok and she stated it as “where I hijack my free will and do what the hottest, most successful version of myself would do.” Being delusional in all the best ways! Delusional to knowing you w ..read more
Bête Noire Blog
1y ago
Being someone who puts out content on the internet semi-casually, I think I come across as a confident person? But, as you can see from me just questioning that assumption at all! I am not as confident as I can look. There’s highs and lows that life throws at us that waiver our confidence. Other people can cause us to be more or less confident. Hell! Society in all its insane standards for beauty (that are typically used just to sell us things!) is constantly telling us we aren’t good enough. Yet we are? The body positivity movement is one I’ve been watching grow and change since the tu ..read more
Bête Noire Blog
1y ago
So you know how obsessed I am with anything that The Glam Goth X Béte Noire puts out. It’s always high quality, incredibly well made, amazing design and GLAMOROUS! Well all that applies to the newest pieces of the ever growing collection. Everything is a must have, because, wow. WOW! just wait until you see it all! This is going to tap into your inner goth trophy wife status and get your closet to a whole new level. There’s a bolero, skirt and a new necklace. All together it makes an incredible outfit! Heads will turn, possibly all the way way around. Here’s my thoughts on the fit and a ..read more
Bête Noire Blog
1y ago
So I saw this video on tiktok a few weeks ago and I thought, wow! What a good way to see just how much our brains can trick us into thinking we’re just not it. This girl had taken photos of herself when she felt ugly, and she had also taken photos of herself when she felt beautiful. Once comparing themselves to one another she realized so much of it was in her head. The photos had little to no difference! I thought that was just such a powerful realization, that sometimes you need to take that step back and realize. Woah. Some of this is in my head. So that’s what I had planned for this ..read more
Bête Noire Blog
1y ago
Let’s talk seriously with one another for a moment. Are you holding onto something? Something that you need to get off your chest? Something that doesn’t serve you in any positive way? Something that you just can’t get past? Is this something causing you internal self guilt? In my conversations both online and with peers I can’t believe how many of us have our own feelings of guilt we’re constantly carrying around. It can be as small as not playing with your animal one night after a long day at work to something as big as setting a boundary for your wedding. We are all holding onto more ..read more