The Fall Of The Roman Empire
Ever wondered why the Roman Empire fell? Find out in this podcast from British historian, Nick Holmes, as he tells the extraordinary story of Rome's decline and fall, and how its legacy is still central to the world we live in today.
The Fall Of The Roman Empire
4d ago
In August 636, near the Yarmuk river in modern-day Syria/Jordan, a battle was fought between the new Islamic Caliphate and the Roman Empire that would change the course of history.
For a free ebook, maps and blogs check out my website nickholmesauthor.com
Find my latest book, Justinian's Empire, on Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk. For German listeners, find the German translation of the first book in my series on the 'Fall of the Roman Empire', Die römische Revolution, on Amazon.de. Finally check out my new YouTube videos on the fall of the Roman Empire ..read more
The Fall Of The Roman Empire
2w ago
As Rome and Persia fought the last war of antiquity, they scarcely noticed a revolution was taking place in Arabia. A revolution led by a man named Muhammad.
For a free ebook, maps and blogs check out my website nickholmesauthor.com
Find my latest book, Justinian's Empire, on Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk. For German listeners, find the German translation of the first book in my series on the 'Fall of the Roman Empire', Die römische Revolution, on Amazon.de ..read more
The Fall Of The Roman Empire
1M ago
Heraclius was one of the greatest of all Roman Emperors and soldiers, and in 628-30 he secured a complete victory over Rome's oldest enemy - Sasanian Persia.
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For a free ebook, maps and blogs check out my website nickholmesauthor.com
Find my latest book, Justinian's Empire, on Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk. For German listeners, find the German translation of the first book in my series on the 'Fall of the Roman Empire', Die römische Revolution, on Amazon ..read more
The Fall Of The Roman Empire
1M ago
The Roman Emperor Heraclius faced his gravest challenge yet in AD 626 as the Avars and Persians closed in on the capital city, Constantinople. But the year ahead would be full of surprises.
For a free ebook, maps and blogs check out my website nickholmesauthor.com
Find my latest book, Justinian's Empire, on Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk. For German listeners, find the German translation of the first book in my series on the 'Fall of the Roman Empire', Die römische Revolution, on Amazon.de ..read more
The Fall Of The Roman Empire
2M ago
The year AD 622 was a difficult one for the Roman Empire and its emperor, Heraclius. Surrounded by the Avars in the west and the Persians in the east, the position looked hopeless. But Heraclius was a truly remarkable emperor and soldier. And he knew what the best form of defence was.
If you're looking for a good read over the Christmas Holidays, check out my latest book 'Justinian's Empire' at Amazon US and Amazon UK. And if you speak German, please take a look at the German translation of 'The Roman Revolution' (first book in my series on 'The Fall of the Roman Empire') just published on Ama ..read more
The Fall Of The Roman Empire
2M ago
In 615, the Roman Empire was on its knees. The Persians had conquered most of Syria and the Levant and were poised to invade Egypt, the empire's richest province. But from the ashes of defeat would arise a new army, led by the emperor Heraclius, determined to avenge the fall of Jerusalem. Centuries later, they would be called the First Crusaders.
For a free ebook, maps and blogs check out my website nickholmesauthor.com
Find my latest book, Justinian's Empire, on Amazon ..read more
The Fall Of The Roman Empire
2M ago
When Heraclius seized the throne from Phocas, you might think the Romans had got lucky. But no! The first few years of his reign were nothing short of disastrous as the Persians advanced into the heart of the empire.
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For a free ebook, maps and blogs check out my website nickholmesauthor.com
Find my latest book, Justinian's Empire, on Amazon ..read more
The Fall Of The Roman Empire
2M ago
I thought you might be interested to know that my latest book called ‘Justinian’s Empire’ is out now on Amazon in ebook and paperback. It will be with other distributors later and also available in audiobook probably within the next six months.
It's about the triumph and tragedy of Justinian’s reign. Triumph because Justinian’s general, Belisarius, recovered North Africa and Italy from the barbarians. Justinian also created a new law code that would endure to this day. And he built extraordinary monuments, like the iconic Hagia Sophia in modern Istanbul, rivalling the great buildings of ..read more
The Fall Of The Roman Empire
2M ago
In 590, the emperor Maurice got his big break. Civil war in Persia opened up the possibility of an entirely new world.
For a free ebook, maps and blogs check out my website nickholmesauthor.com
Find my latest book, Justinian's Empire, on Amazon ..read more
The Fall Of The Roman Empire
2M ago
In 565, Justinian died and he was succeeded by his nephew, Justin II. How would he cope with the over-extended empire Justinian had created?
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For a free ebook, maps and blogs check out my website nickholmesauthor.com
Find my latest book, Justinian's Empire, on Amazon ..read more