Epic Family Dentistry Blog
At Epic Family Dentistry of Carrollton, you can look forward to experiencing the best of everything when it comes to dental care. We're a small, family-owned dental office, so you'll always get plenty of one-on-one attention from a friendly and knowledgeable team. Despite our size, we also have the dental technology and can offer the same wide variety of dentistry services you'd..
Epic Family Dentistry Blog
2w ago
People have tried many methods to make their smiles prettier throughout history, and many of them are rather frightening by modern standards. Today, safe and effective cosmetic dental treatments have allowed millions of people to achieve prettier smiles, and the field of is only becoming more popular as time goes on. Here’s a brief guide to a few common cosmetic dental treatments and why more and more people are getting them ..read more
Epic Family Dentistry Blog
1M ago
It’s crucial to brush your teeth every morning, but there has long been disagreement about whether it is better to do it before or after breakfast. While it’s understandable that many people would rather wait until after they have eaten to brush their teeth, it’s actually more beneficial to brush before your morning meal. Here’s a brief guide to the of brushing your teeth before enjoying breakfast ..read more
Epic Family Dentistry Blog
2M ago
Is a toothache keeping you awake at night? Maybe you’ve taken a spill and have knocked out a tooth? No matter the situation, you need an quickly! The last thing you should be worried about is how you’re going to pay the bill. If you have dental insurance, don’t fret. You can use your annual coverage to lower the amount you’ll pay out-of-pocket. Here’s how to keep a dental emergency affordable ..read more
Epic Family Dentistry Blog
4M ago
are remarkable restorations that can strengthen and enhance the appearance of a damaged tooth. However, like any dental prosthetic, crowns may require replacement over time due to wear and tear or other factors. But how are you supposed to know when it needs to be changed out for a new one? Continue reading to learn the signs that indicate the time has come for a regal renewal ..read more
Epic Family Dentistry Blog
5M ago
If you’ve ever wished that you had a prettier smile, you probably also wondered how it could be improved. Everyone wants a beautiful smile, but some people aren’t quite sure what traits make a smile aesthetically pleasing. Researchers have identified a few key aspects of a beautiful smile, and cosmetic dentistry has allowed many people to attain them. Here are a few qualities of a lovely smile and how your can help you achieve them ..read more
Epic Family Dentistry Blog
6M ago
Coffee is one of the most popular beverages on Earth, and many people love to start their day with a nice hot cup of java. Some studies have shown that more than half of American adults drink this rich, dark beverage every day, and the success of coffee shops across the country attests to its status as a cultural icon. However, many people might not be considering the effects coffee has on their teeth when they consume so much of it every day. Here are a few of the ways coffee can affect your oral health as well as a few tips to help coffee-drinkers ..read more
Epic Family Dentistry Blog
7M ago
No one ever expects to experience a dental emergency, but it can happen with no warning. 1 in 6 Americans will suffer a this year. Although you may never expect it to happen to you, it’s best to have a dentist’s number handy, just in case. Here are the most common urgent oral health problems and how your emergency dentist can treat them ..read more
Epic Family Dentistry Blog
8M ago
Opting for dental implants to replace missing teeth is an excellent choice to restore your smile and prevent potential oral health issues. These tiny titanium posts undergo osseointegration, a process in which they fuse with the jawbone, making them the sole permanent tooth replacement option. After the implant placement, it becomes essential to provide diligent care. To assist in avoiding actions that might hinder the healing process, here are five things to avoid following ..read more
Epic Family Dentistry Blog
9M ago
That means if yours falls out, it’s important to contact your dentist right away. The vulnerable tooth underneath will be exposed until your dentist can replace your dental crown. It can be hard to know what to do in the heat of the moment, so keep reading for 5 easy steps you can take until you can be seen by your dentist. after repairing it. These are placed over weakened teeth to protect them from further harm and provide additional support ..read more
Epic Family Dentistry Blog
10M ago
While you might have thought that dentists only invented a few decades ago, the truth is that people have used various methods to bring their smiles to a whiter shade since ancient times. The methods people used in earlier eras weren’t quite as safe, clean, and effective as they are today. Here’s a brief history of teeth whitening to help you appreciate just how much cosmetic dentistry has advanced ..read more