Black Educators Alliance Blog
BEA is a self-organized network of 'Black' educators committed to radically transforming structures and institutions that impact upon the equitable experiences, achievement opportunities, and outcomes for Black educators, parents, families, and students, and our wider education community. The education blog features articles on schools, teachers, exams, inspiring stories.
Black Educators Alliance Blog
2y ago
A joint statement by BEA: Black Educators Alliance and CARE: Coalition of Anti-Racist Educators Published: 8 March 2021
This statement seeks to highlight an issue that is still unresolved and we all know that if we do not learn from the mistakes we have made in the past, we are doomed to repeat them!
Stereotyping, as we all know , is the tendency to draw on overly simple beliefs about groups to make judgments about individuals. Confirmation bias is the tendency to perceive and seek out information that confirms one’s preexisting beliefs, and avoid information that conflicts wit ..read more
Black Educators Alliance Blog
2y ago
A joint statement by BEA: Black Educators Alliance and CARE: Coalition of Anti-Racist Educators
First published in New Socialist: http://newsocialist.org.uk/transmissions/statement-department-education-guidance-personal-social-health-and-economic-education/
Date: Monday September 28 2020
As educators and movements across the UK are taking strides towards achieving just and fair education for all pupils, the government has released chilling and worrying guidance for institutions’ PSHE programmes, as Sex and Relationships Education is made mandatory in all schools. The guidance, which ..read more
Black Educators Alliance Blog
2y ago
Authors: Black Educators Alliance
Generations of activists and academics have sought to highlight the reality that teacher assessment, underpinned by deficit theorising and racial bias continues to have a negative impact on black students’ achievement and attainment.
As soon as schools, colleges and universities were impacted by Covid-19 and subsequent government lockdown, BEA have highlighted concerns regarding bias in teacher assessment, and its potential impact upon examination and attainment. These concerns were raised directly to the NEU and Ofqual by BEA members, a petition was launched ..read more
Black Educators Alliance Blog
2y ago
Author: Shagufta Khan
We are living in times of change, where the norm has been challenged and going backwards is no longer an option. At the start of the year, no one could have imagined the events that would unfold and change the lives of so many. The Black community has been at the forefront of these changes from the high numbers that been affected by the Coronavirus to the unveiling of the institutionalised racism that has dominated society. But now we are moving towards a new normal; doors have been opened for our children and young people, to find a place in the world ..read more
Black Educators Alliance Blog
2y ago
Families, communties & students Introduction
The results of the BEA survey on ‘Summer 2020 exams and assessment: Parental support and guidance research questions’ has formed the basis for these FAQs (frequently asked questions).
Please circulate this document as widely as possible with your networks, contacts and communties to enable black parents and carers to be able to make informed decisions regarding the education and welfare of their child.
Last updated: 29 July 2020
Challenging GCSE/A levels grades
How do I find out about my child’s predicted GCSE/A leve ..read more
Black Educators Alliance Blog
2y ago
Meeting details:
Details: Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 505 805 932
Password: 3fYSaW
Camille London-Miyo – Senior leader and activist, BEA Steering Group member
Tokunbo Sode – Teacher and BEA member
Paramjeet Singh Bhogal– Executive member of the National Education Union (NEU)
Nalini Amichund– Teacher and BEA member
Chuma Akuchie – Teacher and member of No More Exclusions
To be updated ..read more
Black Educators Alliance Blog
2y ago
School leader, activist, trade unionist and teacher for 19 years.
Currently working as a SEN leader/co-ordinator and founder of Bristol NME (No More Exclusions ..read more
Black Educators Alliance Blog
2y ago
LONDON NEU Black Organising Forum Officer, Founder Black Educators East London.
Retired Assistant Headteacher, Head of Inclusion and SENCO Post 19 Educator.
Ivy has an MA in school effectiveness, school improvement. Her thesis focused on Black Boys. Ivy has published work on EAL assessment, Caribbean Language and dialect. Ivy is also a researcher and Member of Windrush Suffolk Past Ambassador for Bernie Grant Project.
She is the co-author and editor of Breaking the chains : The Journey to Abolition, a KS2 and KS3 Education Resource Pack ..read more
Black Educators Alliance Blog
2y ago
Author: Paramjeet Singh Bhopal
This document has been produced by Newcastle Educational Psychology Service to help school/settings leaders in response to them opening.
The document uses evidence based approaches to support the Wellbeing and Resilience of all (educators, children and parents/carers).
Click on the button to download (file attached)Download ..read more