Caring for Your Houston Landscape After a Freeze
Rusty Dog Gardens Blog
by Catherine Lee
1y ago
It froze. Now what?   Wait to uncover your plants until the air temperature is above 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Don’t shock your plants by going from warm to cold. If it's still winter and might freeze again, leave the damaged foliage on the plant. Yes, it's ugly. But it's the best protection you can give your plant against another freeze. If you're confident this was the last freeze, cut off the damaged parts of the plant. Keep your cuttings in a nearby pile so pollinators can use them for food and shelter. If a tree branch looks dead, scrape the bark. Green under the bark means it’s more
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How to Prepare Your Houston Landscape for a Freeze
Rusty Dog Gardens Blog
by Catherine Lee
1y ago
72 one day, 27 the next - that's winter in Houston. Confused? So are your plants. It is normal for Houston to have a few days with freezing temperatures each winter. A mild freeze is when the temperature is between 25 and 35 degrees Fahrenheit for less than twenty-four hours. A hard freeze is when the temperature dips below 25 degrees or the freeze lasts for multiple days. The plants in Rusty Dog Gardens' collection are native to the region and cold-hardy. Popular landscaping plants like birds of paradise, elephant ear, and date palms are native to tropical regions and will die in a hard freez more
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