Thank you for choosing ConfiDent Palm Dentist in Dubai for your teeth whitening procedure!
ConfiDent Palm Dentist Blog
3w ago
Thank you for choosing ConfiDent Palm Dentist in Dubai for your teeth whitening procedure more
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Orthodontic treatment, such as braces or aligners, plays a crucial role in achieving...
ConfiDent Palm Dentist Blog
1M ago
Orthodontic treatment, such as braces or aligners, plays a crucial role in achieving more
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In today's world, a beautiful, straight smile is often seen as a symbol of confidence and good health..
ConfiDent Palm Dentist Blog
1M ago
In today's world, a beautiful, straight smile is often seen as a symbol of confidence and good health more
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How to floss properly: Step-by-step guide for the beginner
ConfiDent Palm Dentist Blog
5M ago
In today's world, a beautiful, straight smile is often seen as a symbol of confidence and good health more
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7 Home Best Practices To Follow Until Your Next Dental Appointment With Us
ConfiDent Palm Dentist Blog
5M ago
Coconut oil might not immediately spring to mind when you think of oral care but it’s actually fantastic! All you need to do is swish your mouth with a tablespoon spoon of coconut oil, 3-5 times a week, before brushing more
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Stress And Difficult Times Could Damage Your Teeth
ConfiDent Palm Dentist Blog
5M ago
We have heard of work-life balance and how stress can affect our mental and physical health. But how does work-related stress or daily stress affect our oral health more
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What is Tongue Scraping and what are the benefits?
ConfiDent Palm Dentist Blog
10M ago
Your good oral health goes beyond a sparkling smile. Your oral microbiome (which is the diverse community of microorganisms living in your mouth) plays an important more
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Dental Sealants: A Small Cost To Protect Your Teeth From Decay And Big Treatments
ConfiDent Palm Dentist Blog
1y ago
Early dental decay can be prevented by using a special material called a dental sealant.Dental Sealants are a safe & pain-free preventative measure to protect our teeth from decay. more
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Bleeding Gums: A warning sign of Gingivitis (Gum Disease) - Best Tips
ConfiDent Palm Dentist Blog
1y ago
Did you know that bleeding gums might be a sign of gingivitis - a mild form of gum disease caused by plaque that's built up around your gum line more
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"The Best Teeth Cleaning Of My Life !" - Airflow Dental Hygiene Session
ConfiDent Palm Dentist Blog
2y ago
Start this journey with our in-house , as she walks you through the tools and techniques she has to help you heal your mouth, body, and staying healthy more
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