Midlife Creative
Midlife Creative is a family travel blog website that features all the travel experiences of Anna Haugen and her family. Anna loves spending her time cooking, playing piano, and exploring nature. In her travel blog, she tells stories about her family's vacations and outings across several places.
Midlife Creative
1M ago
I took my silent retreat from January 10-12th at Pacem in Terris, a Catholic retreat center inIsanti, MN. Three people had told me about the place and I felt drawn to check it out.When I began communicating with the retreat about coming, a few things struck me asunique about how they operate. #1 – they...
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Midlife Creative
2M ago
As I entered the giant indoor amusement park of the Mall of America, I wasimmediately bombarded by the noise, the bright lights, the squeals of children, and thesound of rides. There was excitement in the air. It was a Saturday afternoon, and familieswere there to make a memory together. I got the impression that people...
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Midlife Creative
2M ago
This fall I began a two-year training program to become a certified spiritual director. The program is online and through an organization called Christos. When I first started, I assumed this training would be a tool for me to help others. I had no idea how transformational it would be for me personally. The two...
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Midlife Creative
2M ago
Taken from a presentation I gave at the Summit Sister’s monthly women’s gathering at Summit Church in St Paul. “Today I want to talk about my lifelong battle with fear and anxiety. God has been inviting me to move from a state of being asleep and fearful to a state of being awake and ready...
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Midlife Creative
7M ago
Our summer has been pretty quiet and boring. Kind of like the summers I remember as a kid. On a good day, growing up in small town Minnesota, I would walk to the library two blocks from my house and come home with an armful of books, retreat to the couch and read, read, read...
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Midlife Creative
9M ago
Today I took a walk near Minnehaha Falls. As I watched the water make its way over rocks and fallen tree branches, under bridges and around bends, gradually making its way downstream and out into the mighty Mississippi River, I thought about how the course of the stream is like life. Our spiritual lives sometimes...
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Midlife Creative
1y ago
I posted on Facebook asking people to share their word of the year and was surprised how many of you already had a word in mind on December 31st. I thought I’d share how I came to my words – yes, I have 2 words for the year. I made a list of a whole...
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Midlife Creative
1y ago
A parable about loss, time, and chance The skating rink on the corner of Prospect and Main was bustling with families, couples, and students from the nearby college decked out in Christmas sweaters and Santa hats. A group of carolers dressed like elves sang “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” next to the coffee and...
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Midlife Creative
1y ago
Excuses We Tell Ourselves to Avoid Having Company Over My Pastor, Eric, at Summit Church has been encouraging us to invite people over for a meal or coffee. Hospitality has as always been something I’m excited about, so I’ve been asking myself, “Why do I so rarely invite people over?” What are the excuses I...
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Midlife Creative
1y ago
My love for you is not dependent on your good grades, how you look, how much you weigh, or what you wear My love for you is not dependent on which friends you keep, who you date, or whether you graduate My love for you is not dependent on your gender identity, your sexual orientation, the...
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