Are You the Priest?
The Contemplative Life Blog
by Norwegian
16h ago
You were sitting at the cornerAsking for some coins for daily breadI bowed my head and forced a smileThen I just walked by Later I asked myselfWhat did you do and what’s wrong in youWhat was more pressingMore important to do Are you the priest singing songsYet no cross and no heartTo love your neigbourAs more
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Where is Your Center
The Contemplative Life Blog
by Norwegian
3d ago
Summer 2015 was special for me. I had some kind of awakening. I had been reading The Untethered Soul by Michael S. Singer, probably for the second time. Slowly, yet also suddenly, I was overcome by a deep sense of joy. The joy was so real and rare, that I almost thought I had the Awakening. What was it that created this deep and special joy, from within? It was the realization that I was not my thoughts. I had thoughts, but the thoughts were not me in themselves. To really see this with my inner eye was liberating. They joy sprang forth from the heart of a liberated man. And they joy was prof more
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Ego and the Vastness of Self (part three)
The Contemplative Life Blog
by Norwegian
3d ago
Just as I had finished writing the second part I realised I couldn’t stop there. I am also sorry if some of you almost experienced me getting into to preaching, and maybe also preaching a “Christian” and exclusive message. That is not what I meant to do. At least not giving an exclusive message only for religious people or even Christians. What I am pointing to is a universal message that is possible to experience for a believer and an atheist alike. When I say atheist, I do believe so, but the person might not stay atheist for the rest of his/her life, if the Vastness are truly and deeply ex more
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Ego and The Vastness of Self (part two)
The Contemplative Life Blog
by Norwegian
6d ago
As much as we need our ego, and it’s helpful till a certain extent that our ego is transformed and made more flexible, just as much we need to know that we are so much more than our ego. We cannot live and function in this world without our ego (so I am not proclaiming ego-death), but at the same time we cannot go on living meaningful lives in the second part of our lives, without some experience of this other than ego. This otherness I speak of is the most beautiful thing in the wholeness of life. It is about a vastness of a self or Self, that goes far beyond our imagination. Our egos are a more
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Ego and The Vastness of Self (part one)
The Contemplative Life Blog
by Norwegian
1w ago
It is time for some longer reflections now. Some thoughts on ego and self. I have been thinking that everything we do are connected to our egos in on way or the other, either we are doing our daily work, building friendships and parttaking in family- or social life. Even our spirituality is very much a part of our ego and our ego identity. I have also been thinking, probably inspired by Carl Jung, the famous psychoanalyst, that our ego has different parts. In my layman-way-of-thinking I would separate the ego into 3 parts: the smaller ego, the bigger ego and the hidden ego. Let’s first talk a more
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Come Away
The Contemplative Life Blog
by Norwegian
1w ago
Come away now Take a step back You have been out too long Take a breather Breathe deep and slowly It is so easily forgotten You shine so brightly always To transform darkness to light You need to remember Who you are With me Within and without Be now My child Eat and rest more
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Vinden mot andletet / The Wind Against The Face
The Contemplative Life Blog
by Norwegian
1w ago
Det var ein tid kor alt vart grått Det vart eit slør av elde over det heile Blikket blei sløra Det var ein tyngde som la seg Med tida blei det gråare og gråare No kunne blikket knapt festast på noko Augo slokna heilt Frosta la seg som eit kvit teppe Det blei til tida da ein ikkje kunne sjå Ingenting opna hjartet Ein tenkte – det er på det siste no -Det er på tida og sleppe taket Det var ikkje slik det skulle ende Det var så tidleg og livet var ikkje på hell Trass det ble kvelden lang So blei det natt Det mørker som kom skremde ein Både syn og andre sansar hadde gjeve opp Det var i den tida ei more
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Eg kviskrar
The Contemplative Life Blog
by Norwegian
1w ago
Høyr Høyr venen min Eg kviskrar noko Til deg Høyrer du Eg har kviskra det sia du sto opp Høyr på meg no Set deg ned Eg ber deg Du må høyre meg No Må du Berre høyr Eg kviskrar til deg Eg sei det no Høyrer du EG ELSKAR DEG more
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Thoughts and Life
The Contemplative Life Blog
by Norwegian
1w ago
When I saw it Joy flood my life Finally it was clear I knew Thought is thought That is not What I am Then I drank my cup more
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The Starlit Sky
The Contemplative Life Blog
by Norwegian
1w ago
Looking at the starlit sky I exclaimed, it must be God Not necessarily so, you replied quickly The starlit sky crashed down My heart sank I broke It was a new beginning more
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