Mysterious Large Metallic Object Falls From Sky In Kenya Village
Unsolved Mysteries In The World
1M ago
A large metallic ring suspected to be debris from space crashed in southern Kenya’s Mukuku village last December 2024, according to the statement of the country’s space agency. Kenyan officials said they were investigating fragments of metal, believed to be from a rocket, that crashed into the northern part of the country.KSA officials rushed to the scene and, working alongside a multi-agency more
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Mystery of The Rohonc Codex
Unsolved Mysteries In The World
1M ago
The Rohonc Codex was first discovered in a Hungarian library in 1838. Similar to the Voynich manuscript, the Rohonc Codex has an unknown writing system. Since the 19th Century, the codex has been studied by many scholars and amateurs. However, there is no widely accepted and convincing translation or interpretation of the text.The discovery of this mysterious book appeared when Gustav Batthyany more
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Frano Selak, 7 Times Escape from Death
Unsolved Mysteries In The World
1M ago
A music teacher from the city of Pentrinja, Croatia, Frano Selak / Frane Selak (14 June 1929 – 30 November 2016), deserves to be called the most luckiest person in the world. Because, he miraculously escaped death seven times and finally won the lottery for £600,000.The first time, he had an accident while traveling from Sarajevo to Dubrovnik in 1962. The train he was on overturned and fell into more
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Mystery of The Neolithic Chalk Drums
Unsolved Mysteries In The World
2M ago
In 1889, three carved cylinders of chalk were discovered in a child’s grave in Folkton, north Yorkshire known as the Folkton Chalk Drums. All of them have geometric decoration and what appear to be eyes, noses and eyebrows.They range in size from 146mm in diameter through 124 mm diameter down to the smallest at 104mm in diameter. Mystery has surrounded these three enigmatic stone cylinders more
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Mystery of The Hellenikon Pyramid
Unsolved Mysteries In The World
2M ago
At the Southeastern edge of the plain of Argos, near the springs of river Erasinos (spring of Kefalari (Argolis)) and on the main arterial road which in antiquity led from Argos to Tegea and the rest of Arcadia and Kynouria, there is a small mysterious structure extant known as the Pyramid of Hellenikon.Hellenikon Pyramid (Image credit: Greek Reporter)Some historians believe it was constructed more
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The Mysterious Disappearance of Durandal: Rocamadour’s Legendary Sword
Unsolved Mysteries In The World
8M ago
In a baffling turn of events, the ancient Durandal sword, often likened to King Arthur's Excalibur, has vanished from the medieval town of Rocamadour, France. For 1,300 years, this legendary sword, securely embedded in a rock, has captivated visitors and historians alike. Despite being chained to the stone 32 feet above the ground, it is now presumed stolen.Durandal Sword. (Image credit: New York more
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Mystery of The Great Cipher
Unsolved Mysteries In The World
9M ago
Louis XIV of France, also known as the Sun King, is one of the most important figures in European history. An encrypted letter he wrote using the Great Cipher in 1693 has never been deciphered. For nearly 250 years, the Great Cipher remained unbreakable, and even today, much of its ciphertext is still undeciphered. The father-and-son duo Antoine and Bonaventure Rossignol created the Great more
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Mysterious Stone Sculpture Discovered By Mushroom Hunters In Thailand
Unsolved Mysteries In The World
9M ago
On Friday, 10 May 2024, Pramul Kongkratok, a villager residing near Khao Krachiao mountain, Buri Ram province in central Thailand, shared a photo of a mysterious stone sculpture he stumbled upon near the Dong Yai Wildlife Sanctuary on social media (Facebook).The photo depicted an ancient carving of a woman holding a tree branch above her head. Pramul captioned it: “Went mushroom hunting and found more
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Legend of The Ring of Solomon
Unsolved Mysteries In The World
1y ago
The narrative surrounding the Ring of Solomon also known as the Seal of Solomon originated primarily from medieval Middle Eastern writers. According to their accounts, the legendary ring was intricately engraved by God and bestowed upon the king directly from heaven. Crafted from brass and iron, the two components of the ring held distinct purposes: one for sealing written commands to benevolent more
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Unsolved Mysteries In The World
1y ago
Abezethibou, also known as Abezethibod or Abezi-Thibod, is a fallen angel and then become demon mentioned in the pseudepigrapha Testament of Solomon. Abezethibou is said to be the offspring of Beelzebub and Naamah, conceived during a union between the Lord of the Flies and a Succubus. Abezethibou's growth was swift, and he joined his father in the War in Heaven. Yet, when his betrayal against more
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