A Blessing of the Cats
Michelle L. Torigian
by mictori
6M ago
Holy Crafter of all Creatures Great and Small- Our beloved meow-makers and purr-producers are some of our greatest gifts. The ..read more
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A Prayer for National Donut Day
Michelle L. Torigian
by mictori
8M ago
God of the Circle Desserts and Square Breads, In this Holy and Holely world, we walk the line of the sacred and profane, the healthy and unhealthy, the joyous and morose. We fill our lives with delicious desserts and bland vegetables. You continue to call us to paths of celebration – even through the wilderness. And even when life discourages us, we mark the deliciousness of today: National Donut Day. The delightful dough dropped into the fryer, converting bread-like fare into a deceptively delicious dessert. Tables have been transformed into joyous parties. Breakfast has received a pleasure ..read more
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A Lament of a Misogynistic Speech
Michelle L. Torigian
by mictori
9M ago
God of talents reaching all of humanity, We have reached beyond the barriers of a new millennium by a quarter of a century. We’ve seen the progress which all genders have made. We’ve celebrated the gifts which all genders experience. No matter your gender, you contribute to this world in all types of ways. There are no limits- Until a commencement speech says otherwise. Back in the kitchen? God we don’t all have culinary skills. Women as homemakers? Maybe some women, or men, or non-binary friends because that is THEIR calling. And not everyone has the same gifts. I’m no homemaker. You didn’t ..read more
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A Blessing for the Words We Need
Michelle L. Torigian
by mictori
10M ago
God who paints the world with images, letters, and colors- As the world spins on its axis, As day and night rapidly waltz throughout our lives, Our expressions design the relationships between us and friends, Between us and loved ones, Between us and strangers, Between us and enemies. We reach for the right words when penning a letter to a relative Or making the call to end a relationship. We crave the appropriate sentiments as we dare stand for ourselves Or issue an apology. We seek the right terms when our friends weep with grief Or when we desire to write the perfect poem. Letter and langu ..read more
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A Lament for Constant Anxiety
Michelle L. Torigian
by mictori
10M ago
Divine Deliverer of All Beings, As the vibrations under my skin reach unheard of levels, And my heart shivers at the state of the outside world, I curse my mind and all of its thoughts as it drags me down a shadow-filled road. Oh mind, you think of everything, Yes all the good, and all the ideas, Blessings of creativity and newness of plans! For this, Steadfast God, I am forever grateful! Yet, as my brain connects A and B, left and right, red and green, It births horrors and creates day-mares. What will go wrong? Who is it that isn’t happy? What could fail or fall tomorrow… or later today? Wh ..read more
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A Blessing of the Storytellers
Michelle L. Torigian
by mictori
11M ago
Holy Crafter of All Narratives, As our stories are etched into our memories And become part of this universe’s great chronicles, Bless the ones who continue to write and speak the tales of their kins And the fiction birthed from their souls. For the stories that derived from holy sources And the great epic tales entertaining one generation to the next, We cherish the blessed memories and myths that continue to pave our planet. For the voices of storytellers, For their animated faces and expressions with hands, We share our joy. For the creative ways they tell a tale, And the way they keep sto ..read more
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A National Backward Day Prayer
Michelle L. Torigian
by mictori
1y ago
God of the Upside Downs, You’ve created the beauty of chaos, the accidental inside out clothing, the wrong turns, and the incorrect spellings. None of these upset you in the same ways they shake us. Instead, you continue to find light even in the bizarreness of life. In the moments when we are frustrated by the slowness of computers and drivers ahead of us, we ask for your patience. When we are stopped by each red light along the way and the ultra-slow train, we plead with you for peace. May we co-create joy in the most unlikely valleys and alleys. May we work together to turn backwards into ..read more
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A Prayer When Missing Our Loved Ones
Michelle L. Torigian
by mictori
1y ago
Holy Vessel of Memories- Our minds church with the memories of loved ones- Parents, Grandparents, Siblings, Friends, and more. In our holey hearts, There is an emptiness remaining after their deaths. Their last words frozen in our minds. Their last embrace a memory in our muscles. Maybe it’s been a week, or a year, Or a few decades ago. But their loss reverberates throughout our lives. We feel a presence missed at big events. And in the small moments, we feel a tear rolling down our cheeks. With a song on the radio or hymn in the sanctuary, We recall the sound of their voices belting out the ..read more
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A Prayer of Gratitude for Sabbath
Michelle L. Torigian
by mictori
1y ago
Divine Deliverer of Rest, As workdays stretch brains and bodies, and minds feel like mush at the end of a day, I give gratitude for a few days of rest. My focus is drawn away from fretting over the details of the day-to-day. Instead, my soul relaxes to the sounds of Netflix and video games. The taste of chocolate and cheese. Or maybe a good book. Or hobby-time. And throughout this week, I’m investing my time with loved ones- since I have pushed our time aside with them in pursuit of perfected production and have shamefully embraced a “live to work” mentality. As my brain restores to a restful ..read more
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Prayer of Grief for the Losses on our Card List
Michelle L. Torigian
by mictori
1y ago
Divine Deliverer of All Greetings- As we scan the names of loved ones on our holiday card list, we ache with the absences reminded by this list. We’ve lost the aunts, uncles, cousins, old loves, and friends. As they abide with you on that side of heaven, our hearts hunger for their presence. Our breath is taken away by the sight of their names. The lights of this season is dimmed just a little more with each loss. God of All Connections, our ties with some love ones on the list have stretched and broken. They remain here on this earth, but our contact is minimal to none. Due to our falling-o ..read more
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