CEEC commissions first set of overseers
The Church of England Evangelical Council
by CEEC Contributor
1w ago
The Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC) has commissioned its first set of overseers, in a service today at All Souls Langham Place, in London. The introduction of the Ephesian Fund and Alternative Spiritual Oversight (ASO) followed the General Synod decision in November 2023 to approve the bishops’ proposals to change the position and practice of the Church of England with regards to sexual ethics and marriage, by blessing same sex couples as part of normal services. At a subsequent Synod meeting earlier this week, standalone services of blessing for same sex couples received General ..read more
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CEEC expresses deep disappointment on ‘milestone day’ as Synod approves bishops’ Living in Love and Faith proposals
The Church of England Evangelical Council
by CEEC Contributor
2w ago
The General Synod of the Church of England has approved the Living in Love and Faith proposals, brought forward by Bishop Martyn Snow, which will see standalone blessings for same sex couples taking place and a timetable agreed towards clergy same sex marriages. John Dunnett, National Director, Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC), said: “Yesterday was a milestone in that standalone services have received General Synod support and a timetable to work towards clergy same sex marriages has been endorsed. “It is deeply disappointing that despite hearing repeatedly in speeches of the ..read more
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Orthodox coalition issues warning to archbishops
The Church of England Evangelical Council
by CEEC Contributor
1M ago
The Alliance has issued a warning to the archbishops of Canterbury and York that if a further departure from the Church’s doctrine takes place, it will face no choice but to rapidly establish a ‘de-facto parallel Province’ within the Church of England and take further actions to protect and secure orthodoxy. The Alliance, a broad coalition of leaders and networks across different traditions, supported by more than 2,000 clergy within the Church of England, and of which CEEC is a part, has sent multiple letters to the bishops over the last year cautioning them against a departure from the ..read more
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CEEC welcomes orthodox bishops’ statement ahead of Synod
The Church of England Evangelical Council
by CEEC Contributor
1M ago
CEEC is grateful to the group of 11 bishops who have today published* a warning, ahead of General Synod, that the LLF proposals currently on the table would go against church doctrine, further endanger the unity of the church and by-pass proper canonical process. We commend the courage of these bishops as they write, “we are among a number of bishops unable to support the direction of travel presented to the bishops at our most recent meeting, or the proposals to be brought to General Synod later this month.” We support the assertion of this group as they state that while they support the emph ..read more
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Egypt: A CEEC perspective from John Dunnett, National Director
The Church of England Evangelical Council
by CEEC Contributor
1M ago
I have just returned from Egypt having spent just over a week at the Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches’s (GSFA) first Assembly, followed by meetings with EFAC and Anglican Orthodox Leaders. GSFA Assembly “I Will Make You As A Light To The Nations” (Isaiah 49:6) It was an amazing privilege to attend the gathering of 200 archbishops, bishops, senior leaders and lay brothers and sisters from 40 different countries. There was an incredible sense of unity amongst people from radically different cultures and backgrounds, all united in the gospel. I was humbled to hear of the courage ..read more
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‘Delegated episcopal oversight’ is not enough, says CEEC’s National Director
The Church of England Evangelical Council
by CEEC Contributor
1M ago
A lot of people have been asking for some time whether CEEC would be able to support and work with a proposal for delegated oversight – if that’s what the bishops bring to the General Synod (possibly this July) by way of provision for orthodoxy. In short – the answer has to be ‘no’ – and for several substantive reasons: A proposal for provision based on delegated oversight from orthodox bishops is treating the Prayers of Love and Faith as ‘adiaphora’ – in other words – we can agree to disagree on this (and in which case delegated oversight could be a proportionate response).However ..read more
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LLF: What ‘reassurance’ needs to deliver
The Church of England Evangelical Council
by CEEC Contributor
2M ago
“In recent weeks, I’ve had countless conversations with members of CEEC, General Synod, the Alliance and many others, and I’ve noticed widespread consensus about what the so called PLF ‘provision’ or ‘reassurance’ needs to deliver, should the House of Bishops proceed with their proposed changes regarding Living in Love and Faith. And there are several essential provisions that command widespread support. Let me highlight just three of them for you. Number one, we need to be in a part of the Church of England that has one biblical doctrine of sex and marriage. It’s just not possible to hold tw ..read more
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All welcome! …writes Christine Winmill, of Count Everyone In
The Church of England Evangelical Council
by CEEC Contributor
2M ago
Jenny* was agitated. She was at the lectern, reading from John 11 and feeling the emotion of what was coming next. “Where have you put him?” he asked. “Come and see, Lord,” they replied. As Jenny gulped and sobs ran through her body, the vicar walked over and waited silently beside her until she composed herself. The congregation sat there as if holding a corporate breath. Jenny gasped and said, “Jesus wept.” There was hardly a dry eye in church that morning.” Jenny* has Down’s Syndrome and her speech can be unclear. Church is enriched when everyone is welcome. We say that everyone is welcome ..read more
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Church leaders urge bishops to offer ‘pastoral provision’ to ordinands, as an urgent priority
The Church of England Evangelical Council
by CEEC Contributor
2M ago
Contributors at the recent Alliance day with orthodox ordinands (L to R): Vaughan Roberts, Sarah Jackson, John Dunnett and Tom Middleton   Church leaders have called on bishops in the Church of England to allow ‘pastoral provision’ for those being ordained this summer and going forwards, as an urgent priority. Church leaders, who are part of the Alliance, issued a letter to all diocesan bishops in the Church of England, following a meeting with 80 ordinands last Thursday in London. The Alliance is an informal partnership of leaders from networks within the Church of England, includin ..read more
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Leading as if you are an evangelist…Andy Mason writes
The Church of England Evangelical Council
by CEEC Contributor
3M ago
I was recently at an excellent CEEC day on evangelism. Lots of great things were shared during the day, but I was personally struck by one comment, from one of the speakers, based on 2 Tim 4:5. In short, he challenged those of us who are church leaders to ‘lead as if we were evangelists’. Of course, we may not be gifted evangelists (I’m not), nor may we even be very willing evangelists (it varies in my life). But, Paul in 2 Timothy 4:5 calls us to an act of sanctified imagination – and even temporary godly impersonation. He wants us to hold out before the ourselves ‘the work of an evangelist ..read more
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