Heart Connection
How I Live Through This
by Anne Roche
2y ago
Enrika Greathouse is passionate about using human connection and storytelling to help heart-centered entrepreneurs experience exponential growth. She is the founder of Small Gorilla Marketing, the Chief Community Advocate for the Right Company, and a Head Coach for the altMBA. Her work as a global facilitator allows her to practice the art of creating experiences that inspire hope, ignite purpose, and help people to see the wisdom they already carry.   She’s also one of my most favourite people in the world. She’s a dancer, a mom, a creative, a collaborator, a light. Because she’s honest ..read more
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Creating Trust
How I Live Through This
by Anne Roche
2y ago
In this episode, I speak with Warren Gendel and Scott Raymond about creating space – in this case, a physical space – for people to put down their fears and take a step into possibility. We talk about their fitness business here in Marin, Club Evexia, and how passion, speaking from one’s heart, and building trust are the key to creating not just a physical space but also a connective space for people to feel seen and heard.   I heard them both talk about passion, talking about what you deeply believe in, alignment, shared goals, friendliness, acknowledgment, and building trust as a way to ..read more
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Finding the Common Thread with Noel Ciminello
How I Live Through This
by Anne Roche
2y ago
Every conversation I’ve had with Noel Ciminello has contained laughter, connection, and insight. This is no exception.   Noel is a multi-faceted person. He co-founded a transportation company in Massachusetts called Yes! We Van!, but he’s also been in the banking world for 26 years and began his career designing combat control system for the Navy.   But he’s most proud of being married to his lovely wife, Debbi, and being a father of 4 children.   In this conversation we talk about how Noel uses a smile, eye contact, or laughter (sometimes all three!) to find connection with eve ..read more
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Acknowledging and Validating with Renee Waggener
How I Live Through This
by Anne Roche
2y ago
Renee Waggener inspired Season 3 of How I Live Through This. As a flight attendant for Alaska Airlines, Renee used humour and kindness to set the tone for a flight I was on. I knew I had to meet her.   We hit it off instantly talking about the transformational/energetic power of how a person shows up. Turns out, we’re both iPEC trained coaches. The difference between us? Renee uses her coaching skills not as a coach but as a way to connect to others in her job – with far reaching implications for everyone on the flight. Together we came up with the idea that giving people space to be hear ..read more
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How I Live Through This - Season 3 Trailer
How I Live Through This
by Anne Roche
2y ago
This season, Undercover Coaches, was inspired by a flight attendant I met who used her listening skills as a way to connect, calm, and create an extraordinary experience for the passengers and crew.   Our interaction made me realize that I have met a lot of people who aren’t expert listeners or trained coaches but who use empathy, curiosity, and generosity to connect and create space for other people to step into possibility. I call them undercover coaches.   People in my audience were saying, your guests are amazing but I don’t have these coaching or leadership skills. I can’t do th ..read more
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Sean Murphy: Mental Health Within Law Enforcement
How I Live Through This
by Anne Roche
2y ago
Listen to Sean Murphy, a former police dispatcher with the Boston Police Department for almost 17 years, talk about the need for mental health services within law enforcement. He shares his own insightful story of what peer support meant to him after failing to take care of his own health for years. Sean talks about how accepting support from his trusted peers – other first responders – was critical to his own survival.   What shifts when people own up to their mistakes? What shifts when we, as a culture, see greater strength in vulnerability than in bravado? And what becomes possible ins ..read more
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Jess Nowaski: Coaching Within Policing
How I Live Through This
by Anne Roche
2y ago
I first met Jessica Nowaski when I started researching the role of coaching in law enforcement.   In my arrogance, I had assumed the idea of coaching in policing was a new one. Jess shattered my illusion. She talked, as a deputy police chief, about the need for a shift in the culture of law enforcement and how she was using coaching as a tool of leadership development to do just that.   I was bowled over by what she was saying and by the realization that there were already lots of people within the industry showing up to the hard work. Change in an established industry is slow but th ..read more
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Mandell Conway: Giving Within Community
How I Live Through This
by Anne Roche
2y ago
What happens when a loving mother shows her young son the power of giving? That young boy grows up to be a deeply kind, generous giver in return. Come hear the story of Mandell Conway and his desire to bake philanthropy into the fabric of everything we do.   We talk about Mandell’s project Giving Is Like and the importance of listening in philanthropy.  He shares his stories of heart centered, intentional giving and the idea of celebrating people as a form of giving back. Everyone has the power to be a philanthropist and Mandell gives examples of how easy it can be – especially when ..read more
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Bun Lai: Purpose Within Food
How I Live Through This
by Anne Roche
2y ago
Bun Lai and I go way back – I stabbed him with my pencil in the 6th grade. Luckily, he didn’t hold it against me and agreed to come on the show to discuss food, love, and storytelling.   Bun talks about his parents – and grandparents – who defied expectations and followed their own paths and how their journeys informed his own exploration. Bun has always been an artist but was drawn to cooking in order to support his mother. Purpose driven from a young age, Bun’s journey as a chef started out of love for his mother, yet evolved and thrived as he took on the role as head chef at Miya’s – t ..read more
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Teresa Goines - Gold Within Youth
How I Live Through This
by Anne Roche
2y ago
I’m excited to start off Season 2 with Teresa Goines. Everything Teresa talks about – acting from love, standing in community, taking small steps, and letting go of the outcome – shows up in every interview I did this season. These amazing people are proof that every person has the power to make a difference.   At 19, a waitress in a small diner, Teresa swore she’d never end up owning a restaurant. Today, Teresa is the founder and CEO of Old Skool Cafe, a jazz-themed supper club run by at risk youth in San Francisco.   How did she get there? Listen to Teresa talk about how her next j ..read more
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