Debunking Two Common Myths About Prenatal Exercise
Active Mom Fitness Blog
by Ashley Reid
3M ago
If you’re pregnant and looking to stay physically active, you’ve probably come across a lot of information about exercise during pregnancy, some of which can be confusing or even misleading. In this article, we'll focus on two of the most common misconceptions that frequently appear in searches and provide you with accurate, up-to-date information based on guidelines from the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG).   Misconception #1: "You shouldn't start exercising if you weren't active before pregnancy" One of the m more
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Outdoor Exercise for Postpartum Moms: 3 Things to Consider
Active Mom Fitness Blog
by Ashley Reid
5M ago
Giving birth can put incredible strain on a woman's mind and physique, resulting in changes that may make it difficult to feel connected with your body. Fortunately, readjusting to exercise can help you restore muscle strength, promote healthy weight management, and raise energy levels.  These benefits can be increased, as well, when you choose to transfer your workouts outside. That's because research shows that outdoor exercise can provide a significant, positive impact on your mental health postpartum, especially when it comes to dealing with stress and anxiety. However, you might feel more
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The Rise of the Active Mom Movement
Active Mom Fitness Blog
by Ashley Reid
5M ago
If you're reading this, chances are you're part of the powerful movement of moms committed to exercising through pregnancy and beyond. You should feel empowered and proud to be part of this growing revolution. I recently presented at a global conference for the fitness industry and shared information on trends, challenges, and opportunities. I thought you might be interested to see what’s happening in Mom Fitness too!   A Glimpse at Mom Fitness Today I’ve been fortunate to witness just how many moms are prioritizing physical activity and fitness during and after pregnancy. At Active Mom more
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How To Start Working Out: Framework for Moms
Active Mom Fitness Blog
by Ashley Reid
8M ago
Whether you’re pregnant and want to begin exercising to have a more comfortable pregnancy or a new mom ready to focus on fitness again, with all of the apps and internet clutter it can be hard to figure out where to begin. That is why I’m sharing the method I developed and have used with hundreds of moms and moms-to-be. It’s called Core, Function & Fitness (CFF). CFF is an approach. It’s a strategy. It’s a guide to help you determine where to begin your fitness journey and a framework to help you prioritize what to focus on during your workouts. Whether you’re pregnant and want to begin e more
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Taking Care of Your Pelvic Floor During Exercise
Active Mom Fitness Blog
by Ashley Reid
10M ago
You may not have known anything about pelvic floor muscles until pregnancy or after having a baby. Most likely, you’ve heard two things 1) you should do kegels to strengthen them, and 2) problems with these muscles can cause incontinence.  Those two things are a good start, but I’d love to provide you with a bit more education so that you feel empowered to care for these muscles and/or continue to exercise if you’re dealing with pelvic floor muscle dysfunction. In this post, we’ll talk about where the pelvic floor muscles are located and their function, common problems that can occur, and more
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Designing a Personalized Fitness Plan
Active Mom Fitness Blog
by Ashley Reid
11M ago
Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing so many apps like Nike and Peloton offer prenatal and postpartum workouts. However, the downside is that most moms will jump around to different workouts and won’t “personalize” their exercise program. When I talk about a personalized workout plan, I’m referring to developing and following an exercise regimen specifically for you. This doesn’t mean you have to work with a personal trainer or that every exercise session needs to be planned specifically for you, however, that is the ultimate way to make sure you have a customized exercise plan.  Personaliz more
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Exercising with Diastasis Recti - Four Tips for Moms
Active Mom Fitness Blog
by Ashley Reid
11M ago
The physical changes to your body during pregnancy don't immediately disappear postpartum. One common change is diastasis recti abdominis (DRA), also known as abdominal separation. While this might sound intimidating, it's essential to recognize that DRA is a natural part of pregnancy in order to make room for your growing baby. It's also important to note that if you have abdominal separation, with the right guidance, you can regain core strength and confidence, and return to physical activity and exercise. Understanding Diastasis Recti: Diastasis recti, or abdominal separation, occurs as the more
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Apply Four Blue Zone Secrets to Motherhood
Active Mom Fitness Blog
by Ashley Reid
11M ago
For moms, living a long healthy life means seeing our kids grow up and witnessing who they become. In areas called Blue Zones, certain lifestyle habits help residents live to 90, 100, or beyond. Genetics plays a role, but researchers have found it’s our daily behaviors and environment that play a bigger role. So what can moms learn from the Blue Zones in order to live a long happy and healthy life with our children? Plant-based Isn’t a Fad In Blue Zones people are eating minimally processed, plant-based foods like fruits, beans, vegetables, and whole grains. Note, that these are not the proces more
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Exercise Better Than Dieting for Belly Fat Loss
Active Mom Fitness Blog
by Ashley Reid
1y ago
Belly fat is something many of us struggle with, especially after pregnancy and going into menopause. The fat stored during pregnancy and the change in estrogen is responsible for fat distribution to your abdomen. And while watching what you eat is essential, a recent research review shows exercise may be even more effective for specifically targeting visceral fat. Visceral fat is the fat that wraps around organs deep in your abdomen. This type of fat increases your risks for things like heart disease and diabetes. So losing it is good for your health.    Photo by Andres Ayrton more
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Concerned About Postpartum Obesity?
Active Mom Fitness Blog
by Ashley Reid
1y ago
Guest post Weight gain is to be expected when you become pregnant. As your baby grows, your body goes through changes to support and make room for new life. This includes the development of the placenta, amniotic fluid, increased blood volume, and some fat stores. All of this is necessary for your health and the health of your baby. However, there are some cases where weight gain during pregnancy can become dangerous. Postpartum obesity is excess weight retention after childbirth and can be the result of a variety of factors such as diet, hormones, lack of exercise, genetics, and lifestyl more
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