Moments Condoms Blog
At Moments, we believe that women should feel confident purchasing condoms and have no hesitation when deciding to make the good times, safe times. But our true passion and reason for being are to empower women to celebrate and protect their sexual health.
Moments Condoms Blog
2y ago
Tis’ the season! It is time to be jolly. After the winter period, there is no better time of year than the festive season. But with the Christmas parties, family gatherings and all the running around to get organised, sometimes our sex life can suffer.
NOT anymore!! Make sure you take the time to schedule date night with your partner, but instead of being nice this Christmas, let’s get a bit naughty and spice things up.
After all, it will be silly not to start 2020 off with a BANG…
So here at Moments, we have created the seven best ways to spice up your sex life this Christmas – after all ..read more
Moments Condoms Blog
2y ago
PRESS RELEASE – Leading the way in female empowerment
Australian condom brand, Moments Condoms, has announced an official partnership with non-for-profit organisation, GRLKND . The partnership is vital in helping make education around female empowerment and smart and strong choices when it comes to sexual health more accessible, relatable and digestible.
GRLKND is a world’s first holistic self-growth education community created and curated specifically for young, developing females, written by a young female, backed by experts.
“We share very similar values and brand goals as GRLKN ..read more
Moments Condoms Blog
2y ago
Here at Moments, we believe that sex should be about pleasure. Your pleasure. Which is why we’ve invited Australia’s leading Sexologist Isiah McKimmie to share her tips on pleasure, dating and having epic orgasms.
I adore my hairdresser. At every appointment he has 3 very important questions for me.
How are you?
How’s your sex life?
Are you having great orgasms?
If only we could all talk about sex as openly as this. Sex is a part of life, but that doesn’t mean it comes naturally (pardon the pun). Sex is a skill we learn, but most of us get a pretty rubbish education around it. The sex e ..read more
Moments Condoms Blog
2y ago
Are condoms effective? Are they always necessary? What is the correct way to put one on? Only two species on the face of the earth have sex for pleasure – humans, and dolphins! Well, dolphins have limited options for contraception but humans are blessed with funky, textured and innovative condoms!
Condoms are worn by men during sexual intercourse to prevent unwanted pregnancies and Sexually Transmitted Infections. They are the third most popular choice of contraception amongst men and women after female sterilization (29.5%) and oral contraception pills (28.5%). Condoms are one of the most ef ..read more
Moments Condoms Blog
2y ago
When actress and celebrity Alyssa Milano tweeted on urging people to reply with a “me too” if they have been sexually assaulted or harassed, many women followed suit and spoke their hearts out. What started with the Harvey Weinstein scandal at the Oscars, gradually became a global trend in which women across the globe gained confidence and courage to speak out about their own experiences.
Oprah Winfrey commented:
“What I know for sure is that speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have. And I’m especially proud and inspired by all the women who have felt strong enough and ..read more
Moments Condoms Blog
2y ago
“Dating has taught me what I want and don’t want, who I am, and who I want to be” — Jennifer Love Hewitt
In a world that constantly tries to undermine our decision-making capacities, contemplating a tryst with potential lovers can be a tough one to beat. We do believe in the majestic power of scintillating feelings and stirred up endorphins, but Moments will be there to put your needs and safety above a fleeting romance or a lasting affair. If we don’t look out for each other, ladies, who will?
It would be a lie of crazy proportions if we said first dates are supposed to be a breeze. Ever ..read more
Moments Condoms Blog
2y ago
“Like you’re getting a massage while wearing a winter coat.” That’s the analogy comedian Ari Shaffir once used to describe wearing condoms, playfully jesting in the same stand-up set that men shouldn’t always have to wear them. And Shaffir’s obviously not the first guy to try and get out of using barrier protection.
The “but I can’t feel anything when I wear one/I can’t orgasm with a condom on” is a common trope among men who attempt to guilt their sexual partners into going bareback.
It’s also becoming worryingly widespread.
According to the latest data from the National Debrief S ..read more
Moments Condoms Blog
2y ago
MEDIA RELEASE 23 October 2022: Multinational organisation Coral Healthcare have committed to a partnership with charity World Youth International to provide hundreds of students within Kenya access to sexual health education workshops.
Coral Healthcare manufacture latex condoms, ultrasound probe covers and nitrile examination gloves, sterile gloves and ultrasound gel, aspire to have a profound and positive impact on sexual health, relationships and families in all the communities they serve. Previously they have worked with Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation (South Africa) and International AID ..read more
Moments Condoms Blog
2y ago
Here at Moments, we think it’s better to talk candidly about sex and partners and protection. We believe it’s better to get these things out in the open and have a frank chat about the issues facing Australian women – such as our sexual health.
Because when it comes to sexual health, women in Australia are still uncomfortable talking about it or taking proper care of themselves.
A psychologist, personal trainer, TV presenter, and self-confessed health nut, Leanne Hall is on a mission to get as many of us as possible to prioritise and value our health, especially when it comes to sexual health ..read more
Moments Condoms Blog
2y ago
Have you ever found that you can’t stop thinking during sex? Pleasure and Confidence.
It’s distracting.
And it stops us enjoying ourselves fully.
Many folks share with me that they wish they could relax and ‘let go’ during sex.
They feel like they’re holding themselves back during intimacy, are stuck in their head and that they struggle to just ‘let go’ and really enjoy themselves.
We can worry about how our body looks and what our lover is thinking about it.
We can be thinking about our performance and wonder if we’re doing the ‘right things’.
We can be worried about falling pregnant or ‘c ..read more