Nifty 50 Fabulous
My name is Regan and I am a Certified Christian Image Consultant and Fashion, Beauty, and Lifestyle Influencer for Women Over 50. Join me on my journey as I rediscover fashion and beauty- working hard to live the best life ever!
Nifty 50 Fabulous
2y ago
Today’s Topic is Preparing To Be First Time Grandparent. I am going to be a Mimi! My tennis gals told me years ago that it is best that I pick out my “grandmother name” early on, even before my first grandchild arrives. So I have been Mimi to my granddogs for years, but now I have a new granddaughter due at the end of October. Oh, and Dan is going to be… Daddy Dan.
Preparing To Be First Time Grandparent Preparing To Be First Time Grandparent
We are so excited for my son, Matt, and his wife, Emily on the impending arrival of their first child, a daughter, Leighton Anne. After the news that I wa ..read more
Nifty 50 Fabulous
2y ago
Hello, Darlings! Today’s Topic is Fall Trends- Hit Or Miss. I took the summer off from blogging to take care of home life. My husband had hip replacement surgery and although he did great, I needed to concentrate on his care. So basically, I have been homebound for most of the summer.
But as we are heading into fall, it is time to start thinking about fall fashions. The weather here is hot and humid (very, very humid) so “Sweater Weather” is still a couple of months away. I will use this time to do a closet check so I will be ready when the weather turns cooler.
Fall Trends – Hit Or Miss Not A ..read more
Nifty 50 Fabulous
2y ago
Hello, Darlings! Today’s topic is What To Wear To Spring Wedding In Atlanta. It is Wedding Season! The number of weddings this year is off the charts. So many people put off their weddings or are just now having a formal wedding (but already married) due to Covid issues. My husband and I were invited to a Saturday evening wedding in Atlanta, the invitation indicated the dress attire was a cocktail.
With everything else getting so much more casual, it is great to have the opportunity to “dress up” for an evening. Over the years I have been collecting items to have on hand for more formal/cockta ..read more
Nifty 50 Fabulous
2y ago
Hello, Darlings! Today’s topic is Updating My Guest Bedroom. I have been slowly updating rooms in my house. Making them lighter and brighter, less fussy, and more functional for my empty nest lifestyle. After my son and daughter-in-law stayed in my guest bedroom, I realized it was time for an update. So I turned to my favorite online, e-designer, Homzie Designs to create my updated guest bedroom.
Working With Online Interior Designer
I have had some bad interior designer experiences. Expense, overpriced items that I did not like but felt pressured into buying. But at the same time, decorating ..read more
Nifty 50 Fabulous
2y ago
Hello, Darlings! Today’s topic is the Power Of Prints. Prints are hard, but if you get them right they become workhorses in your wardrobe. Print can minimize or maximize. Which print you pick out and where you put it on your body is key. But remember, knowing your BEST colors, body type, personal style, and lifestyle are key. Our goal is to have a smaller wardrobe that we love and can mix and match.
With swimsuit season just around the corner, I went to Lands’ End website for lots of examples of how you can use color. Lands’ End is my favorite retailer for swimsuits. Their swimsuits are well m ..read more
Nifty 50 Fabulous
2y ago
Hello, Darlings! Today I am going to show you my Spring Shopping! I have been very intentional with my purchases. After purging my closet, I have a list of things to shop for. My list is not too long because many of the items in my wardrobe are in good repair and fit me well.
Spring Shopping! Spring Shopping- Updating My Luggage
I do not go on many trips and most of my luggage is in good repair, but my weekend bag was out of date and in poor condition. My old weekend duffle was a patterned Vera Bradley bag and I wanted something different. I fell in LOVE with the Oliver Thomas line of luggage ..read more
Nifty 50 Fabulous
2y ago
Hello, Darlings! Part 2 in my series on prints, today’s topic is Choosing A Print- Think Level Of Contrast. Are you drawn towards certain prints and find that for some reason they don’t work on you? I have had this problem and have made many mistakes that end up being unworn clothing just taking up real estate in my closet.
Choosing A Print- Think Level Of Contrast First- Know Your Dominant Color Code
Some people know what colors look good on them. Many have even been color analyzed in a tonal or seasonal color system. I have learned that even though I have been seasonal analyzed as a Winter ..read more