Pinoy Dog Mom
Pinoy Dog Mom is a blog managed and owned by myself, Ton Reyes, a writer who has lived her entire life with dogs. In creating this blog, she aims to share knowledge and insights from her years as a dog owner, especially of miniature schnauzers.
Pinoy Dog Mom
5M ago
There are now many pain management options available for dogs in the Philippines. Ask for veterinarian what could help your dog ..read more
Pinoy Dog Mom
1y ago
I’m proud to announce that we have two new family members, Pumba and Simba!
Last July, we found these two puppies in a vacant lot behind our house one rainy evening. Despite the deafening sound of the rain, we could hear their plaintive cries. So we set out into the night to find these creatures in distress. There, in a box beneath a makeshift shelter, were two tiny brown puppies, flea-infested and thin but otherwise hungry and energetic. Piecing together neighbors’ accounts, they were the only surviving puppies of a stray dog who we have occasionally fed (and who will be the subject of anothe ..read more
Pinoy Dog Mom
1y ago
Contributed by ireview.ph
Whether dogs develop feelings such as love is scientifically disputed. For you, as a person who deals with dogs, such a question as whether your four-legged friend has feelings or not will not arise. All living beings are capable of experiencing emotions such as fear, joy, affection, or disgust.
How do you understand that a dog loves you?
It’s a pity that a dog can’t tell us “I love you.” If our four-legged friends could talk, you wouldn’t have to wonder if your dog loves you. But with the help of “body language” and behavioral characteristics, dogs are quite capable ..read more
Pinoy Dog Mom
1y ago
Have you ever been asked to co-own a dog? If you bought a dog or have used the services of a stud from a show breeder, chances are you’ve encountered this. You may have also seen pedigrees listing multiple owners.
Defining dog co-ownership
What exactly does co-ownership mean? The truth is that there is no single formula for co-ownership, and it is up to the prospective owners to define the terms of this arrangement. For some, co-ownership could simply be something on paper – meaning, the dog lives with one of the co-owners, who is entirely responsible for the dog. For others, co-ownershi ..read more
Pinoy Dog Mom
2y ago
Last month, we had to put our girl Kendra to sleep. It was a dignified, painless, and quick way to end her pains caused by a very aggressive cancer.
If there was anything difficult about the process of euthanasia, it was getting our family to come to the decision. Kendra’s cancer came to us as a total shock. We had simply thought she was gaining weight, but her tummy seemed to be a tad too hard. A vet check revealed a mass that was too large to be excised, and had clearly metastasized. The vet opined that chemotherapy would most likely not have any effect on it. We were advised to just k ..read more
Pinoy Dog Mom
2y ago
After a five-year break, I returned to the show ring during the Philippine Circuit 2023, touted as Asia’s largest dog show, and I’m so glad I did. Our dog Willie (Thai Champion Plasma MS Whirlaway) emerged as a Philippine Grand Champion, taking Best of Breed six times and Best Opposite Sex three times. He even managed to bag two group wins in the fiercely competitive molossoid and schnauzer/pinscher group (better known as Group 2), holding his own against larger opponents such as the Doberman, Boxer, Rottweiler, Bull Mastiff, Bulldog, Giant Schnauzer, Standard Schnauzer, and Great Dane.
Honest ..read more
Pinoy Dog Mom
2y ago
Several dog parks have sprung across Metro Manila in the past year – a good indication that the pet community is thriving in the country. Alongside this, most malls are now positioning themselves to be dog-friendly and have started accepting dogs in their premises.
While I am overjoyed seeing dogs accompanying their humans in their daily activities, I must admit that there have been instances when I have been annoyed not by the dogs, but by their humans who do not seem to know simple etiquette when taking dogs to public places.
Let’s face it, there are still a lot of people out there who ..read more
Pinoy Dog Mom
2y ago
Our guest writer Micah Coyle shares her tips on safely transitioning to a new diet for your dog. Micah is the founder of K9 Rocks, whose mission of thinking is: What’s in it for the dog? A dog also has a soul, and its life also has high value.
There are several ways to introduce new food choices to a dog. Start from selecting the right food to initiating gradual changes and making meals more appealing to provide your dog’s best choices. The acceptable way to introduce new foods to your dog is by adding a new choice to their regular diet. This will help make the transition as smoot ..read more
Pinoy Dog Mom
2y ago
Dogs love to chew. Having inveterate chewers in my pack, I’ve always struggled with finding the right type of chew that my dogs would love. Although there are many options out there, the best ones are either too cumbersome to prepare, too expensive, or too difficult to acquire.
Recently, I was introduced to Pedigree’s Good Chews — a rawhide-free treat made from beef collagen. My dogs loved its texture — it was soft enough to chew without breaking teeth, but it was also tough and lasted quite sometime, which was good. It comes in different sizes. My aspins had the large one, while the schnauzer ..read more
Pinoy Dog Mom
2y ago
Until recently, I never knew that dogs can get senile. While I’ve seen old dogs get slower and sleepier, this is my first time to witness my dog’s cognitive decline.
Three of my dogs are in the 14 -15 year old range, and one of them has been showing signs of anxiety, confusion, and restlessness – the only one among my geriatrics and seniors to exhibit such symptoms. He has a bad hip and despite medications, is unable to go down the stairs, limiting him to the second floor of our home.
Whenever we are on the first floor, he whines and barks non-stop, not stopping until we all make our way ..read more