Why AMH Is The Wrong Biomarker To Focus On and What To Do Instead To Get Pregnant This Year
Get Pregnant Naturally
by Sarah Clark
2d ago
We’re digging into what you need to know if you have low AMH and want to get pregnant this year. Most people I speak with have their AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone) biomarker memorized. A low result can have you feeling confused and panicked about your next steps. But what if we are focusing on the wrong biomarker? After all, AMH does not predict egg quality or your body’s ability to get pregnant naturally. It’s a marker of your ovarian reserve and does not determine your ability to get pregnant. We’ve helped women with AMH as low as 0.02 ng/ML get pregnant naturally. So, what can you do to get p ..read more
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What Your Menstrual Cycle Is Telling You About Your Fertility and How To Regulate Your Cycle with Lisa Hendrickson-Jack
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by Sarah Clark, Lisa Hendrickson-Jack
1w ago
We’re digging into period health and how to regulate your menstrual cycle. A healthy menstrual cycle is essential for optimal fertility. Many of us are dealing with heavy cycles, light cycles, irregular cycles, anovulation, or amenorrhea. What are our periods telling us about our fertility? And how do we regulate our cycles to improve pregnancy success? Lisa Hendrickson-Jack is a certified Fertility Awareness Educator and Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner who teaches women to chart their menstrual cycles for natural birth control, conception, and monitoring overall health. She is co-au ..read more
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What Foods To Eat Right Now If You Have Low AMH and/or High FSH
Get Pregnant Naturally
by Sarah Clark
2w ago
We're digging into how the elimination diet can improve pregnancy success. A theme we see with low AMH and/or high FSH is food sensitivities. I know you’ve already made dietary changes. Maybe you took out gluten and dairy and didn’t even notice a difference. So, you kept eating them. But you’re still struggling to conceive. If you didn’t notice any symptoms, you could still have underlying inflammation, which may be why it’s not working. However, if you have an immediate reaction to a food, such as gas, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea, you know for sure that the food is not right for your ..read more
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How To Recharge Your Libido (And Your Partner’s) To Improve Fertility with Dr. Deb Matthew
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by Sarah Clark, Dr. Deb Matthew
3w ago
We’re digging into how to improve your libido when you are TTC. When you’re on the fertility journey, your focus may be on babymaking rather than lovemaking, with intimacy feeling more like a chore rather than experiencing true connection. Or what if your libido has been impacted, and you don’t even want to have sex? But you’re trying to conceive, and you have no idea how to reclaim the passion and pleasure that lovemaking once had for you. Either way, this journey can be hard on a couple. How can you improve intimacy and recharge your libido (for both you and your partner) as you prepare for ..read more
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If You’ve Read It Starts With the Egg, What’s Next?
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by Sarah Clark, Brandy Buskow
1M ago
We’re digging into what to do after you’ve read It Starts With The Egg. Most people on the fertility journey have read It Starts with the Egg by Rebecca Fett. It has become the bible for egg health and the fertility community. The well-researched book includes actionable steps for diet, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations. However, the advice does skew towards IVF preparation rather than getting pregnant naturally. What if you’ve already made all the changes in the book, but it still hasn’t worked? Let’s break down the generalized guidelines in the book and how to personalize the suggest ..read more
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Ozempic Babies: Weight Loss Drugs And The Impact On Fertility with Betty Murray
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by Sarah Clark, Betty Murray
1M ago
We’re digging into the impact of using Ozempic when you are TTC. Ozempic, a drug used to treat diabetes, is getting a lot of attention as celebrities have described using it to lose a lot of weight in short time frames. Search “Ozempic babies” on TikTok and you’ll see quite a few videos declaring surprise pregnancies (Ozempic also reduces the efficacy of oral birth control). You may have been told to lose weight to get pregnant or for IVF. Today, we discuss the pros and cons of Ozempic and similar GLP-1 agonists and what you need to know if you are TTC. I’m excited to welcome Betty Murray to t ..read more
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Why A Mineral Deficiency Matters When You Are Trying To Conceive with Terra Vitiello
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by Sarah Clark, Terra Vitiello
1M ago
We’re digging into what mineral levels mean for your fertility. Minerals are the body's spark plugs and are essential for reproductive health. But poor diet, alcohol, medications, and stress can deplete your vital mineral stores. So, if you have brittle hair/nails, mouth ulcers/cracks in the corners of your lips, bleeding gums, poor night vision, dandruff, fatigue, weakness, red bumps on the skin, restless leg syndrome, dry skin, or hair loss (frankly, the list goes on…) there may be a mineral deficiency. The right balance of minerals in our body is essential for optimal health. I know you’ve ..read more
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Essential Tests To Optimize Preconception Health (That Your Doctor Won't Tell You About) with Alexandria DeVito
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by Sarah Clark, Alexandria DeVito
1M ago
We're digging into the essential testing needed for preconception health. It may feel overwhelming when you are trying to conceive with all the contradictory advice out there. But what if your doctor is missing critical testing that can fast-track your chances of pregnancy success? It’s not about waiting until you’ve tried for more than one year if you’re under 35 or six months if you’re over 35. That’s outdated advice that only keeps you stuck. It’s about taking charge of your health now to optimize preconception health and get pregnant. So, what tests will help you understand your reproducti ..read more
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How To Increase AMH Levels Naturally Before Starting IVF
Get Pregnant Naturally
by Sarah Clark
2M ago
We’re digging into how to know if IVF is the next step if you have low AMH/high FSH. Most of us focus on the AMH and FSH levels. After all, your REI may have told you that IVF is your only hope. But what if there was a proven method to naturally improve AMH and FSH levels? A method that, when followed, dramatically increases pregnancy success with your own eggs. What we see with low AMH and/or high FSH when a couple selects IVF (without making targeted diet/lifestyle changes) is cancelled cycles, poor response to medications, poor embryo quality, and miscarriages. Couples share these stories w ..read more
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Top Tips To Improve Pregnancy Success in the 40s
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by Sarah Clark, Katy Bradbury
2M ago
We’re digging into how to improve pregnancy success over 40. Getting pregnant over 40 may have you feeling panicked. After all, the fertility industry tells us our fertility falls off a cliff after 40. While we can’t ignore that fertility declines with age, there are specific steps you can take to improve egg quality in your 40s. Let’s discuss how to improve egg quality and reduce pregnancy loss when you’re TTC in your 40s. Katy Bradbury is a registered nurse and nutritional therapist and is part of my team at Fab Fertile. She is an integral part of our Couples Coaching program, which uses fun ..read more
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