Yield Farming Blog
Learn how you can 10x your portfolio with cryptocurrency yield farming. The Yield Farming University is a first-of-its-kind program designed to guide students through the world of DEFI and yield farming. With over 16 hours of content and a ravenous community, we are arming students from around the world with the knowledge needed to construct their own optimized DeFi strategies.
Yield Farming Blog
3M ago
Yesterday, we provided a brief introduction to $PUFFER — our governance token for all Puffer products and services, as well as the vePUFFER Governance Mechanism. As we march towards our TGE, we would now like to provide an in-depth look at the $PUFFER tokenomics, the vesting and distribution ..read more
Yield Farming Blog
2y ago
This article originated from a post inside the private Mastermind at YieldFarming.com. Our head coach wrote it for all its members in bear market times like these. If you haven’t heard about Coach Zack, you’re in for a ride. So strap in, get ready and enjoy.
Bear and bull markets are just like summer and winter. They're inevitable but give you a massive opportunity to set yourself up for success when the next season comes.
In early 2020, during my second year of investing in the stock market, I was on top of the world.
My portfolio was up 800%.
I thought to myself, “Warren Buffet who?”
Until ..read more
Yield Farming Blog
2y ago
Stablecoins are often seen as a financial “cheat code” as they give you exposure to the lucrative opportunities of cryptocurrencies. But without having to make any uneducated bets or participate in the traditional “risky” games of crypto.
Stablecoins are tokens pegged to another currency, fiat, or financial instrument, and are often seen as the backbone of Decentralized Finance (DeFi).
These coins serve as the link between cryptocurrencies and real-world currencies. They’re referred to as “stable” simply because they don’t experience high volatility. They’re pegged to a fiat currency, usually ..read more
Yield Farming Blog
2y ago
Portfolio allocations are some of the most crucial decisions a yield farmer will make. Don't let yours be an expensive afterthought.
In this post, we’re walking you through the thought process expert Yield Farmers use to make their plan of action for farming the rest of 2022. We’re going to look at token allocations, blockchain choices, and other factors involved in successful Yield Farming.
Investment plans are unique to each investor, but the goal is always the same: to give you a viable strategy and help you make the most profitable decisions long term.
The steps for building a yield farmi ..read more
Yield Farming Blog
2y ago
David Malka, the co-founder of YieldFarming.com, profited millions playing professional poker prior to starting his $500million AUM vacation rental fund. After exiting in 2019, he turned full time Yield Farmer, often educating his vast network on the world of DeFi.
The requirements for long-term success in poker and crypto are astonishingly similar. But there is no need to play an infinite amount of hands of Texas Holdem to profit from the lessons.
Here are 7 ways to be successful in crypto long-term and outperform the market as if you’re holding a royal flush at the poker table:
1. You’ll Ne ..read more
Yield Farming Blog
2y ago
Crypto provides a plethora of opportunities to make incredible sums of money with just an internet connection and a few clicks of a button.
And right now, Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is revolutionizing the entire financial system.
For the first time in history, the average person holds the power of their financial instruments outside of companies’ and governments’ control.
This is the money playground where most central banks are NOT allowed to legally participate.
It’s also growing into one of the biggest financial opportunities of the century for the average person.
It’s how the crypto sav ..read more
Yield Farming Blog
2y ago
Business tycoons, high-level poker players, and crypto billionaires all share one successful trait; they make decisions like a professional.
It’s necessary when facing difficult choices in high-pressure environments.
Unlike “amateurs,” high-performing individuals tend to follow a unique mental model for high ROI decisions long-term.
It’s the concept of Expected Value (EV).
This way of thinking applies to financial investing, crypto, or any major decision to get the most favorable outcome in life.
What is Expected Value?
Our life decisions often come with uncertainty and various possibilities ..read more